The CSC shall create an application form. This form shall be vetted by a person or persons knowledgeable about the creation of employment application forms which are consistent with the requirements of the law. Application forms shall not be constantly available to potential applicants. Rather, application forms shall be made available, as determined by the CSC, for a period not less than 30 days prior to a physical performance/physical agility examination, nor more than 60 days prior to that physical performance/physical agility examination. For additional information on the use of application forms, and the procedures applicable to that use see the definition of the phrase "application form" in Article I. A completed application form, to be accepted by the Secretary of the Commission, must be accompanied by a processing fee of $50. Provided with each application form obtained by a potential applicant shall be a job description detailing the essential functions, and the other functions of the relevant job and the minimum qualifications to be qualified for the job. Each such application form shall also be covered by a letter describing any additional minimal qualifications for the job that are particular to the instant round of testing (for example, minimum years of experience), stating the due date for the completed application form to be filed with the Secretary of the Commission, identifying where the application must be filed and the means which may be utilized to file it and the need for the application to be accompanied by payment of the $50 processing fee.
Applications delivered to the Office of the City Administrator will be received at any time during the designated application period during normal business hours. Any application that is incomplete, not properly executed, or which is not filed on or before the last day fixed in the notice for applications to be received, shall not be accepted. The official application form, and the contents of that form, are incorporated by reference into these Rules and Regulations and shall be as much a part of these Rules as if they were fully described herein. Any application which, on its face, reveals that the applicant does not meet the minimum requirements of the position shall be rejected. Applications filed shall be dated and numbered to reflect the order in which the applications were received. Application forms shall not be returned to the applicants.
By publication in a newspaper of general circulation providing service to the City of Pittston, the CSC shall announce that it is accepting applications for a particular position within the Bureau of Police or Bureau of Fire. This notice shall indicate how application forms may be obtained, when completed application forms are due to be filed, the necessity of the $50 processing fee, the age requirement for applicants, and the title of the job for which applications are accepted. The Commission may use additional means to publish notice that applications are being accepted including, but not limited to, Internet (website) notice.
Application forms shall, pursuant to a CSC notice that it intends to create a new eligibility list, be made available without charge to potential applicants, during the time frame designated by the CSC, in the Office of the City Administrator of the City of Pittston, from such other offices and officers that the CSC from time to time may choose to designate, and online if the CSC chooses to utilize that approach.
[Amended 5-15-2024 by Ord. No. 4-2024]
Firefighter applicants must be at least 21 years of age and police officer applicants must be at least 18 years of age prior to the date the application is submitted. Persons below this minimum age on the designated date will not be eligible for employment as a police officer or firefighter.
[Amended 5-15-2024 by Ord. No. 4-2024]
Each applicant shall possess a high school diploma or GED from an accredited institution. Applicants for the position of police officer must be enrolled in or have successfully completed Act 120 training. Successful completion of the Act 120 program and the ability to be certified by the M.P.O.E.T.C. are required before being eligible to be hired. Firefighters must be EMT and Firefighter I certified. Every applicant must be able to perform all of the essential functions of the job being applied for, with or without reasonable accommodations. Each applicant shall be of good moral character, and must have a valid motor vehicle operator's license and be able to maintain a valid license to operate a motor vehicle in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. As required by M.P.O.E.T.C. requirements for police officers, applicants must be United States citizens. Successful applicants for the Bureau of Police must maintain a residence not more than 10 miles from the City's boundaries by the date they begin work.
The CSC shall refuse to examine an applicant, or after examination shall refuse to place on the eligibility list, any person:
Who has been found guilty of, pleaded guilty to or entered a plea equivalent of nolo contendere to a disqualifying criminal offense, as defined by M.P.O.E.T.C. regulations to be a crime for which more than one year in prison can be imposed as punishment; or
Who, either by commission or omission, practiced deception or fraud relevant to his/her application for employment; or
Whose application demonstrates that he/she is not qualified for the position sought; or
Who has fallen short in completing his application form or providing information required to be provided per that application form; or
Who is currently addicted to the use of illegal drugs/narcotics; or
Who does not have a valid driver's license.
The statements made by the applicant in the application form shall contain no falsifications, omissions, or concealment of any material fact. Any person who is found to have engaged in such activity shall be disqualified from further consideration for employment and shall not be permitted to make future application for any Civil Service position in the City of Pittston. Where such misconduct comes to light after the individual is hired by the City, he or she shall be dismissed from employment.