The procedures established in this chapter are intended to define the steps by which a developer shall design, make an application, record plats, and construct improvements, and by which East Hanover Township may review, make recommendations, approve plans and otherwise administer these regulations and this chapter.
For those subdivisions hereinafter classified as minor subdivisions, a sketch plan and abbreviated final plan procedure is established. For all others, which are classified as major subdivisions or land development, a preliminary plan and final plat procedure is established.
East Hanover Township shall make available to developers copies of this chapter, Chapter 250, Zoning, Chapter 172, Stormwater Management, of the Code of East Hanover Township, the transportation improvement plan and other adopted plans, street maps, and other information which may affect the development of the property under consideration. Applications for approval of a subdivision or land development shall be in accord with these regulations, other codes and plans as adopted and information furnished.
Prior to the formal submission of a subdivision or land development plan for review and approval, the subdivider or land developer is urged to submit a sketch plan to East Hanover Township for advice on the requirements necessary to achieve conformity to the standards of these regulations as well as to alert the subdivider or land developer as early as possible to factors which must be considered in the design of a subdivision or land development, such as pertinent elements of any County or Municipal land use, thoroughfare or other community plans. Review of a sketch plan is an informal, advisory process to guide the subdivider or land developer in eventual preparation of a formal preliminary or final plan.
Sketch plans and subsequent official minor and major subdivision and land development plans should be accompanied by any letters of transmittal or development details necessary to explain existing or proposed site conditions which are not self-explanatory on the actual sketch, minor or major subdivision or land development plan.
A division of land to facilitate a lot addition or a land exchange or a division of land which adjoins an existing public street and does not involve the opening, widening, extension or improvement of any street or the installation of any public utility outside the frontage road and does not involve more than five lots or dwelling units (except that subdivision of lots from a property after five or more lots have been previously subdivided is a major subdivision).
Dedication or establishment of an unimproved right-of-way or easement shall be a minor subdivision. Re-platting, re-subdivision or revision of five lots or less shall also be considered a minor subdivision. Multifamily, commercial, industrial and mobile home park development shall be a major, not minor, subdivision or land development, regardless of the number of lots or units created.
A final plan complying with the requirements set forth in this chapter shall be prepared for each minor subdivision or land development and approval of said plat shall be requested from East Hanover Township.
When filing an application for approval of a minor subdivision or land development to East Hanover Township, the subdivider shall submit an application packet containing two paper copies of the Application for Subdivision or Land Development Approval, seven paper copies of 24 inches by 36 inches plans, two paper copies of any reports, studies, and outside agency permits conforming to the requirements of the SALDO along with digital copies of the aforementioned items on a portable digital device (i.e., USB thumb drive, CD or DVD).
Review. Upon receipt of the minor subdivision or land development plan, East Hanover Township shall begin to review the final plan for compliance with this chapter. Where applicable, the plan may be forwarded to the County Conservation District, the County Planning Department or other agencies for review and comment. Review comments, conditions, and findings of East Hanover Township may be used as substantiation for plan approval or disapproval. After completion of the review process, the final plan shall be approved or disapproved by East Hanover Township.
Approval or disapproval.
After an application for approval of a plat of a minor subdivision or land development has been filed with East Hanover Township, together will all maps, necessary data, and fees, the plan shall be reviewed and processed. The subdivider or developer shall pay required review fees at the time of official submission of the plat and official submission shall not be deemed to have been made until receipt of all the required review fees. East Hanover Township shall complete the review and either approve or disapprove the plat not later than 90 days after such application submission is filed. The decision shall be in writing and shall be communicated to the applicant personally or mailed to him at his last known address not later than 15 days following the decision.
When the application is approved, it shall be appropriately signed and dated and copies shall be distributed according to § 185-11E of this chapter. When the application is disapproved, the decision shall specify the defects found in the application and describe the requirements which have not been met and shall, in each case, cite the provisions of the Ordinance relied upon. A disapproved copy of the subdivision or land development plan shall be retained by East Hanover Township and any remaining copies of the plan shall be returned to the subdivider, developer and/or his agent.
Failure of East Hanover Township to render a decision and communicate it to the applicant within the time and in the manner required herein shall be deemed approval of the application in the terms as presented, unless the applicant has agreed, in writing, to an extension of time or change in the prescribed manner of presentation of communication of the decision in which case, failure to meet the extended time or change in manner of presentation of communication shall have like effect. However, removal or withdrawal of the subdivision or land development plan from the approval process by the subdivider, developer and/or his agent shall be considered withdrawal of plan application, shall not obligate East Hanover Township to approve or disapprove the plan within the herein described timetable and shall not result in a deemed approval when 90 days have elapsed. Upon knowledge of plan withdrawal, East Hanover Township shall notify, in writing, the subdivider or land developer that plan withdrawal has disrupted the approval process and no approval or disapproval will be rendered unless the subdivision or land development plan is resubmitted as a new application.
When filing an application for recording of a minor subdivision or land development, the subdivider shall submit to East Hanover Township nine blue line paper prints of the proposal on 18 inches by 24 inches sheets. When the 18 inches by 24 inches size plans are prepared by reduction of the larger plan original, five sets of the original size plans shall also be provided.
After approval of a minor subdivision or land development plat by East Hanover Township, the original plat paper copy, containing original, notarized signatures and original professional endorsements, shall be filed and recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Deeds, said recording to occur within 90 days of the final or deemed approval date of the plan or the approval shall be null and void. Whenever such plat approval is required by this chapter, the Recorder of Deeds shall not accept any plat for recording unless such plat officially notes the approval of East Hanover Township. Likewise, whenever plan review and comment by East Hanover Township is required by this chapter (§ 185-11C), the Recorder of Deeds shall not accept any plat for recording unless such plat officially notes the review of the Lebanon County Planning Department.
Copies of an approved plat shall be sent to the applicant and retained by East Hanover Township. Additional copies may be distributed to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, County Emergency Management Agency, County Assessment Office. County Planning Department, Metropolitan Edison Company, or other utility or related agency making a timely request for copies.
Classification. Any subdivision or land development involving more than five lots or dwelling units; or any subdivision or land development on a property after five or more lots or dwelling units have previously been subdivided from that property; or any subdivision or land development proposing the opening, widening, extension or improvement of a street shall be deemed to be a major subdivision or land development. Multifamily, mobile home park, commercial and industrial development shall be considered major subdivision or land development, regardless of the number of lots or units created.
A preliminary plat complying with the requirements set forth in this chapter shall be prepared for each major subdivision or land development and an approval requested from East Hanover Township.
When filing an application for preliminary approval of a major subdivision or land development, the subdivider shall submit to the Township two paper copies of the Application for Subdivision or Land Development Approval, seven paper copies of 24 inches by 36 inches plans, two paper copies of any reports, studies, and outside agency permits conforming to the requirements of the SALDO along with digital copies of the aforementioned items on a portable digital device (i.e., USB thumb drive, CD or DVD). As part of the submission, the subdivider shall also submit two paper prints of the improvement plan (if not contained on initial sheet) containing details of the physical site improvements (roadways, utilities, etc.) proposed for the subdivision or land development. All sheets shall be 18 inches by 24 inches or 24 inches by 36 inches and two copies of any associated reports.
Upon receipt of the preliminary plan (and improvement plan, if separate), East Hanover Township shall review the plan for compliance with this chapter. The preliminary plan shall be examined for suitable relationship to adjoining subdivisions or undeveloped land, feasibility of the program for improvements, and provide an opportunity for advice, suggestions, and adjustments to meet ordinance requirements before the plan becomes rigid. The submission of alternate plans is recommended.
Where applicable, the plan may be forwarded to the County Conservation District, County Planning Department, or other appropriate agencies for review and comment. Review comments, conditions, and findings of East Hanover Township may be used as substantiation for plan approval or disapproval. After completion of the review process, the preliminary plan and improvement plan shall be approved or disapproved by East Hanover Township.
Approval or disapproval. After an application for preliminary approval of a plat of a major subdivision or land development has been filed with East Hanover Township, together with all improvement plans, maps, necessary data and fees, East Hanover Township shall complete the review and either approve or disapprove the plan in accordance with the procedure outlines in § 185-11D.
After approval of a preliminary plan for a major subdivision or land development plat by East Hanover Township, recording of the preliminary plan is not authorized.
Approval of the preliminary plan shall assure the subdivider for a period of five years from the date of approval that:
The general layout of streets, lots, and other features are approved and shall be the basis for the preparation of the final plan: and
The general terms and any special conditions under which the approval of the plan was granted will not be changed; and
The subdivider may install improvements in accordance with the approved preliminary plan and other requirements contained in this chapter and those ordinances of local municipalities where the subdivision is located.
Approval of a preliminary plan does not constitute approval of the final plan and, therefore, does not authorize the recording of the subdivision or land development plan or the sale or transfer of lots. After a period of five years, approval of the preliminary plan shall expire.
Classification. Any subdivision or land development involving more than five lots or dwelling units; or any subdivision or land development on a property after five or more lots or dwelling units have previously been subdivided from that property; or any subdivision or land development proposing the opening, widening, extension or improvement of a street shall be deemed to be a major subdivision or land development. Multifamily, mobile home park, commercial and industrial development shall be considered major subdivision or land development, regardless of the number of lots or units created.
Within five years after the approval of the preliminary plat, a final plat with all necessary supplemental data shall be officially submitted to East Hanover Township with a request for approval. Failure to submit a final plan within five years of the date of an approval of the preliminary plat shall void the preliminary approval, unless extended in writing by East Hanover Township. Said expired or voided preliminary plan shall not be used as a basis for any development or construction. Any subsequent development shall be preceded by a new preliminary plan.
When filing an application for approval of a major subdivision or land development to East Hanover Township, the subdivider shall submit to the Township two paper copies of the Application for Subdivision or Land Development Approval, seven paper copies of 24 inches by 36 inches plans, two paper copies of any reports, studies, and outside agency permits conforming to the requirements of the SALDO along with digital copies of the aforementioned items on a portable digital device (i.e., USB thumb drive, CD or DVD). As part of the submission, the subdivider shall also submit two paper prints of the improvement plan (if not contained on initial sheet) containing details of the physical site.
The subdivider or developer may apply for final approval of: 1) only a portion, section, or phase of the entire subdivision or land development as preliminarily approved; or 2) the entire subdivision or land development.
Upon receipt of the final plan, East Hanover Township shall begin to review the plan for compliance with this chapter. The final plan shall be examined for conformity to the preliminary plan, for design and detail of required site improvements and for adherence to other standards of this chapter. The plan shall also be examined to determine if the required site improvements have been installed or, in lieu thereof, a bond or financial security has been submitted. Where applicable, the plan may be forwarded to the County Engineer, the County Conservation District, the County Planning Department, or other agencies for review and comment.
Review comments, conditions, and findings of East Hanover Township may be used as substantiation for plan approval or disapproval. After completion of the review process, the final plan shall be approved or disapproved by East Hanover Township.
Approval or disapproval.
After an application for final approval of a plat of a major subdivision or land development has been filed with East Hanover Township, approval or disapproval shall be granted in accordance with § 185-11D of this chapter.
However, no plat shall be finally approved unless the streets on such plat have been improved as may be required by ordinance, and any walkways, curbs, gutters, streetlights, fire hydrants, shade trees, landscaping, water mains, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, stormwater management facilities, and other site improvements as may be required by this chapter and any applicable municipal requirements have been installed in accordance with such requirements. In lieu of the completion of any site improvements required as a condition for the final approval of a plat, a financial security shall be deposited by the subdivider/developer with the municipality and/or county in an amount to cover the costs of any site improvements which may be required by ordinance. Such financial security shall provide for and secure to the public, the completion of any site improvements which may be required for the subdivision or land development.
Financial improvement guarantees shall further be subject to the requirements of § 185-31 of this chapter and Sections 509 through 511 of Act 247.[1]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. §§ 10509 through 10511.
After approval of a final plat for a major subdivision or land development by East Hanover Township, the plat shall be recorded and copies distributed in the manner prescribed in § 185-11E of this chapter.
Recording shall entitle the subdivider to sell, transfer, or develop the land shown on the plat in accordance with the approved plat, subject to any conditions attached thereto. Where final plans are approved for only a portion, section, or phase of the entire subdivision or land development, sale, transfer or development may proceed only on that approved portion, section, or phase.
When a final plat has been approved, no subsequent change or amendment in zoning, subdivision or other governing ordinance shall be applied to affect adversely the right of the subdivider or land developer to commence and complete any aspect of the approved development in accordance with the terms of such approval within five years from such approval. Where final approval is preceded by preliminary approval, the aforesaid five-year period shall be counted from the date of the preliminary approval.
When the subdivider or land developer has failed to substantially complete development of the approved plan within five years of the aforesaid approval date and when changes in a zoning, subdivision, or other governing ordinance have occurred which affect the design of the approved plat, the subdivision or land development shall be subject to the changes in the zoning, subdivision, or other governing ordinance. East Hanover Township shall notify, in writing, the subdivider or land developer that approval has expired and submission and approval of a revised preliminary and/or final plan (as necessary to detail changes), illustrating compliance with the revised ordinance, is required prior to further development or lot transfer.
Geodetic control requirements. The following geodetic control requirements shall be met for all Major Final Subdivision and Land Development Plans and are recommended for Minor Subdivision Plans:
The plat boundary shall be field tied to the nearest Lebanon County monument, which is based upon the State Plane Coordinate System NAD83 and NGVD29, in accordance with one of the methods outlined below:
Self-closing (looped) traverse(s) shall be conducted between two Lebanon County monuments and the boundary with minimum precision of no less than one part in 10,000 before adjustment.
Self-closing (looped) traverse(s) shall be conducted between one Lebanon County monument, the plat boundary, and a line whose azimuth has been determined by astronomic observation or Global Position System (GPS) with a minimum precision of no less than one part in 10,000 before adjustment. Astronomic or GPS observation shall be performed in accordance with third order. Class II requirements set forth in Standards and Specifications for Geodetic Control Networks, Federal Geodetic Control Committee, September 1984, or as subsequently amended.
Geodetic control points that are used shall be shown on the plat by graphically identifying their location, name, and number. The final adjusted direct tie (bearing and distance) shall be shown between those geodetic control points and specific control point(s) on the plat boundary. If only one Lebanon County monument was used, as in Subsection F(1)(b) above, a bearing diagram shall be shown on the plat relating the bearing structure shown on the plat to grid North.
A certified copy of the associated electronic data file (disk) shall be given to East Hanover Township, at the time of plan recording, in order to expedite entering the information into the Township's records.
The electronic disk shall contain all cross reference items listed below:
Boundary (line).
Property (line).
Road center line (line).
Road right-of-way (line).
Curb (line).
Wetlands (line or polygon).
Paving-parking lot and driveways (line).
Sanitary sewer mainlines (line).
Sanitary sewer manholes (point).
Sanitary sewer pump stations (point).
Storm sewer pipes (line).
[Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Storm sewer inlets, manholes, and outlets (point).
[Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Water mainlines (line).
[Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Water valves and fire hydrants (point).
[Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Disk requirements:
Compatible with AutoCAD Drawing Files (.dwg) in Version 2000 or earlier or .dxf files.
Text shall appear only on a separate TEXT layer and shall not be attached to the ITEM layers.
Drawing layer name shall be provided for all cross reference items [see Subsection F(2)(a) above].