[HISTORY: Adopted by the Council of the City of Coatesville 3-25-1996 by Ord. No. 1012-96; amended in its entirety 8-10-2020 by Ord. No. 1536-2020. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
Fees for the following shall be in the amount established by resolution of the Council of the City of Coatesville and set forth in the City of Coatesville Fee Schedule:[1]
Alarm devices.
Installation permit (regular).
Installation permit (senior citizen).
Hot-water heater installation.
Building contractor's license.
Commercial building contractor.
Home improvement contractor insurance registration.
Tree removal.
Application to Noise Control Board for special variance.
Replacement of lost, defaced or destroyed original amusement tax certificate or seal.
Charge for collection, transport and disposal of:
Up to 1/2 cubic yard of solid waste per week.
Yearly reduction per unit for each resident who pays his or her solid waste bill in its entirety when first due and by the deadline for a first installment payment.
Additional service and administrative cost of application review.
Fee for disposal of television.
Fee for disposal of computer monitor.
Fee for disposal of tires: $5 per/tire if dropped off.
Fee for disposal of refrigerators/air conditioners/freezers.
Peddling and soliciting:
License application fees:
One-day license.
One-week license.
One-month license.
One-year license.
Group license. Two or more people per week with corporate verification.
Deposit fees:
One-day license.
One-week license.
One-month license.
One-year license.
Group license.
Plumbing fees:
Examination fee:
If examination is taken at a regular meeting of the Board of Examiners.
If examination entails a special meeting of the Board of Examiners.
Application for reregistration (add to building contractor's license fee):
Master plumbers, firms and corporations.
Journeymen plumbers.
Apprentice plumbers.
Reciprocal license (add to building contractor's license fee):
Master plumbers, firms and corporations.
Journeymen plumbers.
Apprentice plumbers.
Public Works Department fees.
Equipment: hourly rate (with a one-hour minimum).
Bill air compressor
Backhoe 24 inches
Concrete saw
Blade 16 inches
71-inch mower
Skid loader
16-inch chain saw
Dump truck
Pickup truck
Labor, hourly rate.
Solid waste fees:
Annual license fee for private trash haulers.
Annual license fee for recyclable collectors.
Registration for private collection, transport and disposal of solid waste per tax parcel serviced by a dumpster supplying such service.
Penalty fee to be added to the base fee.
Attorney fees and collection fees to be added to the MCTLA unpaid claims.
[Amended 11-14-2022 by Ord. No. 1558-2022]
The attorney fees and collection fees set forth below are hereby adopted, approved and determined to be reasonable, including, without limitation, as contemplated by § 7106 of the Act. The attorney fees and collection Fees set forth below shall be included and added to the applicable MCTLA Unpaid Claim in an amount equal to the amount set forth in this subsection.
Attorney fees.
Initial review and sending first legal demand letter
File lien and prepare satisfaction
Prepare writ of scire facias
Prepare and mail letter under Pa. R.C.P. 237.1
Prepare default judgment
Research, prepare and obtain reissued writ
Prepare praecipe to amend
Prepare motion to amend
Prepare motion for alternate Service
Prepare motion to consolidate claims
Amend claim to add United States as defendant
Prepare writ of execution
Preparation for sheriff's sale; review schedule of distribution and resolve distribution issues
Prepare motion to continue sheriff's sale
Prepare petition for free and clear sale
Preparation and service of subpoena
Presentation of motion or petition
Services not covered above
At an hourly rate between $75 $275 per hour
Collection fees.
Validation notice
$25 per notice
Notice of delinquent claim and fee shifting
$40 per notice, plus applicable postage
Bookkeeping fee for payment plan of 3 months or less
Bookkeeping fee for payment plan of more than 3 months
Handling fee for returned check
In addition to the collection fees set forth under Subsection L(5)(a)[2] above, the amount of out-of-pocket charges, costs, expenses, commissions and fees incurred in connection with the filing, preservation and collection of the MCTLA unpaid claims, including, but not limited to, prothonotary fees and charges, sheriff fees and charges, postage expenses, title search expenses, vehicle identification number (VIN) search expenses, skip tracing and/or other investigatory service expenses, and the costs, fees, charges and/or expenses arising out of any payment by any credit card, debit card or any other payment medium, are hereby approved and shall be included, upon incurrence, together with the applicable MCTLA unpaid claim.
Interest. Interest will be assessed upon the unpaid claims at a rate of 10% per annum and added to the unpaid claims. The City is permitted to waive any interest on any unpaid claim when the City or any attorney and/or third party collector collecting the unpaid claim believes, in its discretion, that such amount is de minimis or that the cost or burden of continuing collection outweighs the benefit of collecting the interest.
Streets and sidewalks:
Permit for opening or excavating for a sidewalk or for pole planting or removal.
Permit for opening or excavating any street.
Permit for placement of a dumpster on a street, roadway or sidewalk, per dumpster or similar container.
After-hours inspection.
Billboard permit/maintenance fee.
Application fee for permit to operate wrecker service.
Use registration:
Initial inspection under Chapter 214, Use Registration (this also includes one follow-up inspection). The fee provided is for buildings with up to five dwelling units. An additional fee is required for each additional five dwelling units.
Any further inspections after the initial and follow-up inspection.
Appeal to the Board of Use Regulation Appeals.
Chapter 224, Zoning.
Chapter 197, Subdivision and Land Development.
City Map.
Copies, per page.
Fax copies, per page.
Mailing requested material.
Municipal budget.
Municipal Code.
Return paid receipts: self-addressed envelope.
Pay with memo bill.
City Finance Department charges:
Tax certificate and solid waste certificate.
Duplicate tax bill.
Bad check charge.
Zoning permits and fees; subdivision and land development fees.
Zoning permits and fees.
Sign permit.
Annual registration fee for each approved sign.
Zoning Hearing Board appeal:
Application fee.
Residential, for appeals, variances or special exceptions.
Nonresidential, for appeals, variances or special exceptions.
Curative challenge.
Amendment challenge.
Validity challenge.
Zoning compliance letter.
Conditional use hearing (by City Council).
Subdivision and land development fees.
Minor subdivision:
Sketch plan:
Application fee.
Escrow amount. (The escrow fund shall be used to pay for the City Engineer's, Solicitor's or outside consultant's time spent with the applicant or his designee and the time spent reviewing the submitted plans. The rates charged for this time may be adjusted from time to time and are on file at the City. Additional escrow funds may be required to cover costs for reviewing and administering the plans and application.)
Preliminary plan:
Application fee.
Escrow amount. (The escrow fund shall be used to pay for the City Engineer's, Solicitor's or outside consultant's time spent with the applicant or his designee and the time spent reviewing the submitted plans. The rates charged for this time may be adjusted from time to time and are on file at the City. Additional escrow funds may be required to cover costs for reviewing and administering the plans and application.)
Final plan:
Application fee.
Escrow amount. (The escrow fund shall be used to pay for the City Engineer's, Solicitor's or outside consultant's time spent with the applicant or his designee and the time spent reviewing the submitted plans. The rates charged for this time may be adjusted from time to time and are on file at the City. Additional escrow funds may be required to cover costs for reviewing and administering the plans and application.)
Major residential subdivision/multifamily land development:
Sketch plan:
Application fee.
Escrow amount. (The escrow fund shall be used to pay for the City Engineer's, Solicitor's or outside consultant's time spent with the applicant or his designee and the time spent reviewing the submitted plans. The rates charged for this time may be adjusted from time to time and are on file at the City. Additional escrow funds may be required to cover costs for reviewing and administering the plans and application.)
Preliminary plan:
Application fee.
Escrow amount. (The escrow fund shall be used to pay for the City Engineer's, Solicitor's or outside consultant's time spent with the applicant or his designee and the time spent reviewing the submitted plans. The rates charged for this time may be adjusted from time to time and are on file at the City. Additional escrow funds may be required to cover costs for reviewing and administering the plans and application.)
Final plan:
Application fee.
Escrow amount. (The escrow fund shall be used to pay for the City Engineer's, Solicitor's or outside consultant's time spent with the applicant or his designee and the time spent reviewing the submitted plans. The rates charged for this time may be adjusted from time to time and are on file at the City. Additional escrow funds may be required to cover costs for reviewing and administering the plans and application.)
Nonresidential subdivision/land development:
Sketch plan:
Application fee.
Escrow amount. (The escrow fund shall be used to pay for the City Engineer's, Solicitor's or outside consultant's time spent with the applicant or his designee and the time spent reviewing the submitted plans. The rates charged for this time may be adjusted from time to time and are on file at the City. Additional escrow funds may be required to cover costs for reviewing and administering the plans and application.)
Preliminary plan:
Application fee.
Escrow amount. (The escrow fund shall be used to pay for the City Engineer's, Solicitor's or outside consultant's time spent with the applicant or his designee and the time spent reviewing the submitted plans. The rates charged for this time may be adjusted from time to time and are on file at the City. Additional escrow funds may be required to cover costs for reviewing and administering the plans and application.)
Final plan:
Application fee.
Escrow amount. (The escrow fund shall be used to pay for the City Engineer's, Solicitor's or outside consultant's time spent with the applicant or his designee and the time spent reviewing the submitted plans. The rates charged for this time may be adjusted from time to time and are on file at the City. Additional escrow funds may be required to cover costs for reviewing and administering the plans and application.)
UCC Appeals Board request for application.
Certification or zoning district classification and uncorrected violation.
Hole permit.
UCC Appeals Board application for appeal.
Police Department charges:
Accident and crime reports:
Accident report.
Crimes report.
Fingerprinting of private citizen.
Jail cell rental.
Police presence at special events involving paid attendance.
Police presence based on crowd size, without paid attendance.
Meter bag rental.
Impound fee.
Fire Department charges.
Parks and recreation fees:
Nonrefundable application fee.
Additional charge for failure to pay in advance for any recreational use fee.
Park name; cost; time limitation. The hours of operation are posted in each park for public information. Parks generally are open daily from dawn to dusk. Permits for use of parks for special events are limited to the hours specified as follows:
Time limitation.
Abdala Park
Dawn to dusk
Ash Park (pavilion w/elec.)
Dawn to dusk
Friendship Park
Dawn to dusk
Gateway Park (w/elec.)
Dawn to 10:00 p.m.
James Park
Dawn to dusk
Palmer Park (pavilion)
Dawn to dusk
Patton Park
Dawn to dusk
Park/picnic pavilion/courts/ballfields, unlighted
Park/picnic pavilion/courts/ballfields, lighted
League use (baseball)
Fees per size of crowd.
Number of People
1 to 50
51 to 100
101 to 200**
Groups over 100 persons will be required to privately secure two portable toilets for up to 150 people (plus an additional portable toilet for every additional 100 people). After a special event permit has been approved by City Council, verification of portable toilets must be submitted with permit request, and all fees must be paid. Groups over 500 persons will be required to pay for an extra garbage pickup, payable with the fee before a special event permit can be issued.
Electrical use fee (or PA system use).
Street closing.
Tent inspection by Fire Department.
Refundable key deposit.
Refunds will be made if notice is received 30 days prior to the event. No refunds will be made for weather conditions. Any and all additional expenses, including time involving cleanup of the pavilion and surrounding areas due to the careless disposal of garbage and waste material or the lack of any cleanup by the group renting the facility, will be billed to the responsible parties.
Coatesville Community Center use fee.
First four hours of use (four-hour minimum required).
Per hour for each additional hour after the first four hours of use.
Security deposit payable in advance before use (refundable if returned in same condition).
Application fee payable in advance.
Housing standards:
The property owner and/or rental management company of any property subject to a rental unit leasing license shall be jointly and severally liable for allowing occupancy of any rental unit, without licensing of same and without inspection of same, and shall be assessed a penalty set forth in the City's Fee Schedule.[2]
Editor's Note: The fee schedule is on file in the City offices.
Registration fee for vacant premises.
After-hours inspection (8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.).
Fee schedule to be paid to legal counsel for the collection of delinquent municipal claims pursuant to the fee schedule identified in Chapter 182 which is incorporated herein by reference and subject to modification by resolution of City Council which fee schedule attached to the aforementioned Chapter 182 Municipal Lien section of the City Code is incorporated herein by reference as though set forth at length.
Parking escrow.
Residential permits:
For permit parking in and only in either: the residential parking permit area or the parking permit district (as defined in Chapter 218, Article XIX, of the City Code) for the ward in which the permitted party resides.
Renewal fees.
Transfer fee.
Violations and penalties. Any person who shall fail, neglect or refuse to comply with any of the terms or provisions of this chapter will be subject to a fine per incident within the time frame required by the Codes Department, in addition to legal fees and court appearance fees. Each incident shall constitute a separate offense.
Editor's Note: The fee schedule is on file in the City offices.