The Town of Kennebunkport may enact ordinances for all purposes authorized or permitted under the Constitution of Maine and state statute, including, without limitation, ordinances promoting the general welfare, preventing disease, providing for the public health and safety, and restricting the use of real property by zones as provided by the statutes of the State of Maine.
Proposed ordinances to be presented to the voters of the Town of Kennebunkport shall be written by or under the direction of the Board of Selectmen in such a fashion as it shall deem necessary and enacted by the Town of Kennebunkport in the following manner:
A proposed ordinance may be brought before a Town Meeting on the warrant either at the direction of the Board of Selectmen to include it or by petition procedures duly established by the laws of the State of Maine. Any proposed amendment to the land use ordinances of the Town shall be established and enacted in accordance with the provisions for such action as the same are set forth within Chapter 240, Land Use, of the Code of the Town of Kennebunkport, as the same shall be amended from time to time.
One copy of the proposed ordinance shall be certified by the Selectmen to the Town Clerk at least seven days prior to the election to be preserved as a public record. Copies shall be made available for the distribution to the voters by the Town Clerk prior to and at the Town Meeting.
The subject matter of the proposed ordinance shall be reduced to the question, "Shall an ordinance entitled __________ be enacted?" and shall be submitted to the Town Meeting for action as an article in the warrant or as a question on a secret ballot.
To the extent authorized by statute, the Board of Selectmen may by majority vote enact ordinances for the regulation of vehicular traffic and for the promotion of public safety on public ways as it deems necessary following proper posting in a local newspaper seven days before the hearing is held.
Except as provided in Subsection B(4) of this section, the provisions of this section shall not apply to ordinances which may be enacted by the Selectmen.