Section R328, Construction Sanitation, is added as a new section
as follows:
R328 Construction sanitation.
R328.1 Facilities Required. Sanitary facilities
shall be provided during construction, remodeling or demolition activities
in accordance with the Statewide Plumbing Code.
R328.2 Storage of construction and demolition waste. Construction and demolition waste may be stored upon the land where
actual construction or demolition is in progress; provided, however,
that such waste shall not be stored for a period exceeding 90 days
and all other waste not stored in a dumpster shall not be stored for
periods exceeding 30 days.
R328.3 Handling and storage of construction and demolition
waste, trash, and litter. During all construction activities,
the lot(s) shall be kept neat of trash and building materials. All
construction sites shall be required to obtain and maintain on the
site a container of suitable size and design to hold and confine trash,
scraps, and other construction and demolition waste created or accumulated
on the site, which might be blown from the site. All such construction
refuse shall be maintained in a closed container, or a container of
sufficient depth to prevent construction and demolition waste from
blowing out of the container, at all times, until transferred to a
landfill. Containers may be placed in setback areas, provided that
the placement of the container does not obstruct the view of motorists
and thereby create traffic hazards. It shall be a violation to permit
accumulated debris, litter, or trash attributable to the construction
site and the construction activity to blow or scatter onto adjoining
properties, including the public street or to accumulate on the site
outside of the container, or in transit to a landfill or dump. The
owner or contractor shall service the container as frequently as needed
to prevent trash from over-flowing.
R328.4 Final Inspection. A final clean-up is required,
including the removal of all building debris, stumps, portable toilets,
etc. within five days after the final inspection on that parcel. Exception:
Stumps located outside of the limit of disturbance that are not required
to be removed by any plan approved by the Department are not subject
to this section.
R328.5 Enforcement. Any person who fails to comply
with the requirements found in this Section 328 shall be subject to
the penalty and enforcement provisions provided in this chapter.