[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Harmony as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 4-3-1956 (Ch. 18, Art. I, of the 1990 Code)]
The Harmony Township Volunteer Fire Company of Harmony Township, Warren County, New Jersey, is hereby declared to be the official fire company of Harmony Township.
The officers and active firemen of the Harmony Township Volunteer Fire Company shall be invested with authority to conduct and supervise the activity necessary to extinguish fires and to supervise the necessary activity to prevent the spread of such fires.
The Fire Chief, hereafter referred to as the "Chief," shall be duly elected by the Harmony Township Volunteer Fire Company, and he shall be sworn to carry out the assigned duties as herein outlined before and by the body of the Township Committee sitting in regular meetings. He shall hold office for a term of one year from the date of his election and until his successor shall be elected and qualified.
The Chief of the fire company is hereby empowered and authorized to inspect from time to time any buildings or premises, including private dwellings within the boundaries of Harmony Township, to determine whether fire hazards exist, and he is empowered to order removal when such hazards are found to be present or which, in his judgment, may in the future result in a hazard or condition dangerous to life and property through fire. Thereupon, such hazard or hazards shall be removed, rectified or eliminated within 10 days after notice to the owner has been given.
For this purpose, the Chief of the fire company is hereby empowered to enter and examine all buildings and premises at any reasonable hour.
The Chief of the company may appoint and delegate any fire company officers or any active firemen to make the above-designated inspection. Said officers or firemen must, however, be issued proper credentials authorized and signed by the Chief of the company.
Such inspections of private dwellings shall be made only upon direction or authorization from the Township Committee, and a reported record of findings of such inspections shall be made to said Township Committee. Proper evidence of his authority shall, upon request, be presented by the Chief or designated officer to the owner or occupant of the dwelling.
The penalty for failure to remove or rectify such hazards within the time above specified shall be punishable pursuant to Chapter 1, Article II, General Penalty, of the Code of the Township of Harmony.
[Amended 8-7-1990 by Ord. No. 0:90-15; at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).]
It shall be the duty of the Chief in all cases of fire threatening injury to or destruction of property to take prompt and effectual measures and use the means of the company to extinguish the fire. He shall at all times have sole and absolute control and command over the fire apparatus and over the members of the fire company and over all fire apparatus aiding and assisting the company in the event of fire. In the absence of the Chief, his command shall devolve upon the Assistant Chief or may devolve upon the next in line of command.
The Chief, Assistant Chief and firemen, in order of seniority of position, are hereby authorized and empowered to take charge of any burning building or buildings and any other building likely to be burned or threatened with burning and to admit only such and so many persons (not firemen) to said building as they or either of them may deem necessary. Said officers are hereby vested with all the powers, for the time being, of police officers of the Township, and also while proceeding to, attending and returning from a fire in answer to an alarm of fire, to the end that they may and shall preserve the peace and protect all property, both public and private. The Chief and Assistant Chief shall wear, when on duty, hats or helmets, upon which shall be clearly shown the names of their respective offices.
Any person who shall at any time willfully or unnecessarily drive any vehicle upon or over any hose or any other part of any fire apparatus shall, upon conviction of said action before the proper authorities, be subject to punishment as a disorderly person.
[Added 4-28-1987 by Ord. No. 0:87-6]
No person shall become a member of the Harmony Township Volunteer Fire Company unless such person is:
A citizen of the United States.
At least 18 years of age.
In compliance with the applicable bylaws of the fire company governing eligibility for membership.
[Added 4-28-1987 by Ord. No. 0:87-6]
An active member of the Harmony Township Volunteer Fire Company may become a member of the New Jersey State Firemen's Association, provided that he or she is:
At least 18 years of age and not over 40 years of age.
A citizen of the United States.
Determined to be physically fit, sound in body and of good health by a licensed New Jersey medical doctor, as set forth on physical examination forms provided by the New Jersey State Firemen's Association.
An active member of the Harmony Township Volunteer Fire Company which, for the purpose of eligibility for the benefits available to members of the New Jersey Firemen's Association, shall require attendance and participation at no less than 60% of fires and fire drills for a period of seven years.