Editor's Note: Former Article 47, Wall and Fence Design Standards, as amended, was repealed 9-3-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-12.
This article shall apply to all applications for development.
The following standards shall be used to prepare and review any development plan:
Location and spacing. Street trees shall be provided at intervals of approximately 30 to 35 feet along each side of all streets, public or private, existing or proposed. In addition, the approving authority may also require additional street trees to be massed at critical points along the street, such as the visual termination of a curve in the roadway. On streets where healthy and mature street trees currently exist and are being preserved, such may count toward the requirement.
Planting placement. Street trees shall be planted a minimum of 3 1/2 feet inside the sidewalk, on or near the right-of-way line or, if such location is not possible, in the planting strip, between the curb and the sidewalk (or where same would be located if they existed). On streets where existing street trees are consistently located at a certain location so as to form a line parallel to the street, street trees may be placed to continue this pattern. The placement and type of street trees shall be such so as not to interfere with below-grade utilities, roadways, sidewalks or streetlights.
Corner lots and driveways. No street tree shall be planted in a planting strip, between the curb and the sidewalk, within 25 feet of the intersecting curblines (or edges of pavement where no curbs exist) of an intersection or within 10 feet of a driveway apron.
Type. The species of street trees planted shall be selected from the recommended Borough street tree list, latest edition.
Size. Street trees shall be planted at a minimum size of three inches in caliper at time of planting.
Borough Shade Tree Commission. In determining the number, location and type of proposed street trees, the Borough Shade Tree Commission may act in an advisory capacity to the approving authority.
If the approving authority determines that some or all of the street trees cannot be accommodated on or along the front of the subject premises, the applicant shall pay to the Shade Tree Commission the sum of $500 per street tree required, to be used by the Shade Tree Commission for the planting of trees on public lands in the Borough.
Newly planted street trees shall be monitored for a period of one year to ensure the health of the trees. If the street trees die within the one-year period, the developer/applicant shall replace the dead tree(s). The developer/applicant shall remain liable to replace trees, notwithstanding that the subject premises may have been conveyed to another person or entity.
Each application to the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment for approval of a major or minor subdivision or site plan that requires the removal of trees, including street trees, shall include an application for a tree removal permit. In the event that any tree sought to be removed is within the line of any street, a copy of the application shall be filed with the Borough Clerk. The application and development proposal shall conform to the following provisions:
Application form. The application form may be obtained from the Zoning Officer and shall include the following information:
Name and address (street, lot and block) of the owner of the premises and status of legal entity (individual, partnership, corporation, etc.);
Description of the premises where removal is to take place, including lot and block numbers, street address as assigned;
A list of all trees to be removed with a caliper equal to or greater than six inches, identified by size and species, including the total number of each species to be removed;
Purpose for tree removal (new construction, street or roadway, driveway, utility easement, recreation areas, parking lot, etc.);
Proof that there are no delinquent property taxes or assessments due on the property for which the application is submitted; and
Such other information as may be deemed necessary in order to effectively process and decide such application.
Landscape plan. A landscape plan prepared by a registered landscape architect or registered professional engineer encompassing the property subject to the application for development shall be submitted with the application for tree removal.
The following base information shall be included on the landscape plan:
Location of existing tree canopy within the property boundaries.
Location of individual trees with a caliper equal to or greater than six inches, identified by size and species, within the area of development/limit of disturbance.
Location of individual existing trees with a caliper equal to or greater than six inches, identified by size and species, beyond the area of development/limit of disturbance.
Location of individual existing trees and their driplines noted for preservation within the area of development/limit of disturbance, identified by size and species. Where clusters of trees exist on the site or are contiguous with adjacent sites, fragmentation of the cluster shall be avoided where possible.
Proposed location of all replacement trees required pursuant to § 110-181.2.
Clear labeling of the areas intended for tree/vegetation removal.
Tree protection measures and material details and limit of disturbance line.
Location of existing and proposed building structures.
All bodies of water and wetlands, including water retention and detention areas.
Location of all existing driveways and parking areas.
Design requirements.
Only those trees necessary to permit the construction of buildings, structures, streets, driveways, infrastructure and other authorized improvements shall be removed. Existing vegetation shall be preserved to the greatest extent feasible.
No more than 60% of existing tree canopy within the property boundaries shall be removed. The location of the remaining 40% of the tree canopy to be preserved shall be noted on the landscape plan.
No more than 10% of the existing trees with a caliper equal to or greater than 10 inches within the area of development/limit of disturbance shall be removed unless the applicant shall replant trees removed in accordance with the Tree Replacement Schedule provided in § 110-181.2. Calculations that result in a fractional number shall be rounded to the nearest whole number.
Input from the Shade Tree Commission shall be requested for recommended areas of tree preservation.
The approving authority may require a conservation easement to protect any or all trees or tree canopy areas to remain on-site.
Site protection.
Tree protection measures and the limit of disturbance line shown on the landscape plan shall be provided in the field with snow fencing or other durable materials and verified by the Zoning Officer or other designated official prior to soil disturbance.
Protective barriers shall not be supported by the plants they are protecting but shall be self-supporting. Barriers shall be a minimum of four feet high and shall last until the construction is complete.
Chain-link fencing may be required for tree protection if warranted by site conditions and relative rarity of the plant.
Snow fencing used for tree protection shall be firmly secured along the dripline but shall be no less than six feet from the trunk.
The grade of the land located within the dripline shall not be raised or lowered more than six inches unless compensated by welling or retaining wall methods; and in no event shall welling or retaining wall methods be less than six feet from the trunk of a tree.
No soil stockpiling, storage of building materials, construction equipment or vehicles shall be permitted within the dripline or within six feet of any remaining trees, whichever is greater.
Any clearing within the dripline, or within six feet of the trunk of a remaining tree, whichever is greater, shall be done by hand-operated equipment.
Where a tree that has been noted for preservation is severely damaged and unable to survive, tree replacement shall occur as provided in § 110-181.2.
No tree within any street line shall be removed unless the removal is approved by the Borough.
Where trees are proposed to be removed in accordance with § 110-112.7E or § 110-181.1, the replacement of such trees shall occur as prescribed in the following table:
Tree Replacement Schedule
Caliper of Existing Tree Removed
Number of Replacement Trees
(3-inch caliper)
Less than 6
From 6 to less than 12
From 12 to less than 18
From 18 to less than 24
From 24 to less than 30
From 30 to less than 36
36 or greater
The equivalent of 3-inch caliper trees or greater needed to equal the caliper of the tree removed
Where street trees are proposed to be removed and has been approved by the Borough in accordance with § 110-181.1C(9) as part of an application to the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment, replacement shall be required at 150% of the above schedule.
Replacement trees(s) shall be of nursery-grade quality, balled and burlapped and located on-site. If the approving authority or the Shade Tree Commission determines that some or all of the replacement trees required by § 110-181.2 cannot be accommodated on or along the front of the subject premises, the applicant shall pay to the Shade Tree Commission the sum of $500 per replacement tree required, to be used by the Shade Tree Commission for the planting of trees on public lands in the Borough.
The type of replacement tree(s) shall be the same as the species removed from the site or other species as approved by the Zoning Officer as follows:
Flowering and evergreen trees shall constitute as 0.75 replacement trees.
Arborvitae at least six feet tall at time of planting shall constitute as 0.33 replacement trees.
Tree replacement calculations that result in a fractional number shall be rounded to the nearest whole number.
Not more than 1/3 of the total number of replacement trees shall consist of flowering and evergreen trees and arborvitae.
The planting of all replacement trees shall be done by or supervised by a person with horticultural training in tree care and planting methods.
Newly planted replacement trees shall be monitored for a period of one year to ensure the health of the trees. If the replacement trees die within the one-year period, the developer/applicant shall replace the dead tree(s). The developer/applicant shall remain liable to replace trees, notwithstanding that the subject premises may have been conveyed to another person or entity.
In accordance with the design requirements provided in this article, unless otherwise indicated herein, a tree removal permit may only be granted for the following reasons and under the following terms and conditions:
The area proposed for tree removal is to be occupied by a building or other structure; a street or roadway; a parking area; a patio; a swimming pool; a recreation area; a power, drainage, sewerage or any other utility line, easement, or right-of-way; or the area of tree removal is 20 feet or less from either side of or around the perimeter of any of the foregoing, whichever is applicable.
In areas proposed for tree removal which are not to be occupied by any of the uses or facilities set forth in Subsection A of this section:
The continued presence of such tree or trees is likely to cause danger to persons or property upon the property for which removal is sought or upon adjoining or nearby property.
The area where such tree or trees are located has a cut, depression or fill of land, or the topography of the land is such a character as to be injurious or dangerous to such tree or trees or to tree or trees located nearby.
The removal of trees is for the purpose of conducting forestry activities, which activities include, but are not limited to, the harvesting of trees in accordance with a forest management plan and the thinning out of a heavily wooded area, with some trees to be removed and other trees to remain.
Upon an express finding by the approving authority, the proposed removal of any or all of the trees or shrubs will not result in or cause, increase or aggravate, on the property of the applicant or upon adjacent property, soil erosion, sedimentation and dust, drainage or sewerage problems, dangerous or hazardous conditions and depression in the land value of the subject property and properties in the neighboring area.
The approving authority shall have the power to affix reasonable conditions to the granting of the permit for the removal of trees and/or the application for development.
Whenever an application for tree removal is granted under the terms and conditions of this article, the following protective measures shall be observed:
No materials or temporary soil deposits shall be placed within the dripline of any existing tree to be preserved.
Except while engaged in tree removal, no equipment shall be operated within six feet of any tree protected by this article nor shall such equipment be operated at any time in such a manner as to break, tear, bruise, decorticate or otherwise injure any living or dormant tree. Except while engaged in tree removal, all requirements of § 110-181.6 shall be observed.
Permits granted for the removal of trees under the terms and conditions of this article shall run with the land and shall remain in force and effect for the following periods of time, and not thereafter. Once the permit has expired, a new application must be submitted for review and a new permit issued.
If granted for a lot or parcel of land for which site plan approval from the Planning/Zoning Board is required as a condition precedent to obtaining a building permit, until expiration of the site plan approval.
If granted for a lot or parcel of land for which minor subdivision is sought, one year from the date of perfection of such minor subdivision.
If granted for a lot or parcel of land for which preliminary approval of a major subdivision is sought, until expiration of such approval.
Prior to taking final action upon any application for tree removal, an inspection of the site shall be made by the Zoning Officer, or such other officer as may be designated by the approving authority.
Prior to any tree removal, all trees must be marked and areas to be cleared identified for inspection by a municipal representative.
The Zoning Officer shall periodically inspect the site throughout the duration of the construction in order to ensure compliance with this article. Such inspection shall be made of the site referred to in the application, and of contiguous and adjoining land, as well as of the lands in the vicinity of the application, for the purpose of determining drainage conditions and physical conditions existing thereon.
The holder of a tree removal permit shall notify the Zoning Officer in writing at least four business days in advance of when the tree removal activity will commence.
The notice shall include information as to the manner of disposal of the removed trees.
In the case of the removal of dead or diseased trees, the dead or diseased trees shall not be turned into mulch and applied to the site but shall be disposed of in a manner so as not to disease other trees on site.
A review fee of $200 shall accompany the application for tree removal.
When regulated trees are removed without a tree removal permit or in violation of an approved tree removal permit, the affected areas shall be replanted in accordance with the schedule set forth in § 110-181.2 within 30 days of receipt of a notice of violation.
Any person or persons or corporation violating any provision of this article shall be subject to a fine not exceeding $1,000, or by a period of imprisonment not exceeding 30 days, or by a period of community service not exceeding 30 days.