For the purpose and provision of this chapter, the City of Colby,
Clark and Marathon Counties, is hereby organized into the following
One-Family and Two-Family Residential District
Multiple-Family Residential District
General Commercial District
Light Industrial District
General Industrial District
Conservancy District
Urban Transitional District
General Light Industrial District
When uncertainty exists with respect to the boundaries of the
various districts as shown on the Zoning Maps, the following rules
shall apply:
A. District boundary lines are either the center lines of railroads,
highways, streets, alleys or easements, or the boundary lines of sections,
quarter-sections, divisions of sections, tracts or lots, or such lines
extended, unless otherwise indicated.
B. In areas not subdivided into lots and blocks, wherever a district
is indicated as a strip adjacent to and paralleling a street or highway,
the depth of such strips shall be in accordance with the dimensions
shown on the maps measured at right angles from the center line of
the street or highway, and the length of frontage shall be in accordance
with dimensions shown on the map from section, quarter-section or
division lines, or center lines of streets, highways or railroad rights-of-way
unless otherwise indicated.
C. Where a lot held in one ownership and of record on the effective
date of this chapter is divided by a district boundary line, the entire
lot shall be construed to be within the less-restricted district,
provided that this constriction shall not apply if it increases the
less-restricted frontage of the lot by more than 25 feet.
All streets, alleys, public ways, waterways and railroad rights-of-way,
if not otherwise specifically designated, shall be deemed to be in
the same zone as the property immediately abutting upon such alleys,
streets, public ways, waterways and railroad rights-of-way. Where
the center serves as a district boundary, the zoning of such areas,
unless otherwise specifically designated, shall be deemed to be the
same as that of the abutting property up to such center line.
The general purposes of residential districts under this chapter
A. To protect residential areas against fire, explosion, noxious fumes,
offensive noise, smoke, vibrations, dust, odors, heat, glare and objectionable
B. To protect residential areas against unduly heavy motor vehicle traffic,
especially through traffic control, and to minimize congestion by
promoting off-street parking.
C. To protect the public health and comfort against undue congestion
of public streets and other public facilities by controlling the density
of population through regulation of bulk of buildings.
D. To protect and promote the public health and comfort by providing
for ample light and air to buildings and windows thereof.
E. To promote public comfort and welfare by providing for usable open
space on the same zoning lot with residential development.
F. To provide sufficient space in appropriate locations to meet the
probable need for future residential expansion and for necessary and
desirable development, and to protect the value of land and improvements
and so enhance the economic base of the City of Colby.
G. To preserve among others the following: suitable locations for single-family,
two-family and multiple dwellings at a reasonable range of densities,
provided that they meet sound standards of public health and safety;
to ensure adequate light, air, privacy and open space for each dwelling
unit; to minimize traffic congestion and to avoid overloading of utilities
by preventing the construction of buildings of excessive size in relation
to the land around them; to provide off-street parking and loading