[Ord. No. 2018-11 § 4; amended 1-24-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-01]
Applications for preliminary site plan approval of a development shall include the supporting documentation set forth in Divisions 7 and 8 of this article, except as otherwise provided pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section or pursuant to Section T10B-212(b). Six copies of the application, each containing all required supporting documentation, shall be submitted to the administrative officer.
In order to minimize the incurring of needless expense and where approved by the Planning Board or subcommittee thereof, an application for preliminary approval involving surface water drainage facilities pursuant to Section T10B-227 may initially include abbreviated documentation in the form of a sketch map and general description of the proposed drainage features in lieu of the complete documentation required under paragraph (a) of this section. In such case, the complete documentation shall be submitted at such stage as the Planning Board or subcommittee thereof shall deem necessary or desirable for the purpose of further consideration of the application and further consideration shall be deferred until the complete documentation is submitted.
[Ord. No. 2018-11 § 4]
Applicants involving surface water drainage facilities pursuant to section T10B-227 shall be accompanied by an additional fee of $1,500, which shall be held in escrow by the municipality under a written agreement with the applicant for the purpose of defraying the cost to the municipality of engaging a storm drainage engineer to review the plans for the facilities, to advise the applicant or his engineer of any problems involving the plans, and to submit to the Planning Board and flood control committee a written report of such review upon completion thereof. The escrow agreement shall be in such form as shall be approved by the municipal attorney and shall include the following provisions:
That the escrowed funds shall be used for payment of the fees and charges incurred by the municipality for the services of the storm drainage engineer with respect to the facilities;
That if the fees and charges are less than the amount of the escrowed funds, the difference shall be refunded to the applicant upon demand; and
That if the fees and charges exceed the amount of the escrowed funds, the excess shall be paid by the applicant to the municipality upon demand.
[Ord. No. 2018-11 § 4; amended 1-24-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-01]
The administrative officer shall, upon the filing of an application for preliminary site plan approval, forward a copy thereof forthwith to the municipal engineer and, in cases involving surface water drainage facilities pursuant to section T10B-227, to the storm drainage engineer. The administrative officer shall review each application and prepare a report with respect thereto. The report shall include a statement whether, and if so how, the proposed development is in violation of applicable municipal zoning, subdivision, flood plain and other regulations, but the applicant shall not be relieved of the requirements of such regulations by reason of any matters included in or omitted from the report. Upon completion of the report, the administrative officer shall forward the application and report to the Planning Board and one copy of the report, only, to the applicant, the municipal engineer and, where appropriate, the storm drainage engineer.
[Ord. No. 2018-11 § 4; amended 1-24-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-01]
The municipal engineer shall review each such application forwarded to him by the administrative officer and shall prepare a report with respect thereto. The report shall comment on the adequacy of all engineering matters included in or affected by the proposal; except, that it need not comment upon those involving surface water drainage facilities pursuant to section T10B-227. The engineer shall forward copies of his report to the Planning Board, the administrative officer and the applicant.
The storm drainage engineer shall review each such application forwarded to him by the administrative officer as to the engineering aspects of surface water drainage facilities involved in the application and shall prepare a report with respect thereto. Such report shall include, without limitation, the assumptions and bases employed in his review. The purpose of such review shall be to ascertain whether the design of the facilities complies with the provisions of section T10B-227. The review shall include, without limitation, verification of all methods of computation of runoff from rainfall, all runoff coefficients used for calculating detention capacity, discharge rates and bypass capacity and all calculations incidental to the surface water drainage plan for the development. The storm drainage engineer shall forward copies of his report to the Planning Board, the administrative officer, the municipal engineer and the applicant. The coordination of surface water drainage plans for separate, but drainage-related developments is encouraged, and to that end the review of the drainage aspects of more than one site development may proceed simultaneously or in rapid succession.
Editor's Note: Ord. No. 2022-01 repealed prior § 10B-219, Review, report and referral by committee. History includes Ord. No. 2018-11.
[Ord. No. 2018-11 § 4]
After any development application for minor site plan, major site plan or preliminary major subdivision is deemed complete copies of the completed application and plans shall be sent to the shade tree commission, environmental commission and traffic safety committee for review. After its review each commission may prepare a report of its findings and recommendations to be sent to the Planning Board at least 14 days prior to that board's scheduled hearing on the development application.
[Ord. No. 2018-11 § 4]
The Planning Board shall review such application and after notice and hearing shall take official action by granting or denying preliminary approval or by granting preliminary approval subject to conditions and safeguards reasonably designed to promote the purposes of this article, being guided by the criteria and standards set forth in Division 6 of this article. Preliminary approval shall be subject to any site improvement requirements imposed pursuant to Division 5 of this article. No preliminary approval shall be granted if any fees or charges imposed upon the applicant pursuant to section T10B-216 remain unpaid. The Board shall furnish copies of the decision to the committee, the administrative officer, the municipal engineer and, where appropriate, to the storm drainage engineer, as well as those persons specified in section T10B-61.
Preliminary approval by the Planning Board shall not relieve the applicant of the requirements of applicable zoning, subdivision, flood plain and other regulations.