[Ord. No. 3 §3, 7-7-1896]
Any person who shall willfully interrupt or disturb a meeting of the Board of Aldermen when assembled for the transaction of business by disorderly behavior or by loud, boisterous or obscene language shall be guilty of a ordinance violation.
[Ord. No. 3 §5, 7-7-1896]
If any officer of the City whose duty it is to attend meetings of the Board shall absent himself/herself from any regular meeting or from any special meeting, when duly notified, such officer may be fined by the Board of Aldermen or the acting quorum thereof voting therefor, and the amount of such fine shall be deducted from the salary of such officer.
[Ord. No. 1423-2020, 5-18-2020[1]; Ord. No. 1456-2021, 3-15-2021; Ord. No. 1487-2022, 3-21-2022]
The pay for the Mayor and Board of Aldermen for FY2023 shall be:
$500.00 per meeting
Board of Aldermen
$200.00 per meeting
Note: Ord. No. 1362-2018 provides $500.00 per meeting for the Mayor; $200.00 per meeting for Aldermen elected on or after April 2, 2019.
Note: Ord 1422-2020 limits payment for attendance of two (2) meetings per month for Aldermen elected June 2020 and April 2021 (applicable to Mayor elected April 2023).
The Mayor and Board of Aldermen are only eligible to receive payment for attendance of two (2) meetings per month.
Editor's Note: This Section shall be in full force with future terms of office for Mayor elected or reelected April, 2023, and Aldermen elected or reelected June, 2020, and Aldermen elected or reelected April, 2021.