The process of creating a new eligibility list to be used in filling vacancies for a particular position in the Bureau of Police and Bureau of Fire shall begin: upon the existing list having been in existence two years unless extended by the CSC for one additional year; when the existing list contains the names of five or fewer persons willing to accept employment in the applicable Bureau if such employment is offered; or when, in the view of the Commission, the remaining names on the existing list are inadequate to the number of anticipated vacancies in the applicable Bureau, given the time it takes to create a new list of eligibles. At least once a year the Commission shall review the eligibility list for the purpose of deleting therefrom persons who are permanently unavailable for or disqualified for the position or positions involved, either by death, permanent removal from the area, written desire to be removed therefrom, or by other permanent cause, in conformity with these Rules and Regulations. If the name of an applicant has been submitted to the City Administrator and has been rejected three times or the individual has been determined by the medical examination process to be unqualified, then that individual shall be removed from the eligibility list. Individuals so removed shall not be precluded from reapplying at a later date.
Notices or correspondence directed by the CSC to an address set forth in an application, or to an address supplied in writing by the applicant to the Secretary if such applicant has moved since filing his/her application, shall be deemed to have provided sufficient notice/communication to the applicant. The Commission may disqualify any applicant who fails to notify the Commission of a change of address listed on the application.