[Ord. #82-17, § 100]
The short title of this section is "Comprehensive Development Regulations for the Pinelands Area of Beachwood."
[Ord. #82-17, § 200]
The purpose of this section shall be to establish land use regulations implementing the Master Plan and the Pinelands Comprehensive Management Plan and enacted in order to promote and protect the public health, safety, and welfare of Beachwood residents. This section is intended:
To implement the objectives of the Pinelands Protection Act and the Pinelands Comprehensive Management Plan and comply with minimum standards of the Plan;
To protect, preserve and enhance the unique and significant ecological, natural and other resources of the Pinelands area;
To encourage planned development patterns which minimize environmental impacts, avoid ecologically sensitive areas, promote compatible land uses and reduce unnecessary public and private costs associated with development in inappropriate areas;
To provide for necessary recreational facilities conveniently located to housing;
To encourage innovations in residential development by permitting greater variety in design and layout of buildings and by the conservation and more efficient use of open space auxiliary to the buildings;
To avoid scattered or strip commercial development by encouraging commercial growth in the areas so designated at major intersections;
To establish a unified circulation system by properly relating local roads to the State and County Functional Classification System;
To lessen the burden of traffic on local streets and highways.
[Ord. #82-17, § 300]
The provisions of this section shall be held to be minimum requirements. All development in the Pinelands Area of Beachwood shall conform to provisions of this section.
[Ord. #82-17, § 400; Ord. #97-14]
For the purpose of this section, the Pinelands Area of the Borough is hereby divided into the following districts. These zone districts are consistent with the Pinelands Management Areas set forth in N.J.A.C. 7:50, Subchapter 5.
AR Active Recreation
B-1 General Business
[Ord. #82-17, § 500; Ord. #83-1, §§ 1 & 2; Ord. #88-26, §§ 1-5; Ord. #92-13, § 1; Ord. #97-15, § 2; Ord. #2011-06, § 2; Ord. #2019-02, § II]
The definitions of all words and phrases provided in the Municipal Land Use Law, the Pinelands Protection Act, the Beachwood Comprehensive Development Ordinance and the Comprehensive Management Plan, if not otherwise defined in this section, are incorporated herein and declared to be a part of this chapter.
Where this section imposes a greater restriction than the Pinelands Comprehensive Management Plan or other provisions of law, the provisions of this article shall control. Where other provisions of law require greater restrictions than this section, the provisions of such other law shall control.
Definitions. As used in this section:
Shall mean housing for which a household will not have to spend more than thirty (30%) percent of their annual income for shelter.
Shall mean a retail sales establishment primarily intended to sell agricultural products produced in the Pinelands. An agricultural commercial establishment may be seasonal or year round and may or may not be associated directly with a farm; however, it does not include supermarkets, convenience stores, restaurants and other establishments which coincidentally sell agricultural products, nor does it include agricultural processing facilities such as a farm itself, nor facilities which are solely processing facilities.
(see Section 6-302 of CMP for listing).
Shall mean any board, body or other authority within the Borough with authority to approve or disapprove subdivisions, site plans, construction permits or other applications for development approval.
Shall mean any structure, either temporary or permanent, having a roof and designed, intended or used for the sheltering or protection of persons, animals, chattels or property of any kind.
Shall mean a portable structure, which is self-propelled or mounted on or towed by another vehicle, designed and used for temporary living for travel, recreation, vacation, or other short-term uses. Camper does not include mobile homes or trailers.
Shall mean a place used or suitable for camping on which temporary shelter such as a tent or camper may be placed and occupied on a temporary and seasonal basis.
Shall mean notice issued by the Planning Board that application to alter, remodel, relocate or demolish designated historic, cultural or archaeological structures, areas or sites is in conformance with standards set forth in N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.156.
Shall mean a certificate issued by the Pinelands Commission pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:50-4.34 that a complete application for development has been filed.
Shall mean any municipal master plan or land use ordinance certified by the Commission pursuant to Article 3, Part 4, of the CMP as being in conformance with the minimum standards of the CMP.
Shall mean the Pinelands Commission created pursuant to Section 5 of the Pinelands Protection Act.
Shall mean an application for development which has been determined by the Executive Director to comply with application requirements of the CMP.
Shall mean the plan adopted by the Commission pursuant to Section 7 of the Pinelands Protection Act, and officially published in N.J.A.C. 7:50.
Shall mean land which is connected or adjacent to other land so as to permit the land to be used as a functional unit; provided that separation by lot line, streams, dedicated public roads which are not paved, rights-of-way, and easements shall not affect the contiguity of land unless a substantial physical barrier is created which prevents the land from being used as a functional unit.
Shall mean the average number of housing units per unit of land.
Shall mean the change or enlargement of any use or disturbance of any land, the performance of any building or mining operation, the division of land into two (2) or more parcels, and the creation or termination of rights of access or riparian rights including, but not limited to:
A change in the type of use of a structure or land;
A reconstruction, alteration of the size, or material change in the external appearance of a structure of land;
A material increase in the intensity of use of land, such as an increase in the number of businesses, manufacturing establishments, offices or dwelling units in a structure or land;
Commencement of resource extraction, drilling or excavation of a parcel of land;
Commencement of forestry activities;
Demolition of a structure or removal of trees;
Deposit of refuse, solid or liquid waste or fill on a parcel of land;
In connection with the use of land, the making of any material change in noise levels, thermal conditions, or emission of waste material; and
Alteration, either physically or chemically, of a shore, bank or floodplain, seacoast, river, stream, lake, pond, wetlands or artificial body of water.
Shall mean any approval to develop which is granted by an approval agency, including appeals to the governing body, but not including certificates of occupancy or variances which do not otherwise include issuance of a construction permit, subdivision, or site plan approval.
Shall mean any division of land into five (5) or more lots; any construction or expansion of any housing development of five (5) or more dwelling units; any construction or expansion of any commercial or industrial use or structure on a site of more than three (3) acres; or any grading, clearing or disturbance of an area in excess of five thousand (5,000) square feet.
Shall mean all development other than major development.
Shall mean any structure or portion thereof which is designed or used for residential purposes.
Shall mean any room or group of rooms located within a structure forming a single habitable unit with facilities which are used or intended to be used for living, sleeping, cooking, eating and sanitation by one (1) family.
Shall mean all electric lines other than electric transmission lines.
Shall mean electric lines which are part of an electric company's transmission and subtransmission system, which provide a direct connection between a generating station or substation of the utility company and: (a) another substation of the utility company; (b) a substation of or interconnection point with another interconnecting utility company; (c) a substation of a high-load customer of the utility.
Shall mean an addition to the floor area of an existing building, an increase in the size of any other existing structure or an increase in that portion of a tract of land occupied by an existing use.
Shall mean the detachment and movement of soil or rock fragments by water, wind, ice or gravity.
Shall mean one (1) or more persons related by blood, marriage, adoption or guardianship, or any number of persons not so related occupying a dwelling unit and living as a single housekeeping unit.
Shall mean the classification of a parcel of land in accordance with the following:
Atlantic White Cedar Hardwood Swamps
Non-pine barrens forest Prescribed burned areas
Pine barrens forest including mature forms of pine, pine-oak, or oak-pine
Immature or dwarf forms of pine-oak or oak-pine; all classes of pine-scrub oak, and pine-lowland.
Shall mean the changing of the characteristics and interactions of fish and wildlife populations and their habitats in order to promote, protect and enhance the ecological integrity of those populations.
Shall mean the relatively flat area adjoining the channel of a natural stream, which has been or may be hereafter covered by flood water.
Shall mean the planting, cultivating and harvesting of trees for the production of wood products, including firewood or for forest health. It includes such practices as reforestation, site preparation and other silvicultural practices, including, but not limited to, artificial regeneration, bedding, broadcast scarification, clearcutting, coppicing, disking, drum chopping, group selection, individual selection, natural regeneration, root raking, seed tree cut, shelterwood cut and thinning. For purposes of this chapter, the following activities shall not be defined as forestry:
Removal of trees located on a parcel of land one (1) acre or less on which a dwelling has been constructed;
Horticultural activities involving the planting, cultivating or harvesting of nursery stock or Christmas trees;
Removal of trees necessitated by the development of the parcel as otherwise authorized by this chapter;
Removal of trees necessary for the maintenance of utility or public rights-of-way;
Removal or planting of trees for the personal use of the parcel owner; and
Removal of trees for public safety.
Shall mean the natural environment of an individual animal or plant, population, or community.
Shall mean the vertical distance measured from grade to the highest point of the roof for flat roofs, to the deck line for mansard roofs and to the mean height between eaves and ridge for gable, hip and gambrel roofs.
Shall mean an area designated by the Commission, pursuant to Section 6-1403 of the CMP, as having such historic, cultural or archaeological significance as to merit special protection.
Shall mean any site, building, area, district, structure or object important in American history or prehistory, architecture, archaeology and culture at the national, state, county, local or regional level.
Shall mean any plant growing in water or in substrate that is at least periodically deficient in oxygen as a result of excessive water content.
Shall mean any surface which does not permit fluids to pass through or penetrate its pores or spaces.
Shall mean any surface that has been compacted or covered with a layer of material so that it prevents, impedes, or slows infiltration or absorption of fluid, including stormwater directly into the ground, and results in either reduced groundwater recharge or increased stormwater runoff sufficient to be classified as impervious in Urban Areas by the United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service Title 210 — Engineering, 210-3-1 Small Watershed Hydrology (WINTR-55), Version 1.0, as amended and supplemented, available with user guide and tutorials at http://www.wsi.nrcs.usda.gov/products/W2Q/H&H/Tools Models/WinTr55.html or at Natural Resources Conservation Service, 220 Davidson Avenue, Somerset NJ 08873. Such surfaces may have varying degrees of permeability.
Shall mean any persons whose right to use, acquire or enjoy property is or may be affected by any action taken under the CMP, or whose right to use, acquire or enjoy property under the CMP or under any other law of this State or of the United States has been denied, violated or infringed upon by any action or a failure to act under the CMP.
Shall mean the regulations adopted by the Pinelands Commission pursuant to the Pinelands Protection Act, to govern the review of applications from the adoption of the regulations until the Pinelands Comprehensive Management Plan took effect on January 14, 1981. The regulations were formerly codified as N.J.A.C. 7:1G-1 et seq.
Land shall include the surface and subsurface of the earth as well as improvements and fixtures on, above, or below the surface and any water found thereon.
Shall mean a site where any waste is disposed of by application on or into the land, with or without the use of management practices or soil covering. It does not include a site where land application of waste or waste derived material occurs in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.79.
Shall mean the installation of plant material or seed as part of development.
Shall mean any county or municipal ordinance or regulation which, in any way, regulates or affects the development of land.
Shall mean, for the purposes of the CMP, "leachate collector" shall have the meaning attributed to the phrase by, and each such "leachate collector" shall conform to the requirements of, the New Jersey Solid Waste Administration.
Shall mean an antenna and any support structure, together with any accessory facilities, which complies with the standards in N.J.A.C. 7:50-5.4 and which is intended to serve a limited, localized audience through point to point communication, including cellular telephone cells, paging systems and dispatch communications. It does not include radio or television broadcasting facilities or microwave transmitters.
Shall mean a household with an annual income of less than eighty (80%) percent of the median income for the County or Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area. Median income is defined as the median of household income as determined from time to time by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development to be the median.
Shall mean a household with an annual income between one hundred (100%) percent and one hundred twenty (120%) percent of the median income for the County or Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area.
Shall mean a dwelling unit manufactured in one (1) or more sections, designed for long-term occupancy, and which can be transported after fabrication to a site where it is to be occupied.
Shall mean a household with an annual income which is eighty (80%) percent to one hundred (100%) percent of the median income for the County or Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area.
Shall mean a composite of one (1) or more written or graphic proposals for development of the Municipality as set forth and adopted pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55-28.
Shall mean any city, borough, town or Township.
Shall mean water capable of being transversed by pleasure craft.
Shall mean a sign which directs attention to a business, commodity, service or entertainment conducted, sold or offered at a location other than the premises on which the sign is located.
Shall mean any quantity of land, consisting of one (1) or more lots, that is capable of being described with such definiteness that its location and boundaries may be established.
Shall mean an individual, corporation, public agency, business trust, partnership, association, two (2) or more persons having a joint or common interest, or any other legal entity.
Shall mean the Pinelands National Reserve and the Pinelands Area.
Shall mean that area designated as such by Section 10(a) of the Pinelands Protection Act.
Shall mean a use right allocated to certain lands in the Pinelands Preservation, Special Agricultural Production and Agricultural Production Areas pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:50-5.43 that can be used to secure a residential density bonus on lands within the Pinelands designated to receive such credits.
Shall mean the agency responsible from February 8, 1979 until June 28, 1979 for the review of and action on applications for development in the Pinelands Area which required approvals of other State agencies, except where the Pinelands Commission acted on applications during that time period.
Shall mean that area designated as such by Section 3(i) of the Pinelands Protection Act.
Shall mean N.J.S.A. 13:18A-1 to 29.
Shall mean the Comprehensive Management Plan for the Pinelands.
Shall mean a Pinelands plant species whose survival worldwide, nationwide, or in the State is in jeopardy.
Preapplication conference. See Section 4-102 of the CMP.
Shall mean that area so designated by Section 10(b) of the Pinelands Protection Act.
Shall mean all land within the Pinelands Area which is not included in the Preservation Area.
Shall mean the government of the United States of America; the State of New Jersey or any other state; their political subdivisions, agencies or instrumentalities; and interstate and regional agencies exercising sovereign powers of government.
Shall mean sewer service, gas, electricity, water, telephone, cable television, and other public utilities developed linearly, roads and streets and other similar services provided or maintained by any public or private entity.
Shall mean sewer service, gas, electricity, water, telephone, television and other public utilities, roads and streets and other similar services provided or maintained by any public or private entity.
Shall mean the largest tree of a particular species in New Jersey based on its circumference at four and one-half (4.5') feet above ground level. A listing of the largest known tree of each species and its location is maintained at the principal offices of the Commission.
Shall mean any recreational facility which does not satisfy the definition of low intensive recreational facility, including but not limited to golf courses, marinas, amusement parks, hotels, and motels.
Shall mean the dredging, digging, extraction, mining and quarrying of sand, gravel or minerals for commercial purposes, not including, however, the private or agricultural extraction and use of extracted material by a landowner.
Shall mean the level below the natural surface of the ground to which water seasonally rises in the soil in most years.
Shall mean any object, device, display or structure, or part thereof, situated outdoors or indoors, which is used to advertise, identify, display, direct or attract attention to an object, person, institution, organization, business, product, service, event or location by any means, including words, letters, figures, designs, symbols, fixtures, colors, illumination or projected images. Signs do not include the flag or emblem of any nation, organization of nations, state or city, or any fraternal, religious or civic organizations; merchandise, pictures or models of products or services incorporated in a window display; works of art which in no way identify a product; or scoreboards located on athletic fields.
Shall mean a solar energy system and all associated components, including, but not limited to, panels, arrays, footings, supports, mounting and stabilization devices, inverters, electrical distribution wires and other on-site or off-site infrastructure necessary for the facility, which converts solar energy into usable electrical energy, heats water or produces hot air or other similar function.
[Ord. #2019-02 § II]
Shall mean any change in either the supporting members of a building, such as bearing walls, columns, beams or girders, or in the dimensions or configurations of the roof or exterior walls.
Shall mean a combination of materials to form a construction for occupancy, use or ornamentation having a fixed location on, above or below the surface of land or attached to something having a fixed location on, above or below the surface of land.
Shall mean those lands which are inundated with water throughout the year.
Shall mean lines, conduits or pipes located in a street road, alley or easement through which natural gas, electricity, telephone, cable television, water, sewage, or stormwater discharge is distributed to or from service lines extending from the main line to the distribution system of the building or premises served. Utility distribution lines do not include electric transmission lines.
Shall mean any plant material including grasses, shrubs and trees.
Shall mean those soils designated as very poorly drained or poorly drained by the Soil Conservation Service of the United States Department of Agriculture, including but not limited to Atsion, Bayboro, Berryland, Colemantown, Elkton, Keansburg, Leon, Muck, Othello, Pocomoke, St. Johns and Freshwater Marsh and Tidal Marsh soil types.
Shall mean those lands which are inundated or saturated by water at a magnitude, duration and frequency sufficient to support the growth of hydrophytes. Wetlands include lands with poorly drained or very poorly drained soils as designated by N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.3 through 6.5. Wetlands include coastal wetlands and inland wetlands, including submerged lands.
Shall mean the establishment of a characteristic wetland or the removal of exotic species or phragmites from a wetland in accordance with the standards of N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.10. For purposes of this definition, exotic species are those that are not indigenous to North America.
[Ord. #82-17, § 600; Ord. #83-1, § 3; Ord. 88-26, § 6; Ord. #97-15, §§ 3-5; Ord. #2011-06, § 3; Ord. #2019-02, § III]
Applicability of procedures.
No person shall carry out any development within the Pinelands Area without obtaining approval from an approval agency and without obtaining development approval in accordance with the procedures set forth in this subsection.
Except as provided in paragraph 3 below, the following shall not be subject to the procedures set forth in this subsection.
The improvement, expansion, or reconstruction within five (5) years of destruction or demolition, of any single-family dwelling unit or appurtenance thereto;
The improvement, expansion, construction, or reconstruction of any structure accessory to a single-family dwelling;
The improvement, expansion, construction, or reconstruction of any structure used exclusively for agricultural or horticultural purposes;
The construction, repair, or removal of any sign, except for the construction or replacement of any off-site commercial advertising sign;
The repair of existing utility distribution lines;
The clearing of less than one thousand five hundred (1,500) square feet of land;
The construction of any addition or accessory structure for any nonresidential use or any multifamily residential structure provided that:
If the addition or structure will be located on or below an existing impervious surface, either the existing use is served by public sewers or the addition or structure will generate no wastewater flows, and said addition or structure will cover an area of no more than 4,999 square feet; and
If the addition or structure will not be located on or below an impervious surface, said addition or structure will generate no wastewater flows and will cover an area of no more than 1,000 square feet.
[Ord. #2019-02 § III]
The demolition of any structure that is less than fifty (50) years old;
The installation of utility distribution lines, except for sewage lines, to serve areas which are effectively developed or development which has received all necessary approvals and permits;
The repair or replacement of any existing on-site wastewater disposal system;
The repaving of existing paved roads and other paved surfaces, provided no increase in the paved width or area of said roads and surfaces will occur.
[Ord. #2019-02 § III]
The clearing of land solely for agricultural or horticultural purposes.
[Ord. #2019-02 § III]
Fences, provided no more than one thousand five hundred (1,500) square feet of land is to be cleared;
Above-ground telephone equipment cabinets;
Tree pruning;
The following forestry activities:
Normal and customary forestry practices on residentially improved parcels of land that are five (5) acres or less in size;
Tree harvesting, provided that no more than one (1) cord of wood per five (5) acres of land is harvested in any one (1) year and that no more than five (5) cords of wood are harvested from the entire parcel in any one (1) year;
Tree planting, provided that the area to be planted does not exceed five (5) acres in any one (1) year, no soil disturbance occurs other than that caused by the planting activity and no trees other than those authorized by N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.25 are to be planted; and
Forest stand improvement designed to selectively thin trees and brush, provided that no clearing or soil disturbance occurs and that the total land area on the parcel in which the activity occurs does not exceed five (5) acres in any one (1) year;
Prescribed burning and the clearing and maintaining of fire breaks; or
Normal and customary landscape plantings, unless a landscaping plan is required pursuant to subsection 17-15.5a,18 or subsection 17-27.23c.
The installation of an accessory solar energy facility on any existing structure or impervious surface.
[Ord. #2019-02 § III]
The installation of a local communications facilities antenna on an existing communications or other suitable structure, provided such antenna is not inconsistent with any Comprehensive Plan for local communications facilities approved by the Pinelands Commission pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:50-5.4(c)6.
[Ord. #2019-02 § III]
The establishment of a home occupation within an existing dwelling unit or structure accessory thereto, provided that no additional development is proposed.
[Ord. #2019-02 § III]
The change of one nonresidential use to another nonresidential use, provided that the existing and proposed uses are or will be served by public sewers and no additional development is proposed.
[Ord. #2019-02 § III]
The exceptions contained in paragraph 2 above shall not apply to any historic resources designated by the Pinelands Commission pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.154.
Nothing herein shall preclude any local or State agency from reviewing, in accordance with the provisions of any applicable ordinance or regulation, any proposed development which does not require an application to the Pinelands Commission pursuant to this subsection.
Application requirements for minor development.
Any application for approval of minor development shall include at least the following information:
The applicant's name and address and his interest in the subject property;
The owner's name and address, if different from the applicant's, and the owner's signed consent to the filing of the application;
The legal description, including block and lot designation and street address, if any, of the subject property;
A description of all existing uses of the subject property;
A brief written statement generally describing the proposed development;
A USGS Quadrangle Map, or copy thereof, and a copy of the municipal Tax Map sheet on which the boundaries of the subject property and the Pinelands Management Area designation and the zoning designation are shown;
A plat or plan showing the location of all boundaries of the subject property, the location of all proposed development, and existing or proposed facilities to provide water for the use and consumption of occupants of all buildings and sanitary facilities which will serve the proposed development. The following information shall be included with respect to existing or proposed sanitary facilities:
On-site treatment facilities: Location, size, type and capacity of any proposed on-site wastewater treatment facilities; and
Soil borings and percolation tests: If on-site sewage disposal is proposed, results of soil borings and percolation tests in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58:11-23 et seq., and the regulations adopted pursuant thereto, shall be submitted at suitable location with a tract map showing location, logs, elevations of all test holes, indicating where ground water was encountered, estimating the seasonal high water table and demonstrating that such facility is adequate to meet the water quality standards contained in subsection 17-27.24.
A location map, including the area extending at least three hundred (300') feet beyond each boundary of the subject property, showing ownership boundary lines, the boundary of the proposed development, owners of holdings adjoining and adjacent to the subject property, existing facilities, buildings and structures on the site, all proposed development, wetlands, streams (including intermittent streams), rivers, lakes and other water bodies and existing roads;
A soils map including a county soils survey which conforms to the guidelines of the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service, showing the location of all proposed development;
A map showing existing vegetation, identifying predominant vegetation types in the area, and showing proposed landscaping of the subject property, including the location of the tree line before and after development and all areas to be disturbed as a result of the proposed development;
A certificate of filing from the Pinelands Commission issued pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:50-4.34 or, until January 14, 1991, evidence of prior approval from the Pinelands Development Review Board or the Pinelands Commission pursuant to the Interim Rules and Regulations; and
When prior approval for the development has been granted by the Borough, evidence of Pinelands Commission review pursuant to subsection 17-27.7.
Application requirements for other development.
All applications for major development, other than forestry, shall be accompanied by the information required in N.J.A.C. 4.2(b)5, as well as the following:
A certificate of filing from the Pinelands Commission issued pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:50-4.34 or, until January 14, 1991, evidence of prior approval from the Pinelands Development Review Board or the Pinelands Commission pursuant to the Interim Rules and Regulations; and
When prior approval for the development has been granted by the Borough, evidence of Pinelands Commission review pursuant to subsection 17-27.7.
In addition to paragraphs 1(a) and (b) above, an application for approval of forestry operations shall be subject to the application requirements set forth in N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.44.
[Ord. #82-17, § 601; Ord. #83-1, § 4; Ord. #89-26, §§ 7—12; Ord. #2019-02, § IV]
Application submission and modifications.
Written notification shall be given by the Borough, by email or regular mail, to the Pinelands Commission within seven (7) days after a determination is made by the Borough that an application for development in the Pinelands Area is complete or if a determination is made by the Borough that the application has been modified. Said notice shall contain:
[Ord. #2019-02, § IV).]
The name and address of the applicant;
The legal description and street address, if any, of the parcel that the applicant proposes to develop;
A brief description of the proposed development, including uses and intensity of uses proposed;
The application number of the Certificate of Filing issued by the Pinelands Commission and the date on which it was issued;
The date on which the application, or any change thereto, was filed and any application number or other identifying number assigned to the application by the approval agency;
The approval agency with which the application or change thereto was filed;
The content of any change made to the application since it was filed with the Commission, including a copy of any revised plans or reports; and
The nature of the municipal approval or approvals being sought.
Meetings and hearings.
Where a meeting, hearing or other formal proceeding on an application for development approval in the Pinelands Area is required, the applicant shall provide notice to the Pinelands Commission by email, regular mail or delivery of the same to the principal office of the Commission at least five (5) days prior to such meeting, hearing or other formal proceeding. Such notice shall contain at least the following information:
[Ord. #2019-02, § IV).]
The name and address of the applicant;
The application number of the Certificate of Filing issued by the Pinelands Commission and the date on which it was issued;
The date, time and location of the meeting, hearing or other formal proceeding;
The name of the approval agency or representative thereof that will be conducting the meeting, hearing or other formal proceeding;
Any written reports or comments received by the approval agency on the application for development that have not been previously submitted to the Commission; and
The purpose for which the meeting, hearing or other formal proceeding is to be held.
Notice of approvals and denials.
The Pinelands Commission shall be notified of all approvals and denials of development in the Pinelands Area, whether the approval occurs by action or inaction of any approval agency or an appeal of any agency's decision. The applicant shall within five (5) days of the approval or denial give notice by email or regular mail to the Pinelands Commission. Such notice shall contain the following information:
[Ord. #2019-02, § IV]
The name and address of the applicant;
The legal description and street address, if any, of the parcel that the applicant proposes to develop;
The application number of the Certificate of Filing issued by the Pinelands Commission and the date on which it was issued;
The date on which the approval or denial was issued by the approval agency;
Any written reports or comments received by the approval agency on the application for development that have not been previously submitted to the Commission;
Any revisions to the application not previously submitted to the Commission; and
A copy of the resolution, permit, or other documentation of the approval or denial. If the application was approved, a copy of any preliminary or final plan, plot or similar document that was approved shall also be submitted.
Review by Pinelands Commission. Upon receipt by the Pinelands Commission of the notice of approval pursuant to subsection 17-27.7, paragraph b., the application for development approval shall be reviewed in accordance with the provisions in N.J.A.C. 7:50-4.37 through N.J.A.C. 7:50-4.42. The approval of the Borough shall not be effective and no development shall be carried out prior to a determination of whether the development approval will be reviewed by the Commission. If the applicant is notified that the Commission will review the application for development, no development shall be carried out until such review has been completed.
Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:50-4.1(b) and until January 14, 1991, approvals issued by the Pinelands Development Review Board or the Pinelands Commission under the Interim Rules and Regulations shall serve as the basis for Pinelands Commission review of local approval under this section.
Although the Pinelands Commission shall be notified of all denials, no such denial actions are subject to further review and action by the Pinelands Commission.
Condition on prior approvals by Borough. Where a prior approval has been granted by the Borough, no subsequent approval of an application for development approval shall be obtained until one of the following is satisfied:
Notification is received from the Pinelands Commission that review of the Borough's approval is not required; or
Review of the Borough's approval has been completed pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:50-4.37-4.42 and a final order regarding the approval is received by the Borough from the Pinelands Commission.
Effect on Pinelands Commission's decision on Borough's approval. If the Pinelands Commission disapproves an application for development previously approved by an approval agency, such approval shall be revoked by the approval agency within thirty (30) days and the agency shall thereafter deny approval of the application. If the Commission approves the decision of an approval agency subject to conditions, the approval agency which had previously approved the application shall, within thirty (30) days, modify its approval to include all conditions imposed by the Commission; and if final approval of the application is required, shall grant final approval only if the application for approval demonstrates that the conditions specified by the Commission have been met by the applicant.
Participation of Pinelands Commission in public hearings. The Pinelands Commission may participate in a hearing held in the Borough involving the development of land in the Pinelands Area pursuant to N.J.A.C. 70:50-4.36.
Amendments. In amending this section, the Borough's Master Plan, or any other ordinance regulating the use of land, the Borough shall comply with all the requirements of N.J.A.C. 7:50-3.45.
Environmental Commission Review. All applications for major development and forestry shall be referred to the Environmental Commission for review and comment.
Public development. All development proposed by the Borough or any agency thereof will comply with all the requirements for public development set forth in N.J.A.C. 7:50-4.51 et seq. and all the standards set forth in this section.
[Ord. #82-17, § 602]
All agricultural activities and fish and wildlife management activities, including the preparation of land and the planting, nurturing and harvesting of crops, shall be carried out in accordance with recommended management practices established for the particular agricultural activity by the New Jersey Department of Agriculture, the Soil Conservation Service, and the New Jersey Agricultural Experimental Station at Rutgers University.
[Ord. #82-17, § 603; Ord. #88-26, § 13; Ord. #97-15, § 6]
All development shall adhere to the relevant air quality standards of N.J.A.C. 7:27 et seq. Adherence to the standards of this section shall be determined by means of an air quality simulation model approved by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:27-18.3.
Applications for residential development of fifty (50) or more units and any other development involving more than one hundred (100) parking spaces located in the Borough shall ensure that all State ambient air quality standards in N.J.A.C. 7:27 et seq. for carbon monoxide shall not be exceeded at places of maximum concentration and at sensitive receptors.
[Ord. #82-17, § 604]
All recreation areas and facilities shall be designed in accordance with N.J.D.E.P. publication "Administration Guidelines: Barrier-Free Design Standards for Parks and Recreation Facilities."
[Ord. #82-17, § 605; Ord. #83-1, § 5; Ord. #88-26, § 14]
Buffers. Buffer areas shall require site plan approval and are required along all lot lines which separate a nonresidential use from either an existing residential use or residential zoning district. Buffer areas shall be developed in an aesthetic manner for the primary purpose of screening views or reducing noise perception beyond the lot. No structure, activity, storage of materials, or parking of vehicles shall be permitted in a buffer area.
Screening of vehicles. No more than ten (10) automobiles, trucks or other motor vehicles, whether or not they are in operating condition, shall be stored on any lot unless such motor vehicles are adequately screened from adjacent residential uses.
Screening of utility structures. Above ground generating facilities, switching complexes, pumping stations, and substations shall be screened with vegetation from adjacent uses in accordance with this subsection.
[Ord. #82-17, § 606]
Within the limits of practicality, after taking into consideration topography, drainage, and other relevant design considerations, streets in a subdivision shall be oriented in east/west manner (varying up to twenty (20°) degrees) so that lots can be oriented with greatest dimension north/south, as this arrangement will encourage the siting of buildings with the longest dimension east/west.
Provision shall be made where practical for the planting of deciduous trees along the southern exposure of a building in order to provide shade in the summertime, while allowing solar access for natural solar heating in the winter months.
Where practical, evergreen landscaping and/or earth berms shall be provided along the northern exposure of buildings to act as a windbreak from northerly winter winds.
[Ord. #87-17, § 607; Ord. #88-26, § 15]
No development shall be carried out in the Pinelands Area unless it is designed to avoid irreversible adverse impacts on habitats that are critical to the survival of any local populations of those threatened or endangered animal species designated by the Department of Environmental Protection pursuant to N.J.S.A. 23:2A-1 et seq.
All development or other authorized activity shall be carried out in a manner which avoids disturbance of fish and wildlife habitats that are essential to the continued nesting, resting, breeding and feeding of significant populations of fish and wildlife in the Pinelands.
[Ord. #82-17, § 608; Ord. #83-1, § 6; Ord. #88-26, §§ 16-19]
All proposed developments or units or sections thereof of twenty-five (25) dwelling units or more shall have two (2) access ways of a width and surface composition sufficient to accommodate and support fire fighting equipment;
All dead-end roads will terminate in a manner which provides safe and efficient entry and exits for fire equipment.
The rights-of-way of all roads will be maintained so that they provide an effective fire break;
A fire hazard fuel break shall be provided around structures proposed for human use by the selective removal or thinning of trees, bushes, shrubs and ground cover including the use of prescribed burning as follows:
In moderate fire hazard areas a fuel break of thirty (30') feet measured outward from the structure in which:
Shrubs, understory trees and bushes and ground cover are to be selectively removed, mowed, or pruned on an annual basis; and
All dead plant material is removed.
In high fire hazard areas a fuel break of seventy-five (75') feet measured outward from the structure in which:
Shrubs, understory trees and bushes and ground cover are to be selectively removed, mowed or pruned and maintained on an annual basis;
All dead plant material is removed.
In extreme high hazard areas a fuel break of one hundred (100') feet measured outward from the structure in which:
Shrubs, understory trees and bushes and ground cover are to be selectively removed, mowed or pruned and maintained on an annual basis;
No pine tree (Pinus spp.) is closer than twenty-five (25') feet to another pine tree; and
All dead plant material is removed.
All residential development of one hundred (100) dwelling units or more in high or extreme high hazard areas will have a two hundred (200') foot perimeter fuel break between all structures and the forest in which:
Shrubs, understory trees and bushes and ground cover are selectively removed, mowed or pruned and maintained on an annual basis;
All dead plant material is removed;
Roads, rights-of-way, wetlands and waste disposal sites shall be used as fire breaks to the maximum extent practical; and
There is a specific program for maintenance.
Refer to the definition of Fire Hazard in subsection 17-27.5 of this section for Wildfire Hazard Classifications.
All structures shall meet the following specifications:
Roofs and exteriors will be constructed of fire resistant materials such as asphalt rag felt roofing, tile, slate, asbestos cement shingles, sheet iron, aluminum or brick. Fire retardant-treated wood shingles or shake type roofs are prohibited in high or extreme fire hazard areas.
All projections such as balconies, decks, and roof gables shall be constructed of fire resistant materials or materials treated with fire retardant chemicals.
Any openings in the roof, attic, and the floor shall be screened.
Chimneys and stovepipes which are designed to burn solid or liquid fuels shall be equipped with screens over the outlets.
Flat roofs are prohibited in areas where vegetation is higher than the roof.
[Ord. #82-17, § 609; Ord. #88-26, § 20; Ord. #97-15, §§ 7, 8]
The Planning Board shall exercise all powers and perform all the duties set forth in N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.153(a), including recommendations to the governing body for designation of historic resources, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq., which are determined to be significant pursuant to paragraph e, 2 below.
Authority to issue certificates of appropriateness.
The Planning Board shall issue all certificates of appropriateness except as specified in paragraph 2 below.
The Board of Adjustment shall issue certificates of appropriateness for those applications for development which it is otherwise empowered to review.
Certificates of appropriateness shall be required for the following:
Construction, encroachment upon, alteration, remodeling, removal, disturbance or demolition of any resource designated by the Borough Council or the Pinelands Commission pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.154 or any action which renders such a site inaccessible; and
Development not otherwise exempted from review pursuant to subsection 17-27.6a of this ordinance where a significant resource has been identified pursuant to paragraph d below.
Applications for certificates of appropriateness shall include the information specified in N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.156(b).
A cultural resource survey shall accompany all applications for major development in order to determine whether any significant historic resources exist on the parcel. Guidelines for this survey are contained in Appendix B of the "Cultural Resource Management Plan," dated April 1991, as amended. In general, the survey shall include: a statement as to the presence of any properties listed on the National and State Registers of Historic Places on the site or within the area of the projects' potential environmental impacts; a thorough search of State, local and any other pertinent inventories to identify sites of potential significance; a review of the literature and consultation with professional and avocational archaeologists knowledgeable about the area; thorough pedestrian and natural resources surveys; archaeological testing as necessary to provide reasonable evidence of the presence or absence of historic resources of significance; adequate recording of the information gained and methodologies and sources used; and a list of personnel involved and qualifications of the person(s) performing the survey.
This requirement for a survey may be waived by the local approval agency if:
There is insufficient evidence of significant cultural activity on the project site or, in the case of archaeological resources, within the vicinity;
The evidence of cultural activity on the site lacks the potential for importance because further recording of the available data will not contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of Pinelands culture; or
The evidence of cultural activity lacks any potential for significance pursuant to the standards of paragraph 2 below.
A resource shall be deemed to be significant if it possesses integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, and association which reflects its significance in American history, architecture, archaeology or culture under one (1) or more of the following criteria:
The presence of structures, sites or areas associated with events of significance to the cultural, political, economic or social history of the nation, State, local community or the Pinelands; or
The presence of structures, sites or areas associated with the lives of persons or institutions of significance to the cultural, political, economic or social history of the nation, State, local community or the Pinelands; or
The presence of structures that represent the work of a master, or that possess high artistic values, or that embody the distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction, or that represent a distinguishable entity of significance to the architectural, cultural, political, economic or social history of the nation, State, local community or the Pinelands, although its components may lack individual distinction; or
The presence of a site or area which has yielded or is likely to yield significant information regarding the history or archaeological history of the Pinelands.
The standards governing the issuance of certificates of appropriateness in N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.156(c) shall be followed by the Planning Board and Board of Adjustment.
The effect of the issuance of a certificate of appropriateness is as follows:
All subsequent development approvals shall be issued or denied in a manner consistent with the certificate of appropriateness except as provided in paragraph 2 below.
A Certificate of Appropriateness issued as a result of the cultural resource survey requirement set forth in paragraph e above shall be effective for two (2) years. If the resource is not designated by the Pinelands Commission pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.154 or by the Borough Council pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq. within that two (2) year period, the historic resource standards of this subsection shall no longer apply to the resource in question until such time as the Pinelands Commission designates the resource pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.154.
The following information will be required to document resources which are not found to be significant but which are otherwise found to present graphic evidence of a cultural activity:
A narrative description of the resource and its cultural environment;
Photographic documentation to record the exterior appearance of buildings, structures, and engineering resources;
A site plan depicting in correct scale the location of all buildings, structures, and engineering resources; and
A New Jersey State Inventory Form as published by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for buildings and a narrative description of any process or technology if necessary to elaborate upon the photographic record.
If archaeological data is discovered on a site at any time after construction has been commenced, the developer shall immediately cease construction, notify the Planning Board and the Pinelands Commission and take all reasonable steps to protect the archaeological data in accordance with the "Guidelines for the Recovery of Scientific, Prehistoric, Historic and Archaeological Data: Procedures for Notification, Reporting, and Data Recovery" (36 C.F.R. 66).
[Ord. #82-17, § 610; Ord. #83-1, § 7; Ord. #97-13, § 2; Ord. #2002-16, §§ 2, 3; Ord. #2005-25, § 2; Ord. #2008-24]
In Holmdel Builder's Association V. Holmdel Township, 121 N.J. 550 (1990), the New Jersey Supreme Court determined that mandatory development fees are authorized by the Fair Housing Act of 1985 (the Act), N.J.S.A. 52:27d-301 et seq., and the State Constitution, subject to the Council on Affordable Housing's (COAH's) adoption of rules.
Pursuant to P.L.2008, c.46 section 8 (C. 52:27D-329.2) and the Statewide Nonresidential Development Fee Act (C. 40:55D-8.1 through 8.7), COAH is authorized to adopt and promulgate regulations necessary for the establishment, implementation, review, monitoring and enforcement of municipal affordable housing trust funds and corresponding spending plans. Municipalities that are under the jurisdiction of the Council or court of competent jurisdiction and have a COAH-approved spending plan may retain fees collected from nonresidential development.
This subsection establishes standards for the collection, maintenance, and expenditure of development fees pursuant to COAH's regulations and in accordance P.L.2008, c.46, Sections 8 and 32-38. Fees collected pursuant to this ordinance shall be used for the sole purpose of providing low- and moderate-income housing. This ordinance shall be interpreted within the framework of COAH's rules on development fees, codified at N.J.A.C. 5:97-8.
Basic requirements.
This subsection shall not be effective until approved by COAH pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:96-5.1.
The Borough of Beachwood shall not spend development fees until COAH has approved a plan for spending such fees in conformance with N.J.A.C. 5:97-8.10 and N.J.A.C. 5:96-5.3.
Definitions. The following terms, as used in this ordinance, shall have the following meanings:
Shall mean a development included in the Housing Element and Fair Share Plan, and includes, but is not limited to, an inclusionary development, a municipal construction project or a one hundred (100%) percent affordable development.
Shall mean the New Jersey Council on Affordable Housing established under the Act which has primary jurisdiction for the administration of housing obligations in accordance with sound regional planning consideration in the State.
Shall mean money paid by a developer for the improvement of property as permitted in N.J.A.C. 5:97-8.3.
Shall mean the legal or beneficial owner or owners of a lot or of any land proposed to be included in a proposed development, including the holder of an option or contract to purchase, or other person having an enforceable proprietary interest in such land.
Shall mean the assessed value of a property divided by the current average ratio of assessed to true value for the municipality in which the property is situated, as determined in accordance with sections 1, 5, and 6 of P.L.1973, c.123 (C.54:1-35a through C.54:1-35c).
Shall mean those strategies that minimize the impact of development on the environment, and enhance the health, safety and well-being of residents by producing durable, low-maintenance, resource-efficient housing while making optimum use of existing infrastructure and community services.
Residential development fees.
Imposed fees.
Within the Borough of Beachwood district(s), residential developers, except for developers of the types of development specifically exempted below, shall pay a fee of one and a half (1.5%) percent of the equalized assessed value for residential development provided no increased density is permitted.
When an increase in residential density pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70d(5) (known as a "d" variance) has been permitted, developers may be required to pay a development fee of six (6%) percent of the equalized assessed value for each additional unit that may be realized. However, if the zoning on a site has changed during the two-year period preceding the filing of such a variance application, the base density for the purposes of calculating the bonus development fee shall be the highest density permitted by right during the two-year period preceding the filing of the variance application.
Example: If an approval allows four units to be constructed on a site that was zoned for two (2) units, the fees could equal one and a half (1.5%) percent of the equalized assessed value on the first two (2) units; and the specified higher percentage up to six (6%) percent of the equalized assessed value for the two (2) additional units, provided zoning on the site has not changed during the two-year period preceding the filing of such a variance application.
Eligible exactions, ineligible exactions and exemptions for residential development.
Affordable housing developments and developments where the developer has made a payment in lieu of on-site construction of affordable units shall be exempt from development fees.
Developments that have received preliminary or final site plan approval prior to the adoption of a municipal development fee ordinance shall be exempt from development fees, unless the developer seeks a substantial change in the approval. Where a site plan approval does not apply, a zoning and/or building permit shall be synonymous with preliminary or final site plan approval for this purpose. The fee percentage shall be vested on the date that the building permit is issued.
Development fees shall be imposed and collected when an existing structure undergoes a change to a more intense use, is demolished and replaced, or is expanded, if the expansion is not otherwise exempt from the development fee requirement. The development fee shall be calculated on the increase in the equalized assessed value of the improved structure.
Nonresidential development fees.
Imposed fees.
Within all zoning districts, nonresidential developers, except for developers of the types of development specifically exempted, shall pay a fee equal to two and one-half (2.5%) percent of the equalized assessed value of the land and improvements, for all new nonresidential construction on an unimproved lot or lots.
Nonresidential developers, except for developers of the types of development specifically exempted, shall also pay a fee equal to two and one-half (2.5%) percent of the increase in equalized assessed value resulting from any additions to existing structures to be used for nonresidential purposes.
Development fees shall be imposed and collected when an existing structure is demolished and replaced. The development fee of two and a half (2.5%) percent shall be calculated on the difference between the equalized assessed value of the preexisting land and improvement and the equalized assessed value of the newly improved structure, i.e. land and improvement, at the time final certificate of occupancy is issued. If the calculation required under this section results in a negative number, the nonresidential development fee shall be zero.
Eligible exactions, ineligible exactions and exemptions for nonresidential development.
The nonresidential portion of a mixed-use inclusionary or market rate development shall be subject to the two and a half (2.5%) percent development fee, unless otherwise exempted below.
The two and a half (2.5%) percent fee shall not apply to an increase in equalized assessed value resulting from alterations, change in use within existing footprint, reconstruction, renovations and repairs.
Nonresidential developments shall be exempt from the payment of nonresidential development fees in accordance with the exemptions required pursuant to P.L.2008, c.46, as specified in the Form N-RDF "State of New Jersey Nonresidential Development Certification/Exemption" Form. Any exemption claimed by a developer shall be substantiated by that developer.
A developer of a nonresidential development exempted from the nonresidential development fee pursuant to P.L.2008, c.46 shall be subject to it at such time the basis for the exemption no longer applies, and shall make the payment of the nonresidential development fee, in that event, within three (3) years after that event or after the issuance of the final Certificate of Occupancy of the nonresidential development, whichever is later.
If a property which was exempted from the collection of a nonresidential development fee thereafter ceases to be exempt from property taxation, the owner of the property shall remit the fees required pursuant to this section within forty-five (45) days of the termination of the property tax exemption. Unpaid nonresidential development fees under these circumstances may be enforceable by the Borough of Beachwood as a lien against the real property of the owner.
Collection procedures.
Upon the granting of a preliminary, final or other applicable approval, for a development, the applicable approving authority shall direct its staff to notify the construction official responsible for the issuance of a building permit.
For nonresidential developments only, the developer shall also be provided with a copy of Form N-RDF "State of New Jersey Nonresidential Development Certification/Exemption" to be completed as per the instructions provided. The developer of a nonresidential development shall complete Form N-RDF as per the instructions provided. The construction official shall verify the information submitted by the nonresidential developer as per the instructions provided in the Form N-RDF. The Tax Assessor shall verify exemptions and prepare estimated and final assessments as per the instructions provided in Form N-RDF.
The Construction Official responsible for the issuance of a building permit shall notify the local Tax Assessor of the issuance of the first building permit for a development which is subject to a development fee.
Within ninety (90) days of receipt of that notice, the Municipal Tax Assessor, based on the plans filed, shall provide an estimate of the equalized assessed value of the development.
The Construction Official responsible for the issuance of a final certificate of occupancy notifies the local Assessor of any and all requests for the scheduling of a final inspection on property which is subject to a development fee.
Within ten (10) business days of a request for the scheduling of a final inspection, the Municipal Assessor shall confirm or modify the previously estimated equalized assessed value of the improvements of the development; calculate the development fee; and thereafter notify the developer of the amount of the fee.
Should the Borough of Beachwood fail to determine or notify the developer of the amount of the development fee within ten (10) business days of the request for final inspection, the developer may estimate the amount due and pay that estimated amount consistent with the dispute process set forth in subsection b of section 37 of P.L.2008, c.46 (C.40:55D-8.6).
Fifty (50%) percent of the development fee shall be collected at the time of issuance of the building permit. The remaining portion shall be collected at the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. The developer shall be responsible for paying the difference between the fee calculated at building permit and that determined at issuance of Certificate of Occupancy.
Appeal of development fees.
A developer may challenge residential development fees imposed by filing a challenge with the County Board of Taxation. Pending a review and determination by the Board, collected fees shall be placed in an interest bearing escrow account by the Borough of Beachwood Appeals from a determination of the Board may be made to the tax court in accordance with the provisions of the State Tax Uniform Procedure Law, R.S.54:48-1 et seq., within ninety (90) days after the date of such determination. Interest earned on amounts escrowed shall be credited to the prevailing party.
A developer may challenge nonresidential development fees imposed by filing a challenge with the Director of the Division of Taxation. Pending a review and determination by the Director, which shall be made within forty-five (45) days of receipt of the challenge, collected fees shall be placed in an interest bearing escrow account by the Borough of Beachwood. Appeals from a determination of the Director may be made to the tax court in accordance with the provisions of the State Tax Uniform Procedure Law, R.S.54:48-1 et seq., within ninety (90) days after the date of such determination. Interest earned on amounts escrowed shall be credited to the prevailing party.
Affordable housing trust fund.
There is hereby created a separate, interest-bearing housing trust fund to be maintained by the Chief Financial Officer for the purpose of depositing development fees collected from residential and nonresidential developers and proceeds from the sale of units with extinguished controls.
The following additional funds shall be deposited in the affordable housing trust fund and shall at all times be identifiable by source and amount:
Payments in lieu of on-site construction of affordable units;
Developer contributed funds to make ten (10%) percent of the adaptable entrances in a townhouse or other multistory attached development accessible;
Rental income from municipally operated units;
Repayments from affordable housing program loans;
Recapture funds;
Proceeds from the sale of affordable units; and
Any other funds collected in connection with the Borough of Beachwood's affordable housing program.
Within seven (7) days from the opening of the trust fund account, the Borough of Beachwood shall provide COAH with written authorization, in the form of a three-party escrow agreement between the municipality, the bank, and COAH to permit COAH to direct the disbursement of the funds as provided for in N.J.A.C. 5:97-8.13(b).
All interest accrued in the housing trust fund shall only be used on eligible affordable housing activities approved by COAH.
Use of funds.
The expenditure of all funds shall conform to a spending plan approved by COAH. Funds deposited in the housing trust fund may be used for any activity approved by COAH to address the Borough of Beachwood's fair share obligation and may be set up as a grant or revolving loan program. Such activities include, but are not limited to: preservation or purchase of housing for the purpose of maintaining or implementing affordability controls, rehabilitation, new construction of affordable housing units and related costs, accessory apartment, market to affordable, or regional housing partnership programs, conversion of existing nonresidential buildings to create new affordable units, green building strategies designed to be cost saving and in accordance with accepted national or State standards, purchase of land for affordable housing, improvement of land to be used for affordable housing, extensions or improvements of roads and infrastructure to affordable housing sites, financial assistance designed to increase affordability, administration necessary for implementation of the Housing Element and Fair Share Plan, or any other activity as permitted pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:97-8.7 through 8.9 and specified in the approved spending plan.
Funds shall not be expended to reimburse the Borough of Beachwood for past housing activities.
At least thirty (30%) percent of all development fees collected and interest earned shall be used to provide affordability assistance to low- and moderate-income households in affordable units included in the municipal Fair Share Plan. One-third (1/3) of the affordability assistance portion of development fees collected shall be used to provide affordability assistance to those households earning thirty (30%) percent or less of median income by region.
Affordability assistance programs may include down payment assistance, security deposit assistance, low interest loans, rental assistance, assistance with homeowners' association or condominium fees and special assessments, and assistance with emergency repairs.
Affordability assistance to households earning thirty (30%) percent or less of median income may include buying down the cost of low or moderate-income units in the municipal Fair Share Plan to make them affordable to households earning thirty (30%) percent or less of median income. The use of development fees in this manner may entitle the Borough of Beachwood to bonus credits pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:97-3.7.
Payments in lieu of constructing affordable units on site and funds from the sale of units with extinguished controls shall be exempt from the affordability assistance requirement.
The Borough of Beachwood may contract with a private or public entity to administer any part of its Housing Element and Fair Share Plan, including the requirement for affordability assistance, in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:96-18.
No more than twenty (20%) percent of all revenues collected from development fees, may be expended on administration, including, but not limited to, salaries and benefits for municipal employees or consultant fees necessary to develop or implement a new construction program, a Housing Element and Fair Share Plan, and/or an affirmative marketing program. In the case of a rehabilitation program, no more than twenty (20%) percent of the revenues collected from development fees shall be expended for such administrative expenses. Administrative funds may be used for income qualification of households, monitoring the turnover of sale and rental units, and compliance with COAH's monitoring requirements. Legal or other fees related to litigation opposing affordable housing sites or objecting to the Council's regulations and/or action are not eligible uses of the affordable housing trust fund.
Monitoring. The Borough of Beachwood shall complete and return to COAH all monitoring forms included in monitoring requirements related to the collection of development fees from residential and nonresidential developers, payments in lieu of constructing affordable units on site, funds from the sale of units with extinguished controls, barrier free escrow funds, rental income, repayments from affordable housing program loans, and any other funds collected in connection with the Borough of Beachwood's housing program, as well as to the expenditure of revenues and implementation of the plan certified by COAH. All monitoring reports shall be completed on forms designed by COAH.
Ongoing collection of fees. The ability for the Borough of Beachwood to impose, collect and expend development fees shall expire unless the Borough of Beachwood has filed an adopted Housing Element and Fair Share Plan with COAH, by December 31, 2008 or such other date as is set or permitted by COAH or a Court of competent jurisdiction. The Borough of Beachwood shall petition for substantive certification, and has received COAH's approval of its development fee ordinance. If the Borough of Beachwood fails to renew its ability to impose and collect development fees prior to the expiration of substantive certification, once received from COAH, it may be subject to forfeiture of any or all funds remaining within its municipal trust fund. Any funds so forfeited shall be deposited into the "New Jersey Affordable Housing Trust Fund" established pursuant to section 20 of P.L.1985, c.222 (C.52:27D-320). The Borough of Beachwood shall not impose a residential development fee on a development that receives preliminary or final site plan approval after the expiration of its substantive certification or judgment of compliance, nor shall the Borough of Beachwood retroactively impose a development fee on such a development. The Borough of Beachwood shall not expend development fees after the expiration of its substantive certification, once received.
[Ord. #82-17, § 611; Ord. #83-1, § 8]
All lots where fill material is deposited shall have clean fill or topsoil deposited which shall be graded to allow complete surface draining of the lot into natural drainage courses. No regrading of a lot shall be permitted which will violate the provisions regulating soil erosion and sediment control, soil removal, floodplain or wetlands contained in this section. Grading shall be limited to areas shown on an approved site plan or subdivision. Any topsoil disturbed during approved excavation and grading operations shall be redistributed throughout the site.
[Ord. #82-17, § 612; Ord. #83-1, § 8]
Where two (2) or more adjoining lots are under the same ownership, and one (1) or more of the lots should not conform with the minimum area or dimension requirements for the zone in which it is located, the lots shall be considered as a single lot and the provisions of this subsection shall apply.
Whenever the land has been dedicated or conveyed to the Borough by the owner of a lot in order to meet the minimum street width requirements or to implement the Official Map or Master Plan, and which lot existed on the effective date hereof, the Construction Code Official shall not withhold a building or occupancy permit when the lot depth or area was rendered substandard due to such dedication and where the owner has no adjacent lands to meet the minimum requirements.
[Ord. #82-17, § 613; Ord. #83-1, § 8]
Site plans within the General Business Zone where all buildings are designed as a united and Comprehensive Plan in accordance with the applicable zoning district standards, may have more than one (1) building on a lot and more than one (1) use within a building.
[Ord. #82-17, § 614; Ord. #83-1, § 9; Ord. #88-26, § 21; Ord. #97-15, §§ 9, 10]
No sign, other than warning or safety signs, which is designed or intended to attract attention by sudden, intermittent or rhythmic movement, or physical or lighting change, shall be permitted in the Pinelands Area.
No sign, other than warning or safety signs, which changes physical position by any movement or rotation or which gives the visual impression of such movement or rotation shall be permitted in the Pinelands Area.
No outdoor, off-site commercial advertising sign shall be permitted in the Pinelands Area, except as follows:
Existing lawful off-site commercial advertising signs, in existence as of January 14, 1981, shall be permitted; and
Off-site signs advertising agricultural commercial establishments shall be permitted, provided that:
No more than two (2) signs shall be placed in any one (1) direction along each road directly approaching the establishment; and
No sign along a four-lane State and Federal highway shall exceed fifty (50) square feet in area, and no sign along any other road shall exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area.
Any existing sign which does not conform to paragraph a and b above shall be removed immediately. Any existing sign which does not conform to paragraph c above shall be removed no later than December 5, 1996.
Editor's Note: Sign regulations also included in subsection 17-21.3 (paragraph s).
[Ord. #82-1, § 615; Ord. #83-1, § 10; Ord. #88-26, §§ 20, 21; Ord. #97-15, §§ 11, 12]
No materials or wastes shall be deposited upon a lot in such form or manner that they can be transferred off the lot, directly or indirectly, by natural forces such as precipitation, evaporation or wind.
No flammable or explosive substance shall be stored on a property except under conditions approved by the Fire Department and the New Jersey Department of Labor and Industry.
No hazardous or toxic substances, including hazardous wastes, shall be stored, transferred, processed, discharged, disposed or otherwise used in the Pinelands Area. The land application of waste or waste derived materials is prohibited in the Pinelands Area, except as expressly authorized in N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.79. Waste management facilities shall only be permitted in the Pinelands Area in accordance with the standards set forth in N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.
All storage facilities for de-icing chemicals shall be lined to prevent leaking into the soil and shall be covered with an impermeable surface which shields the facility from precipitation.
The owners of petroleum storage tanks shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 102 of the Laws of 1986.
[Ord. #82-17, § 616; Ord. #83-1, § 10]
New utility distribution lines and telephone lines to locations not presently served by utilities shall be placed underground, except for those lines which are located on or adjacent to active agricultural operations.
All electric utility transmission lines shall be located within existing rights-of-way, on existing towers or underground to the maximum extent practical.
[Ord. #82-17, § 617; Ord. #83-1, § 11; Ord. #88-26, § 22; Ord. #97-15, § 13]
All clearing and soil disturbance activities shall be limited to that which is necessary to accommodate an activity, use or structure which is permitted by this chapter.
Where practical, all clearing and soil disturbance activities associated with an activity, use or structure, other than agriculture, forestry and resource extraction, shall:
Avoid wooded areas, including New Jersey's Record Trees as published by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection in 1991 and periodically updated; and
Revegetate or landscape areas temporarily cleared or disturbed during development activities.
All applications for major development shall contain a landscaping or revegetation plan which incorporates the elements set forth in paragraph d below.
In order to conserve water, conserve natural features and reduce pollution from the use of fertilizers, pesticides and other soil supplements, all landscaping or revegetation plans prepared pursuant to paragraph c above or required pursuant to subsection 17-15.5a,18 shall incorporate the following elements:
The limits of clearing shall be identified;
Existing vegetation, including New Jersey's Record Trees as published by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection in 1991 and periodically updated, shall be incorporated into the landscape design where practical;
Permanent lawn or turf areas shall be limited to those specifically intended for active human use such as play fields, golf courses and laws associated with a residence or other principal nonresidential use. Existing wooded areas shall not be cleared and converted to lawns except when directly associated with and adjacent to a proposed structure; and
Shrubs and trees authorized by N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.25 shall be used for revegetation or landscaping purposes. Other shrubs and trees may be used in the following circumstances:
When the parcel to be developed or its environs contain a predominance of shrubs and tree species not authorized by N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.25;
For limited ornamental purposes around buildings and other structures; or
When limited use of other shrubs or tree species is required for proper screening or buffering.
Development prohibited in the vicinity of threatened or endangered plants. No development shall be carried out by any person in the Pinelands Area unless it is designed to avoid irreversible adverse impacts on the survival of any local populations of threatened or endangered plants of the Pinelands designated in N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.27.
[Ord. #82-17, § 618; Ord. #83-1, § 12; Ord. #88-26, §§ 23, 24; Ord. #97-15, §§ 14-20]
All development permitted under this section shall be designed and carried out so that the quality of surface and ground water shall be protected and maintained. Except as specifically authorized in this section, no development which degrades surface or ground water quality or which establishes new point sources of pollution shall be permitted.
The following point and non-point sources may be developed and operated in the Pinelands:
Development of new or the expansion of existing commercial, industrial and wastewater treatment facilities, or the development of new or the expansion of existing non-point sources, except those specifically regulated in paragraphs b,2 through 5 below, provided that:
There will be no direct discharge into any surface water body;
All discharges from the facility or use are of a quality and quantity such that ground water exiting from the parcel of land or entering a surface body of water will not exceed two (2) parts per million nitrate/ nitrogen;
All public wastewater treatment facilities are designed to accept and treat septage; and
All storage facilities, including ponds or lagoons, are lined to prevent leakage into ground water.
Development of new wastewater treatment or collection facilities which are designed to improve the level of nitrate/nitrogen attenuation or more than one (1) existing on-site wastewater treatment system where a public health problem has been identified, may be exempted from the standards of paragraph 1, (c) above provided that:
There will be no direct discharge into any surface water body;
The facility is designed only to accommodate wastewater from existing residential, commercial, and industrial development;
Adherence to paragraph 1, (c) above cannot be achieved due to limiting site conditions or that the costs to comply with the standard will result in excessive user fees; and
The design level of nitrate/nitrogen attenuation is the maximum possible within the cost limitations imposed by such user fee guidelines but in no case shall ground water exiting from the parcel or entering a surface body of water exceed five (5) parts per million nitrate/nitrogen.
Improvements to existing commercial, industrial, and wastewater treatment facilities which discharge directly into surface waters provided that:
There is no practical alternative available that would adhere to the standards of N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.84(a)1i;
There is no increase in the existing approved capacity of the facility; and
All discharges from the facility into surface waters are such that the nitrate/nitrogen levels of the surface waters at the discharge point do not exceed two (2) parts per million. In the event that nitrate/nitrogen levels in the surface waters immediately upstream of the discharge point exceed two (2) parts per million, the discharge shall not exceed two (2) parts per million nitrate/nitrogen.
Individual on-site septic wastewater treatment systems which are not intended to reduce the level of nitrate/nitrogen in the wastewater, provided that:
The proposed development to be served by the system is otherwise permitted pursuant to the provisions of this chapter;
The design of the system and its discharge point, and the size of the entire contiguous parcel on which the system or systems is located will ensure that ground water exiting from the entire contiguous parcel or entering a surface body of water will not exceed two (2) parts per million nitrate/nitrogen, calculated pursuant to the Pinelands dilution model dated December, 1993, as amended, subject to the provisions of paragraph b,4(c) below. The entire contiguous parcel may include any contiguous lands to be dedicated as open space as part of the proposed development but may not include previously dedicated road rights-of-way or any contiguous lands that have been deed restricted pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:50-5.47;
Only contiguous lands located within the same zoning district and Pinelands management area as the proposed system or systems may be utilized for septic dilution purposes, except for the development of an individual single-family dwelling on a lot existing as of January 14, 1981, nonresidential development on a lot of five (5) acres or less existing as of January 14, 1981, or cluster development as permitted by N.J.A.C. 7:50-5.19;
The depth to seasonal high water table is at least five (5') feet;
Any potable water well will be drilled and cased to a depth of at least one hundred (100') feet, unless the well penetrates an impermeable clay aquiclude, in which case the well shall be cased to at least fifty (50') feet;
The system will be maintained and inspected in accordance with the requirements of N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.85;
The technology has been approved for use by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection; and
Flow values for nonresidential development shall be determined based on the values contained in N.J.A.C. 7:9A-7.4, as amended, except that number of employees may not be utilized in calculating flow values for office uses. In the event that N.J.A.C. 7:9A-7.4 does not provide flow values for a specific use, but a flow value is assigned for that use in 7:14A-23.3(a), the flow value specified in N.J.A.C. 7:14A-23.3(a) shall be used in calculating flow.
Individual on-site septic wastewater treatment systems which are intended to reduce the level of nitrate/nitrogen in the wastewater, provided that:
The standards set forth in paragraphs b, 4(a) and b, 4(c) through (h) above are met; and
The design of the system and its discharge point, and the size of the entire contiguous parcel on which the system or systems is located will ensure that ground water exiting from the entire contiguous parcel or entering a surface body of water will not exceed two (2) parts per million nitrate/nitrogen, calculated pursuant to the Pinelands dilution model dated December, 1993, as amended, subject to the provisions of paragraph b, 4(c) above and the assumptions and requirements set forth in N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.84(a)5iv. The entire contiguous parcel may include any contiguous lands to be dedicated as open space as part of the proposed development but may not include previously dedicated road rights-of-way or any contiguous lands that have been deed restricted pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:50-5.47.
Use of any substance is prohibited in the Borough to the extent that such use will result in direct or indirect introduction of such substances to any surface, or ground or surface water or any land: such as waste oil, for example.
No person shall apply any herbicide to any road or public utility right-of-way within the Borough unless necessary to protect an adjacent agricultural activity.
All vehicles not in operating condition shall be stored only if the gasoline tanks of such vehicles are drained. This requirement shall not apply to vehicles which are in operating condition and which are maintained for agricultural purposes.
[Ord. #82-17, § 619; Ord. #83-1, § 13; Ord. #88-26, §§ 26, 27; Ord. #97-15, § 21]
Surface water runoff resulting from any development permitted in this chapter shall comply with the following requirements:
The total runoff generated from any net increase in impervious surfaces by a ten (10) year storm of a twenty-four (24) hour duration shall be retained and infiltrated on-site. Runoff volumes shall be calculated in accordance with the United States Soil Conservation Service Technical Release No. 55 or the S.C.S. National Engineering Handbook, section 4;
The rates of runoff generated from the parcel by a two (2) year, ten (10) year and one hundred (100) year storm, each of a twenty-four (24) hour duration, shall not increase as a result of the proposed development. Runoff rates shall be calculated in accordance with the United States Soil Conservation Service Technical Release No. 55 or the S.C.S. National Engineering Handbook, section 4;
Surface water runoff shall not be directed in such a way as to increase the volume and rate of discharge into any surface water body from that which existed prior to development of the parcel;
Excessively and somewhat excessively drained soils, as defined by the Soil Conservation Service, should be avoided for recharge of runoff wherever practical;
A minimum separation of two (2') feet between the elevation of the lowest point of the bottom of the infiltration or detention facility and the seasonal high water table shall be met, or a lesser separation when it is demonstrated that the separation, either due to soil conditions or when considered in combination with other stormwater management techniques, is adequate to protect ground water quality; and
A four (4) year maintenance guarantee shall be provided for the entire stormwater management system by the applicant. In addition, the applicant shall fund or otherwise guarantee an inspection and maintenance program for a period of no less than ten (10) years. The program shall identify the entity charged with responsibility for annual inspections and the completion of any necessary maintenance, and the method to finance said program.
Water shall not be exported from the Pinelands except as otherwise provided in N.J.S.A. 58:1A-7.1.
Buildings serviced by a central sewage system shall be designed to include water saving devices.
[Ord. #82-17, § 620; Ord. #83-1, § 14; Ord. #88-26, § 30; Ord. #89-3, § 1; Ord. #92-13, §§ 2, 3; Ord. #2011-06 § 4]
Development shall be prohibited in all wetlands and wetlands transition areas in the Borough except as specifically authorized under this subsection.
Horticulture of native Pinelands species and berry agriculture shall be permitted in all wetlands subject to the requirements of subsection 17-27.7.
Beekeeping shall be permitted in all wetlands.
Forestry shall be permitted in all wetlands subject to the requirements of N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.41 through 6.48.
Fish and wildlife management and wetlands management activities in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.10 shall be permitted in all wetlands.
Low intensity recreational uses which do not involve use of a structure, including hunting, fishing, trapping, hiking, boating, and swimming, and other low intensity recreational uses provided that any development associated with those other uses does not result in a significant adverse impact on the wetland as set forth in paragraph k below.
Private docks, piers, moorings and boat launches for the use of a landowner shall be permitted, provided that there is no significant adverse impact on the wetland as set forth in paragraph k., hereof.
Commercial or public docks, piers, moorings and boat launches, shall be permitted, provided that there is a demonstrated need for the facility that cannot be met by existing facilities, that the development conforms with all State and Federal regulations and that the development will not result in a significant adverse impact as set forth in paragraph k., hereof.
Bridges, roads, trails, and utility transmission and distribution facilities and other similar linear facilities provided that:
There is no feasible alternative route for the facility that does not involve development in a wetland, or, if none, that another feasible route which results in less significant adverse impacts on wetlands does not exist;
The need for the proposed linear improvement cannot be met by existing facilities or modification thereof;
The use represents a need which overrides the importance of protecting the wetland;
Development of the facility will include all practical measures to mitigate the adverse impact on the wetland; and
The resources of the Pinelands will not be substantially impaired as a result of the facility and its development as determined exclusively based on the existence of special and unusual circumstances.
No development, other than those uses specifically authorized in paragraphs b to d hereof, shall be carried out within three hundred (300') feet of any wetland unless it has been demonstrated that the proposed development will not result in a significant adverse impact on the wetland as set forth in paragraph k., hereof.
A significant adverse impact shall be deemed to exist where it is determined that one (1) or more of the following modifications of a wetland will have an irreversible effect on the ecological integrity of the wetland and its biotic components, (including, but not limited to threatened or endangered species of plants or animals):
An increase in surface water runoff discharging into a wetland;
A change in the normal seasonal flow patterns in the wetland;
An alteration of the water table in the wetland;
An increase in erosion resulting in increased sedimentation in the wetland;
A change in the natural chemistry of the ground or surface water in the wetland;
A loss of wetland habitat;
A reduction in wetland habitat diversity;
A change in wetlands species composition; or
A significant disturbance of areas used by indigenous and migratory wildlife for breeding, nesting, or feeding.
Determinations under paragraph k above shall consider the cumulative modifications of the wetland due to the development being proposed and any other existing or potential development which may affect the wetland.
[Ord. #82-17, § 700; Ord. #83-1, §§ 14-16; Ord. #88-26, §§ 31, 32, 34, 35; Ord. #89-3, § 2; Ord. #92-13, § 4; Ord. #97-14, § 2; Ord. #97-15, §§ 22, 23; Ord. #99-03, §§ 2, 3; Ord. #2002-02, § 1]
B-1 General Business Zone.
Permitted principal uses.
Retail businesses.
Personal services establishments.
Business, professional and governmental offices.
Banks and fiduciary institutions.
Cultural sales, instruction and supply sales.
Professional and business schools.
Food consumption establishments (except curb service food sales).
Permitted accessory uses.
Off-street parking spaces.
Off-street loading spaces.
Storage of goods under roof and enclosed, incidental to conduct of the principal commercial activity. Interior storage areas must be permanent, non-movable structures on a permanent foundation and so constructed as to be both architecturally and aesthetically harmonious with the principal use.
Any use not specifically listed in paragraph a.1, Permitted principal uses which is substantially similar in purpose, function, character and effect to any one of the uses listed or can reasonably be considered accessory thereto.
Conditional uses. Permitted upon application and approval of the Planning Board.
Structures for public utilities and municipal services.
Filling stations, gas stations, service stations.
Public and quasi-public facilities and places of assembly, such as but not limited to meeting halls operated for profit, storefront churches, etc.
Bulk regulations. As specified in the Bulk Schedule, attached to, and made part of this section.
Editor's Note: For the bulk schedule for the Pinelands Area, see subsction 17-27.28. The Bulk schedule for all zones is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Permitted signs.
All signs in this zone must conform to provisions set forth in N.J.A.C. 7:50-6.107.
No neon sign or similar illuminated advertisements shall be of such a color or located in such a fashion as to diminish or detract in any way from the effectiveness of any traffic signal or similar official safety or warning device.
Parking and other provisions and requirements.
For permitted business and service establishments one (1) parking space for each two hundred (200) square feet of gross floor area of the establishment.
Off-street loading berths for all retail and commercial establishments having a gross floor area in excess of ten thousand (10,000) square feet - one (1) loading berth for every ten thousand (10,000) square feet or fraction thereof, of gross floor area.
Public and private parking lots are permitted.
Prohibited uses.
All residential, service, commercial, or industrial uses not specifically permitted in this zone.
Any use that may be noxious or injurious by reason of the production or emission of dust, smoke, refuse, matter, coal or gas fumes, noise, vibration, or similar substances or conditions is specifically prohibited.
Billboards or signs painted upon the exterior side or rear walls of any principal or accessory building or structure.
Curb service facilities or drive-in type restaurants, junkyards, livestock and poultry keeping.
The sale, rental, leasing, storage and/or repairs of new and/or used cars, trucks or other vehicles.
AR Active Recreation Zone.
Permitted principal uses.
Active recreation uses including but not limited to golf courses and athletic fields.
Permitted accessory uses.
Off-street parking for recreation usage.
Conditional uses. Permitted upon application to and approval by the Borough Planning Board.
Structures for public utilities and municipal service as necessary to provide adequate service and protection to the surrounding areas subject to the provisions of this chapter.
Permitted signs.
Non-illuminated, recreational nameplate signs situated within the property line and not exceeding ten (10) square feet in area on any surface.
Parking and other provisions and requirements.
Off-street parking facilities shall be required on the basis of the following formula:
Golf courses - Two and one-half (2.5) spaces per acre;
Athletic fields - Fifteen (15) spaces per acre.
Bulk requirements of the AR-Zone are established as follows:
Minimum lot area
2 acres
Minimum lot width
150 feet
Minimum lot depth
150 feet
Minimum front setback
50 feet
Minimum sideyard setback
20 feet
Minimum total sideyard setback
40 feet
Minimum rear setback:
50 feet
Maximum building height:
35 feet
Maximum building height (in stories)
2 1/2 feet
Maximum lot coverage
Maximum d.u. per building
Minimum distance between buildings
Minimum site landscaping
Accessory Uses:
Minimum sideyard offset
10 feet
Minimum rearyard offset
10 feet
Permitted principal use. No more than one (1) principal use shall be located on one (1) lot, except for forestry, agricultural, horticulture, fishing and wildlife management, wetlands management and recreational development in accordance with the provisions of N.J.A.C. 7:50-1 et seq., Pinelands Comprehensive Management Plan.
Use of Pinelands Development Credits.
Pinelands Development Credits may be allocated to certain properties in the Borough by the Pinelands Commission pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:50-4-61 et seq.
Pinelands Development Credits shall be used in the following manner:
When a variance or other approval for a residential use in the AR Districts is granted by the Borough, Pinelands Development Credits shall be used for fifty (50%) percent of the authorized units for parcels under ten (10) acres in size; for seventy-five (75%) percent of the authorized units for parcels between ten (10) and twenty (20) acres in size and for one hundred (100%) percent of the authorized units for parcels over twenty (20) acres in size.
No development involving the use of Pinelands Development Credits shall be approved until the developer has provided the Commission and the Borough approving authority with evidence of his ownership and redemption of the requisite Pinelands Development Credits; provided, however, that the Borough approving authority may grant general development plan, preliminary subdivision or preliminary site plan approval conditioned upon such evidence being presented as a prerequisite to final subdivision or site plan approval. For such a final subdivision or site plan, the developer shall provide evidence of Pinelands Development Credit ownership and redemption to secure the same proportion of lots or residential units as was approved for Pinelands Development Credit use in the preliminary approval or, as appropriate, the general development plan. Notification of any such development approval shall be made to the Pinelands Commission pursuant to subsection 17-27.7 and to the New Jersey Pinelands Development Credit Bank in accordance with N.J.A.C. 3:42-3. Redemption of the requisite Pinelands Development Credits shall occur in accordance with N.J.A.C. 3:42-3.6, prior to the memorialization of the resolution granting final subdivision or site plan approval, or if no such approval is required, prior to the issuance of any construction permits.
Exceptions to height limitations.
The height limitations in subsection 17-27.28 shall not apply to any of the following structures, provided that such structures are compatible with uses in the immediate vicinity: antennas which do not exceed a height of two hundred (200') feet and which are accessory to an otherwise permitted use, silos, barns and other agricultural structures, church spires, cupolas, domes, monuments, water towers, fire observation towers, electric transmission lines and supporting structures, windmills, smokestacks, derricks, conveyors, flag poles and masts, or aerials, solar energy facilities, chimneys and similar structures to be placed above the roof level and not intended for human occupancy.
The height limitation in subsection 17-27.28 shall also not apply to the antenna and any supporting structure of a local communication facility of greater than thirty-five (35') feet, provided that the standards set forth in N.J.A.C. 7:50-5.4(c) are met.
All setback areas are to be totally landscaped. Additionally, a minimum of five (5') foot buffered and screened area surrounding periphery of project at any zone boundary area shall be landscaped, buffered and screened with natural vegetation.
[Ord. #82-17; Ord. #88-26, §§ 33, 36; Ord. #92-13, § 5; Ord. #97-14, § 3; Ord. #99-03, §§ 2,4]
Minimum Land Area
Sq. Ft. Min. Lot Area
L.F. Min. Lot Width
L.F. Min. Lot Depth
L.F. Min. Front Setback
L.F. Min. One Side Yard Setback
L.F. Min. Total Side Yards
L.F. Min. Rear Setback
L.F. Max. Height
Max. Height in Stories
2 1/2
% Max. Lot Coverage
Min. Off-Street Parking
1/200 SF
Max. D.U. per Building
L.F. Min. Distance between Buildings
Min. Site Landscaping - Open Space
Max. D.U. per Gross Acre
Min. Net Comm. Fl. Area (SF) Recreation
Min. Res. Living Space per D.U. (SF)
Accessory Uses:
L.F. Min. Side Yard Offset
L.F. Min. Rear Yard Offset
[Ord. #82-17, § 800]
All regulations of this chapter not specifically defined within this section, are continued and incorporated herein and declared to be a part of this section.
[Ord. #82-17, § 900]
No person shall occupy any land or building until he obtains a Certificate of Occupancy. The certificate shall be issued if the Zoning Officer is satisfied that the completed structure or land alteration for which the permit was issued complies with the application for the permit and this section. Applications for permits shall be made on forms approved by the Borough Council.
[Ord. #82-17, A 29]
The Zoning Officer is charged with the primary duty of enforcement of this chapter.
[Ord. #82-17, A 30]
Development undertaken by the Borough Council, School Board or other officially created municipal agency or authority shall conform to the provisions of this chapter and N.J.A.C. 7:50-4.41-4.47.
[Ord. #82-17, A 31; New]
Any owner or agent, and any person or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this section or fail to comply therewith or with any of the requirements thereof, who shall erect, structurally alter, enlarge, rebuild or move any building or buildings, or any structure, or who shall put into use any lot or land in violation of any detailed statement or plan submitted hereunder, or who shall clear any land or who shall refuse reasonable opportunity to inspect any premises, shall be, upon conviction thereof, liable to the General Penalty as established in Chapter 1, Section 1-5. The owner of any building or structure, lot or land, or part hereof, where anything in violation of this section shall be placed or shall exist, and any architect, builder, contractor, agent, person or corporation employed in connection therewith and who assists in the commission of any such violation shall each be guilty of a separate violation, and upon conviction thereof shall each be liable to the penalty specified above.