The Township of Edgewater Park encourages the growth of mobile retail food vendors within the Township of Edgewater Park while regulating the side effects of this growing industry, such as parking, traffic and waste disposal.
This chapter seeks to regulate mobile retail food vendors through the annual issuance of licenses and permits. This chapter will assist the Township with keeping record of mobile retail food vendor business within the Township limits.
This chapter gives discretion to the Township Police Department to limit the proximity of mobile food vendors to brick-and-mortar restaurants to secure safe and adequately spaced sidewalks in case of a fire, flood, and other natural or man-made disaster.
This chapter seeks to limit the interaction between uses which are incompatible in character. While serving similar purposes, selling food to residents, mobile food trucks and brick-and-mortar restaurants function separately and are not complementary in nature.
This chapter seeks to protect the character of stable commercial areas and to provide sufficient space in appropriate locations for each use. The Township seeks to locate mobile food trucks in areas to better serve mobile populations. The Township seeks to promote a desirable visual environment through limiting the interaction of each respective use.
This chapter is not intended to effect, and shall not apply to, activities conducted on private property.
The provisions of this chapter shall apply to mobile food operations engaged in the business of cooking, preparing, and/or distributing food or beverage from mobile retail food vendors on public property within the Township of Edgewater Park.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any movable restaurant or retail food establishment in or on which food and beverage are transported, stored, or prepared for retail sale or given away at temporary locations. Only the following shall be authorized to obtain an annual mobile retail food license to stop and stand on public or private property, public rights-of-way and/or public streets and sidewalks, within the Township limits, none of which shall exceed 35 feet in length.
Weekdays: Sunday through Thursday, mobile retail food vendors may operate between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 9:30 p.m.
Weekends: Friday and Saturday, mobile retail food vendors shall operate between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.
No person holding a mobile food vendor license and/or permit shall sell, lend, lease or in any manner transfer any interest in a mobile retail food vendor license and/or permit.
A license and/or permit holder may transfer said item as part of the sale of a majority of the stock in a corporation holding such a license and/or permit, as part of the sale of a majority of the membership interests of a limited-liability company holding such license and/or permit, or as part of the sale of a business or substantially all of its assets, provided that there shall be no allocated or actual value for the transfer of the license and/or permit, and provided that:
The transferor shall notify the County Board of Health and the Municipal Clerk Office in writing, and the transferee shall submit a mobile retail food vendor license application and parking permit for approval, which approval must occur prior to transfer. Licenses and permits which are transferred prior to approval shall be null and void as of the date and time of transfer, if not previously approved pursuant to this section.
Any such transfer shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the original license and/or permit.
A transfer fee of $35, payable to the Township of Edgewater Park, and any and all application fees described in this chapter shall be received prior to any transfer being approved.
Unless otherwise specified herein, this chapter shall be enforced by any Township Code Enforcement Officer, the Police Department, and/or the Township Board of Health.
Any mobile retail food vendor being operated without a valid mobile retail food vendor license and/or permit shall be deemed a public safety hazard and may be ticketed and impounded.
Mobile vendor licensees shall be required to display the mobile retail vendor license and/or permit prominently when located in a permitted location. Being the lawful holder of a Township of Edgewater Park mobile vendor license and/or permit shall not be a valid defense to a citation for failure to prominently display the license in violation of this chapter.
An application for solicitor's permit along with fingerprint and background check must be completed prior to licensure.
The application fee for a license or any renewal of a mobile food vendor's license granted by the Township shall be as follows:
Solicitor's permit: $100.
Mercantile license: $75.
Food handler's permit: $35.
Parking permit: $35.
Applicants shall as part of the initial application process provide the following:
The make and model of vehicle, state license plate number, driver's identification number, copy of current insurance, and copy of state registration (motorized).
License and permits shall be renewed on an annual basis.
Applications for licenses and parking permits are subject to approval at the discretion of the Police Department.
Mobile vendor licensees parking on private property shall produce written permission from the owner of said property as a part of the initial application process.