[Ord. No. 856, § 2; Ord. No. 92-11, § 1.]
The following uses are permitted in B-1 and B-2 districts or, if so indicated, in one of those districts, in addition to those permitted by Section T10B-253;
Retail sales uses not characterized either by heavy trucking or by any nuisance factors.
Retail stores and shops.
Business and professional offices.
Establishments providing services directly to the person (e.g. barber shop) or to tangible personal property (e.g. shoe repair) of patrons, except as prohibited by Sections T10B-254, T10B-259, and T10B-260.
Restaurants, provided that table service is provided for all patrons and that any sale of food intended for consumption off the premises is incidental to the provision of table service.
Single-family houses; permitted in B-1 district only.
Accessory uses on the same lot with, and customarily incidental to, any of the foregoing permitted uses.
[Ord. No. 856, § 2.]
The following uses are prohibited in B-1 and B-2 districts in addition to those prohibited by section T10B-254, but not by way of limitation:
Hotels and motels.
Automobile, truck or bus sales, service or repairs, storage of trucks or buses.
Storage warehouses, building material storage yards and lumber or coal yards.
Industrial, mining or extractive uses of all descriptions.
Drive-in restaurants.
Residential use located in the same structure with nonresidential use, but this prohibition shall not apply in the B-1 district if the nonresidential use does not occupy space above the ground floor, the residential portion has an entrance separate from and independent of the nonresidential portion and the residential use complies with subsection T10B-260(g).
Keeping of animals of any kind, except for household pets in connection with a permitted residential use or in connection with a pet shop.
[Ord. No. 856, § 2.]
The following uses are prohibited in B-2 districts in addition to those prohibited by sections T10B-254 and T10B-259, but not by way of limitation:
Restaurants and drive-in restaurants.
Taverns and stores selling alcoholic beverages.
Newspaper offices and printing presses.
Commercial garages and gasoline service stations.