[HISTORY: Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Colby 10-5-1995 as Title 13, Ch. 3, of the 1995 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Territory annexed. The territory described as follows:
All that part of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter (SW 1/4-SE 1/4) of Section 12, Township 28 North, Range 1 East, City of Colby, Clark County, Wisconsin, to-wit:
Commencing at the Southwest corner of the SE 1/4 of said Section, thence North 0° 22’ West along the west line of said SE 1/4, 180.00 feet, thence North 89° 24’ East, parallel to the south line of said Section, 33.00 feet to the east line of North Seventh Street and the point of beginning; thence North 0° 22’ West along the east line of North Seventh Street, 216.00 feet; thence North 89° 24’ East, parallel to the south line of said Section, 400.00 feet; thence North 0° 22’ West parallel to the east line of North Seventh Street, 300.00 feet; thence South 89° 24’ West parallel to the south line of said Section, 400.00 feet to the east line of North Seventh Street; thence North 0° 22’ West, along the east line of North Seventh Street, 216.00 feet; thence North 89° 24’ East, parallel to the south line of said Section, 991.00 feet; thence South 0° 22’ East, parallel to the east line of North Seventh Street, 732.00 feet; thence South 89° 24’ West, parallel to the south line of said Section, 991.00 feet to the point of beginning, except territory previously annexed by the City of Colby Ordinance No. 185, effective September 10, 1970, which may be encompassed in the above description, and including all roadways and highways adjoining the above described premises not specifically included in the legal description hereinabove stated, be and the same is hereby annexed to the City of Colby, Clark and Marathon Counties, Wisconsin, pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 66.021(12), Wis. Stats.
Effect of annexation. After the annexation provided for herein of the territory described in Subsection A, said territory shall be exempt from further taxation and assessment in the Town of Colby and be subject to taxation and assessment as a part of the City of Colby for any and all purposes provided by law.
Ward designation. Said territory described in Subsection A be, and hereby is made a part of the third Ward of the City of Colby, and shall be subject to the laws, regulations and ordinances governing said ward and City, and said ward is hereby extended so as to include the territory herein annexed to said ward.
Territory annexed. The territory described as follows:
A part of the south half of the Southwest quarter (S 1/2-SW 1/4) of Section 12, Township 28 North, Range 1 East, Clark County, Wisconsin described as follows:
Commencing at the Southeast corner of the south half of the Southwest quarter (S 1/2-SW 1/4), thence north along the east line of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter (SE 1/4-SW 1/4), a distance of 287 feet to the point of beginning; thence from this point of beginning, west parallel to the south line of Section 12, 183 feet, thence north parallel to the east line of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter (SE 1/4-SW 1/4), a distance of 400 feet, thence east 183 feet, thence south to the point of beginning, and including all roadways and highways adjoining the above described premises not specifically included in the legal description hereinabove stated, be and the same is hereby annexed to the City of Colby, Clark and Marathon Counties, Wisconsin, pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 66.021(12), Wis. Stats.
Effect of annexation. After the annexation provided for herein of the territory described in Subsection A, said territory shall be exempt from further taxation and assessment in the Town of Colby and be subject to taxation and assessment as a part of the City of Colby for any and all purposes provided by law.
Ward designation. Said territory described in Subsection A be, and hereby is made a part of the Third Ward of the City of Colby, and shall be subject to the laws, regulations and ordinances governing said ward and City, and said ward is hereby extended so as to include the territory herein annexed to said ward.
Territory annexed. The territory described as follows:
That part of the west 1/2 of the south 1/2 of the Southwest fractional quarter (SW fr’l 1/4) of Section 7, Township 28 North, Range 2 East, described as follows:
Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Section 7, thence east on the south line of Section 7, 116 feet to the east right-of-way line of State Trunk Highway “13”, thence north on the east right-of-way line of State Trunk Highway “13”, 275 feet to the point of beginning; thence east parallel with the south line of Section 7, 250 feet; thence north parallel with the west line of Section 7, 200 feet; thence west parallel with the south line of Section 7 to the east right-of-way line of State Trunk Highway “13”; thence south along the east right-of-way line of State Trunk Highway “13” to the point of beginning, subject to all utility easements, including all roadways adjacent thereto not previously annexed to the City, be and the same is hereby annexed to the City of Colby, Clark and Marathon Counties, Wisconsin, pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 66.021(12), Wis. Stats.
Effect of annexation. After the annexation provided for herein of the territory described in Subsection A, said territory shall be exempt from further taxation and assessment in the Town of Hull and be subject to taxation and assessment as a part of the City of Colby for any and all purposes provided by law.
Ward description. Said territory described in Section 1 of this ordinance of this chapter be, and hereby is made a part of the First Ward of the City of Colby, and shall be subject to the laws, regulations and ordinance governing said ward and City, and said ward is hereby extended so as to include the territory herein annexed to said ward.
Territory annexed. The territory described as follows:
Commencing at the southeast corner of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter (SE 1/4-SW 1/4) of Section 12, Township 28 North, Range 1 East, Clark County, Wisconsin thence running north 120 feet to a point of beginning, thence west 260 feet, thence north 167 feet, thence east 260 feet, thence south 167 feet to the point of beginning, be and the same is hereby annexed to the City of Colby, Clark and Marathon Counties, Wisconsin, pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 66.021(12), Wis. Stats.
Effect of annexation. After the annexation provided for herein of the territory described in Subsection A, said territory shall be exempt from further taxation and assessment in the Town of Colby and be subject to taxation and assessment as a part of the City of Colby for any and all purposes provided by law.
Ward designation. Said territory described in Subsection A be, and hereby is made a part of the Third Ward of the City of Colby, and shall be subject to the laws, regulations, and ordinances governing said ward and City, and said ward is hereby extended so as to include the territory herein annexed to said ward.
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to annex lands owned by and lying contiguous to the City of Colby and to detach from the Town of Hull, Marathon County, Wisconsin.
Property annexed. The following described property, owned by the City of Colby is hereby annexed to the City of Colby, Clark and Marathon Counties, Wisconsin, pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 66.025, Wis. Stats.
Commencing at the southeast corner of Section 18, Township 28 North, Range 2 East, thence South 88° 35’ 10” West, along the south line of said SE 1/4 1,307.25 feet to the east line of said SW 1/4-SE 1/4; thence North 0° 43’ 03” West, along the east line of said SW 1/4-SE 1/4 191.25 feet to the point of beginning;
Thence South 88° 35’ 10” West, parallel to the south line of said SE 1/4, 100.00 feet;
Thence South 0° 43’ 03” East, parallel to the east line of said SW 1/4-SE 1/4, 150.00 feet to the north line of County Trunk Highway “N”, as now laid out (1977);
Thence South 88° 35’ 10” West, along the north line of said County Trunk Highway “N”, 395.77 feet;
Thence North 0° 43’ 03” West, parallel to the east line of said SW 1/4-SE 1/4, 150.00 feet;
Thence South 88° 35’ 10” West, parallel to the south line of said SE 1/4, 415.00 feet;
Thence South 0° 43’ 03” East, parallel to the east line of said SW 1/4-SE 1/4, 150.00 feet to the north line of said County Trunk Highway “N”;
Thence South 88° 35’ 10” West, along the north line of said County Trunk Highway “N”, 396.68 feet to the west line of said SW 1/4-SE 1/4;
Thence North 0° 56’ 48” West, along the west line of said SW 1/4-SE 1/4, 1,280.02 feet to the north line of said SW 1/4-SE 1/4;
Thence North 88° 45’ 21” East, along the north line of said SW 1/4-SE 1/4, 1,312.50 feet to the east line of said SW 1/4-SE 1/4;
Thence South 0° 43’ 03” East, along the east line of said SW 1/4-SE 1/4, 1,126.19 feet to the point of beginning.
Containing 36.66 acres of land more or less.
Ward placement. Said territory described in Subsection B is hereby made a part of the First Ward of the City of Colby and shall be subject to the laws, regulations and ordinances governing said ward and City and said Ward is hereby extended so as to include the territory herein annexed to said Ward.
Purpose; territory annexed. A petition having been filed by all of the electors residing in the following described territory and by all of the owners of the real property in said territory, the following territory is hereby annexed to the City of Colby:
The Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter (SW 1/4-SE 1/4) of Section 18, Township 28 North, Range 2 East, except for a parcel of land described as commencing at a point 2-1/2 rods north of the southeast corner of the SW 1/4-SE 1/4, Section 18, Township 28 North, Range 2 East, Marathon County, Wisconsin, thence north 150 feet, thence west 100 feet, thence south 150 feet, thence east 100 feet to the point of beginning, and the same is hereby annexed pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 66.021(12), Wis. Stats.
Taxation. After the annexation provided for herein of the territory described in Subsection A, said territory shall be exempt from further taxation and assessment in the Town of Hull, and be subject to taxation and assessment as a part of the City of Colby for any and all purposes provided by law.
Ward designation. Said territory described in Section I of this ordinance be, and hereby is made a part of the First Ward of the City of Colby, and shall be subject to the laws, regulations and ordinances governing said Ward in the City, and said Ward is hereby extended so as to include the territory herein annexed to said Ward.
Purpose. A petition for annexation having been filed with the City Clerk and with the Town Clerk of the Town of Colby, in which the territory to be annexed is located, together with a scale map and a description of the property to be annexed showing the boundaries of such territory and the relation of the territory to the municipalities to which annexation is requested having been filed with the City Clerk, it is determined to be in the public interest that the petition for annexation be granted, and an annexation ordinance adopted pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 66.021(12), Wis. Stats.
Property to be annexed. That part of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter (NE 1/4-NE 1/4) of Section 24, Township 28 North, Range 1 East, Clark County, Wisconsin, described as follows:
Commencing at the Southeast corner of said NE 1/4-NE 1/4, 24, T 28 N R 1 E, running thence north along the section line a distance of 435 feet, thence west to the right-of-way of the Wisconsin Central Railroad (formerly Soo Line), thence southerly along the eastern edge of the Wisconsin Central Railroad right-of-way to the quarter section line of the said NE 1/4-NE 1/4, S 24, T 28 N, R 1 E, thence east along the said quarter section line to the point of beginning.
Annexation. The following territory is hereby annexed to the City of Colby, all of the electors residing in such territory having signed a Petition for Annexation:
That part of the Northeast quarter (NE 1/4-NE 1/4) of Section 24, Township 28 North, Range 1 East, Clark County, Wisconsin, described as follows:
Commencing at the Southeast corner of said NE 1/4-NE 1/4, 24, T 28 N, R 1 E, running thence north along the section line a distance of 435 feet, thence west to the right-of-way of the Wisconsin Central Railroad (formerly Soo Line), thence southerly along the eastern edge of the Wisconsin Central Railroad right-of-way to the quarter section line of the said NE 1/4-NE 1/4, S 24, T 28 N, R 1 E, thence east along the said quarter section line to the point of beginning.
Zoning classification. The property in question shall be zoned Urban Transitional.
Purpose. A petition for annexation having been filed with the City Clerk and with the Town Clerk of the Town of Hull, Marathon County, Wisconsin, in which the territory to be annexed is located, together with a scale map and a description of the property to be annexed showing the boundaries of such territory and the relation of the territory to the municipality to which annexation is requested having been filed with the City Clerk, it is determined to be in the public interest that the petition for annexation be granted and an annexation ordinance adopted pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 66.021(12), Wis. Stats.
Property to be annexed.
A parcel of land located in the south 1/2 of the Southwest Fractional 1/4 (S 1/2-SW Fr’l 1/4) of Section 7, Township 28 North, Range 2 East, described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Section 7; thence east, along the south line of the Southwest Fractional 1/4, 118.12 feet; thence North 0° 18’ 30” West, 599.55 feet to the point of beginning; thence continuing North 0° 18’ 30” West, along the easterly right-of-way line of State Highway “13”, 591.00 feet; thence east, 306.27 feet; thence South 3° 02’ 30” East 566.79 feet; thence west, 60.00 feet; thence South 3° 02’ 30” East, 165.04 feet; thence west 40.00 feet; thence North 3° 02’ 30” West, 140.00 feet, thence west, along the north line of Certified Survey Map recorded in Volume 6 on page 61 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Marathon County, 234.50 feet to the point of beginning.
Annexation. The following territory is hereby annexed to the City of Colby. There are no electors residing in such territory, but 100% of the persons owning property in the territory to be annexed have signed the Petition for Annexation:
A parcel of land located in the south 1/2 of the Southwest Fractional 1/4 (S 1/2-SW fr’1 1/4) of Section 7, Township 28 North, Range 2 East.
Purpose. A petition for annexation having been filed with the City Clerk and with the Town Clerk of the Town of Hull, Marathon County, Wisconsin, and the City of Colby Council having accepted said petition for annexation on the 4th day of August, 1992, and the territory being located in the Town of Hull, Marathon County, Wisconsin, together with a scale map and a description of the property to be annexed showing the boundaries of such territory and the relation of the territory to the municipality to which annexation is requested, it is determined to be in the public interest that the petition for annexation be granted and an annexation ordinance adopted pursuant to the provisions of Sec.66.021(12), Wis. Stats.
Property to be annexed. All of that property as described in Marathon County Certified Survey Map No. 6927 recorded in Volume 26 of Certified Survey Maps, page 120, Document No. 973673.
Annexation. The following territory is hereby annexed to the City of Colby. There are no electors residing in such territory, but 100% of the persons owning property in the territory to be annexed have signed the petition for annexation.
All of that property as described in Marathon County Certified Survey Map No. 6927 recorded in Volume 26 of Certified Survey Maps, page 120, Document No. 973673.
Zoning. The property hereby annexed under this section is to be zoned commercial.
Territory annexed. In accordance with Sec. 66.021(2), Wis. Stats., and the petition for direct annexation filed with the City Clerk of the 30th day of April, 1996, signed by a number of qualified electors residing in such territory equal to a majority of the votes cast for governor in the November, 1994, gubernatorial election, and by the owners of one-half the real property in assessed value within the territory proposed to be annexed, and it appearing that the petitioners have complied with all of the requirements set forth in Sec. 66.021, Wis. Stats., the following described territories in the Town of Hull, Marathon County, Wisconsin, are hereby annexed to the City of Colby, Wisconsin, and detached from the Town of Hull, Marathon County, Wisconsin.
Part of the NW fractional 1/4 and SW fractional 1/4 of Section 7, T28N, R2E, Town of Hull, Marathon County, Wisconsin, To-wit: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 2 of Marathon County Certified Survey Map No. 6848; Thence East on the extension of the North line of said Lot 2, to a point 856 feet West of the East line of the E1/2-S1/2-SW1/4 of said section; Thence South, parallel with the East line of said E1/2-S1/2-SW1/4, to a point 689 feet more or less South of the North line of said E1/2-S1/2-SW1/4; Thence Northeasterly to a point that is 421 feet more or less South, and 599 feet more or less West of the Northeast corner of said E1/2-S1/2-SW1/4; Thence East, parallel with the North line of said E1/2-S1/2-SW1/4, 599 feet more or less to the East line of the SW fractional 1/4; Thence North, along the East line of said SW and NW fractional 1/4 of said section, to the Northeast corner of said NW fractional 1/4; Thence West, along the North line of said NW fractional 1/4, to the West section line of Section 7, T29N, R2E; Thence South, along said section line, to the North line of Lot 1 of said Marathon County Certified Survey Map No. 6848 extended west; Thence East, along the aforementioned North line of said Lot 1, to the Northeast corner of said Lot 1; Thence South to the point of beginning.
Effect of annexation. From and after the date of the adoption and publication of this section, the territories described in Subsection A shall be a part of the City of Colby for any and all purposes provided by law and all persons coming or residing within such territories shall be subject to all ordinances, rules and regulations governing the City of Colby.
Purpose. A petition having been filed for direct annexation by a majority of the electors residing in the territory sought to be annexed and the owners of 1/2 of the land in area within such territory, requesting that said territory be annexed to the City of Colby, and the Common Council having accepted said petition without dissent, this section therefore provides for the statutory annexation by direct annexation of property to the City of Colby.
Description of property. The property to be annexed is described as follows:
All of the Northwest Fractional quarter (NW Fr’1 1/4) and the North half of the Southwest Fractional quarter (N1/2-SW Fr’1 1/4) of Section Nineteen (19), Township Twenty-eight (28) North, Range Two (2) East, Marathon County, Wisconsin, except that part thereof recorded in Volume 339 of Micro-Records on page 820 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Marathon County.
Public interest declared. The Common Council declares the annexation of the territory described above to be in the public interest and not in violation of any provision of Wisconsin Statutes or local ordinances.
Annexation. The following territory is hereby annexed to the City of Colby upon the effective date of this section:
All of the Northwest Fractional quarter (NW Fr’1 1/4) and the North half of the Southwest Fractional quarter (N 1/2-SW Fr’1 1/4) of Section Nineteen (19), Township Twenty-eight (28) North, Range Two (2) East, Marathon County, Wisconsin, except that part thereof recorded in Volume 339 of Micro-Records on page 820 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Marathon County.
Ward designation. The territory annexed shall be a part of Ward 1 of the existing Ward 1 of the City of Colby.
Zoning. The annexed territory shall be zoned as Highway Commercial and Urban Transitional.
Population. The population of the annexed territory is 22.
Filing requirements. The Clerk of the City of Colby shall file immediately with the Secretary of State a certified copy of the ordinance, certificate and plat, and one copy to each company that provides any utility service in the area annexed, plus one copy with the Register of Deeds, and one copy with the Clerk of any affected school district, signed by the City Clerk, describing the territory which is annexed and the associated population.
Territory annexed. In accordance with Sec. 66.021(12), Wis. Stats., and the "Petition for Direct Annexation by Unanimous Approval Pursuant to Sec. 66.021(12), Wis. Stats., Where Electors Reside in Territory" filed with the City Clerk on the 22nd day of June, 1999; signed by all of the electors residing in the territory and signed by all of the owners of the real property in the following described territory in the Township of Hull in Marathon County, Wisconsin, which real property is now hereby annexed to the City of Colby, Wisconsin:
Lot one (1) of Certified Survey Map No. 7029 recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Marathon County, Wisconsin in Volume 27 of Certified Survey Maps on page 12; being a part of the South one-half (S1/2) of the Southwest fractional quarter (SW fr’1 1/4) of Section Seven, Township Twenty-Eight (28) North, Range Two (2) East, Town of Hull; and
That part of the West half (W1/2) of the South fractional half (S fr’1 1/2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) of Section 7, Township 28 North, Range 2 East described as follows:
Commencing at the Southwest corner of the West half (W1/2) of the South fractional half (S fr’1 1/2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) of Section 7, Township 28 North, Range 2 East, thence East 216 feet, thence North 33 feet to the point of beginning, thence continuing North 242 feet, thence East 250 feet, thence North 650.46 feet, thence East to the East line of the West half (W1/2) of the South fractional half (S fr’1 1/2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) of Section 7, Township 28 North, Range Two East, thence South to the North line of Adams Street, thence West back to the point of beginning; and
A part of the West half of the South half of the Southwest fractional quarter (W1/2-S1/2-SW fr’1 1/2), Section Seven (7), Township 28 North, Range Two (2) East, described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Section 7, thence East on the South line of said Section 7, 116 feet to the East right-of-way line of State Trunk Highway “13”, thence North on the East right-of-way line of State Trunk Highway “13”, 275 feet, thence East 250 feet parallel to the South line of said Section 7 to the point of real beginning, thence from this point of real beginning 40 feet East, thence North 185 feet, thence West 40 feet, thence South 185 feet to the point of true beginning; and
Commencing at the Southwest corner of the West half (W1/2) of the South fractional half (S fr’1 1/2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) of Section 7, Township 28 North, Range 2 East, thence East 216 feet to the point of beginning, thence North 33 feet, thence East to the East line of the South fraction half (Sfr’1 1/2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) of Section 7, Township 28 North, Range 2 East, thence South 33 feet, thence West back to the point of beginning.
Effect of annexation. From and after the date of this section, the territory described in Subsection A shall be a part of the City of Colby for any and all purposes provided by law and all persons coming or residing within such territory shall be subject to all ordinances, rules and regulations governing the City of Colby.
Temporary zoning classification. The territory annexed to the City of Colby by this section is zoned as follows:
General Commercial (GC).
Ward designation. The territory described in Subsection A is hereby (made a part of) the First Ward of the City of Colby, subject to the ordinances, rules and regulations of the City of Colby governing wards.
Territory annexed. In accordance with Sec. 66.021, Wis. Stats., and the petition for direct annexation by unanimous approval pursuant to Sec. 66.021(12), Wis. Stats., where no electors reside in said territory, as filed with the Clerk for the City of Colby on the third day of October, 2000; as signed by all of the owners of the territory to be annexed and as stating that the current population of such territory is zero; the following described property in the Town of Colby, Clark County, Wisconsin, is annexed to the City of Colby, Wisconsin:
Part of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4), Section Twelve (12), Township Twenty-Eight (28) North, Range One (1) East, Town of Colby, Clark County, Wisconsin. Commencing at the brasscapped monument on the Southwest corner of Section Twelve (12); Thence South 88°08’43” East along the South line of Section Twelve (12), 2018.11 feet to the Point of Beginning of the following description: Thence North 00°07’09” West, 633.17 feet; Thence South 88°20’12” East, 206.03 feet; Thence North 00°07’09” West, 10.24 feet; Thence North 89°52’51” East, 230.00 feet; Thence South 00°07’09” East, 365.03 feet to an iron rod stake, Thence North 88°08’43” West, 77.00 feet to an iron rod stake, Thence South 00°07’09” East, 167.00 feet to an iron rod stake, Thence North 88°08’43” West, 30.00 feet to an iron rod stake, Thence South 00°07’09” East, 120.00 feet to an iron rod stake on the South line of Section Twelve (12); Thence North 88°08’43” West along the South line of Section Twelve (12), 329,19 feet to the Point of Beginning containing 253,836 square feet or 5.827 acres.
Effect of annexation. From and after the date of this section, the territory described in Subsection A shall be a part of the City of Colby for any and all purposes provided by law and all persons coming or residing within such territory shall be subject to all ordinances, rules and regulations governing the City of Colby.
Temporary zoning classification. Upon recommendation of the City of Colby Planning Committee, the territory annexed to the City of Colby by this section is temporarily zoned, pursuant to Sec. 66.021(7)(a), Wis. Stats., as: R-1 One or Two-Family Residential District. The City Planning Committee is directed to prepare an amendment to the Zoning of the annexed area and to submit its recommendations to the Council not later than December 15, 2000.
Ward designation. The territory described in Subsection A is hereby made a part of the Fourth Ward of the City of Colby, subject to the ordinances, rules and regulations of the City of Colby governing wards.
Territory annexed. Pursuant to Section 66.0223, Wis. Stats., concerning the annexation of territory owned by a City, the following described parcel of land lying contiguous to the City of Colby shall be annexed and attached to the City of Colby, which parcel of land shall be detached from the Town of Hull, Marathon County, Wisconsin. Said parcel of land consists of 29.89 acres and is described as follows:
Lot One of Marathon County Certified Survey Map No. 14685, recorded in Volume 65 of Certified Survey Maps on Page 147 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Marathon County, Wisconsin; being part of the Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) of Section 18, Township 28 North, Range 2 East.
A copy of said Certified Survey Map is on file with the City Clerk and is made a part thereof.
Effect of annexation. Upon fulfilling the filing requirements of Section 66.0223, Wis. Stats., the territory described in Subsection A shall be part of the City of Colby.
Ward designation and zoning. The annexed property shall be made part of the First Ward of the City of Colby and said property shall be zoned under the classification of General Industrial.
Territory annexed. In accordance with Sec. 66.0217, Wis. Stats., and the petition for direct annexation by unanimous approval filed with the City Clerk on the 16th day of September, 2008, signed by all of the owners of the territory to be annexed and as stating that the current population of such territory is zero, the following described territory in the Town of Colby, Clark County, Wisconsin, is annexed to the City of Colby, Wisconsin:
Commencing at a point 395 feet south of the northeast corner of the NE 1/4 of Section 24-28-1 East, thence running south a distance of 62 feet to a common wall in the existing improvements situated on the premises, thence west parallel with the north boundary line of said Section to the right-of-way of the Wisconsin Central (now Soo Line) Railway, thence north along the east side of said right-of-way to a point that is 395 feet South of the north boundary line of said Section 24, thence east to the point of beginning. Subject to existing highway, rights-of-way, easements, restrictions and reservation of record. Being part of the NE-NE of Section 24-28-1 East, Clark County, Wisconsin.
Lot One (1) of Certified Survey Map recorded May 3, 1982, in volume 398 of Records on Page 616 as Document No. 390930, Clark County Register of Deeds Office, Clark County, Wisconsin.
The South 118 feet of the North 650 feet of the East 107 feet of the NE-NE, Section 24, Township 28 North, Range 1 East, except part of a parcel described in Volume 491, Page 3, Clark County Register of Deeds, Clark County, Wisconsin.
Effect of annexation. From and after the date of this section, the territory described in Subsection A shall be a part of the City of Colby for any and all purposes provided by law and all persons coming or residing within such territory shall be subject to all ordinances, rules and regulations governing the City of Colby.
Ward designation and zoning. The annexed property shall be made part of the Second Ward of the City of Colby and said property shall be zoned under the classification of Commercial (CG).