Whenever any portion of a combined storm and sanitary sewer in the City of Sunbury is separated, the owner or owners of properties whose roof drains and/or surface water drains are connected to or drain into the then-separated sanitary sewer shall within 30 days after the separation has been completed:
Disconnect said drains from and discontinue drainage into the sanitary sewer.
Install under the sidewalk approved storm drainage of sufficient size to carry roof drainage and surface drainage from said property to the street, and connect said drains into approved storm drainage or locate said drains in such manner that said drainage flows through approved storm drainage onto the street.
Before installing approved storm drainage under the sidewalk, the owner shall apply for, through the City Code Administration Office, and obtain a permit without charge from the City Engineer or the Assistant City Engineer on forms provided by the City.
The City Engineer or the Assistant City Engineer, upon application made to him through the City Code Administration Office, may in his discretion issue a permit granting exceptions to the provisions of this article where the level of the street or the contour of the land or other factors would make compliance impossible, impractical or unnecessary. No such permit shall be granted unless the applicant shall have first paid to the Code Administration office a fee as shall be set from time to time by resolution of the City Council.
Any person who violates any provision of this article shall be guilty of a summary offense and, upon conviction, be punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000, plus costs of prosecution, or 90 days' imprisonment, or both. Each day after the first day that said person shall fail to comply with the provisions of this article shall constitute a separate offense.