The purpose of this article is to provide a procedure for screening
individuals for criminal activity prior to their contact and participation
in Borough-sponsored recreation programs.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the
meanings indicated:
A determination of whether a person has a criminal record,
domestic violence, and/or other court/administrative orders/rulings
which might negatively impact their fitness and suitability to participate
as a youth coach, youth stipend coach, and/or volunteer by cross-referencing
that person's name with those on file with the Federal Bureau of Investigation,
Identification Division, and/or the New Jersey State Bureau of Identification
in the Division of State Police, the National Crime Information Center,
National Sex Offender Public Registry, and/or Social Security Administration,
or any such additional entities deemed as necessary and proper in
the sole, good faith opinion, and discretion of the Borough Administrator.
Any programs sponsored by the Borough of Emerson, including
any and all sports leagues, boards, committees and commissions affiliated
with, falling within the purview of or acting for or on behalf of
the Borough of Emerson and having contact with persons under the age
of 18 years.
Any youth program not sponsored by the Borough, but which
utilizes municipal facilities/equipment or has affiliation with a
Borough-sponsored youth program and having contact with persons under
the age of 18 years.
All positions, unless otherwise noted, shall refer to the
Emerson Police Chief, Emerson Borough Administrator and Emerson Recreation
Commission. Should the Police Chief's position ever become vacant
during the background check process, the next-highest-ranking Emerson
police officer shall be designated in his/her place.
Any program that allows for participation in activities by
those persons under the age of 18 years old. Activities may include,
but are not limited to, sporting or athletic activities, passive recreation
groups, clubs or camps and trips or other activities whereby some
control and responsibility for children is assigned to some person
for or on behalf of a Borough-sponsored youth program or non-municipal-sponsored
youth program, other than a parent or caregiver.
Individuals engaged in providing recreation programs for, or
on behalf of, the Borough of Emerson shall be issued annual identification
cards with appropriate expiration dates based on their individual
background check and shall be on record with a designated Recreation
Commission official with appropriate expiration dates based upon their
individual background check.