[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Houston 6-9-1993. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Houston Volunteer Fire Department (hereinafter the "Fire Department") is hereby designated as the officially recognized fire department of the Borough of Houston.
The Fire Department is hereby authorized to provide such services to the Borough as may be necessary for the protection of property and persons situate therein, including but not limited to extinguishing and preventing loss of life and property from fire, automobile accidents, medical emergencies, incidents involving hazardous materials, and other dangerous situations.
The Fire Department is further authorized to provide nonemergency public services, including, but not limited to, removing of water from property after storms and providing assistance in the removal, abatement and prevention of damage or injury to persons or property, whether from natural or man-made causes.
The Fire Department is further authorized to conduct and participate in training activities and drills, either within or outside the Borough, as may be deemed necessary by the officers of the Department to maintain proficiency in providing services.
The Fire Department is further authorized to respond to calls and provide services to municipalities outside of the Borough, pursuant to mutual aid agreements entered into with other municipalities.
In addition to performing the above-outlined services, the members of the Fire Department are further authorized to perform the following acts:
Engage in any type of drill, training exercise, ceremony, practice, test or parade when duly called for or authorized by an officer or officers of the Fire Department;
Engage in fund-raising activities for the Fire Department, when authorized by an officer or officers of the Fire Department.
Engage in the performance of any other duty or activity authorized by an officer of the Fire Department.
Any member of the Fire Department who is engaged in an authorized service or activity and is injured while performing such service or activity, or traveling to or returning from such activity, shall be covered by the policy of Workmen's Compensation maintained by the Borough.
This chapter shall become effective immediately.