Utilities data. Utilities data shall include transmission line locations,
pole locations, transformer locations, lateral locations, meter locations,
valve locations, cleanout locations, catch basin locations, culvert/culvert
fencing locations, waterline locations, water material, water pipe
size, sanitary sewer line locations, sanitary sewer material, sanitary
sewer pipe size, stormwater line location, stormwater drainage facility
locations, sanitary sewer service area, pipe size, pipe material,
upstream elevation, downstream elevation, slope from manhole to manhole,
manhole locations, manhole install date, invert elevation, invert,
rim elevation, cover type, manhole type, pump station location, pump
type, pump elevation, pump rotation, stormwater inlets, inlet type,
inlet elevation, control valve location, control valve rotation, control
valve diameter, control valve type, curb stop location, curb stop
valve rotation, curb stop valve diameter, curb stop valve type, hydrant
locations, hydrant install date, hydrant manufacturer, hydrant operable
Y/N, hydrant owned by, water lateral location, water lateral material,
water lateral pipe size, sanitary lateral location, sanitary lateral
material, sanitary lateral pipe size, service connection location,
valve location, valve type, and legend.