The rules and regulations, enforcement response plan and local limits of the Sewer Department of the Authority, as amended to date and duly amended in the future, are incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this chapter.
The City hereby delegates the task of developing specific local limits from time to time to the Authority, and a violation of the Authority's developed limits shall be a violation of this chapter.
The Authority shall be an agent of the City for the enforcement of this chapter, which incorporates by reference the rules and regulations, enforcement response plan and local limits of the Sewer Department of the Authority and orders and permits issued thereunder.
Any person who violates the rules and regulations, enforcement response plan and local limits of the Sewer Department of the Authority, or permits or orders issued thereunder, shall for each offense, upon summary conviction, pay a fine of not less than $100, nor more than $1,000, or a term of imprisonment of not less than 90 days, or both. Each day that a violation shall continue shall be deemed and shall be taken to be a separate offense and shall be punishable as such.
Any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document filed or required to be maintained pursuant to the rules and regulations, enforcement response plan and local limits of the Authority, or the permits and orders issued thereunder, or who falsifies, tampers with or knowingly renders inaccurate any monitoring device or method required under the said rules and regulations, enforcement response plan or local limits, or orders and permits issued thereunder, shall, for each offense, upon summary conviction, pay a fine of not less than $100, nor more than $1,000, or a term of imprisonment of not more than 90 days, or both. Each day that a violation shall continue shall be deemed and shall be taken to be a separate offense and shall be punishable as such.
The fines and imprisonment set forth in this chapter shall be in addition to any civil penalties which the Authority may choose to impose pursuant to 35 P.S. § 752.2 et seq.