[Adopted 12-7-2020 by L.L. No. 5-2020[1]]
Editor's Note: This local law also superseded former Art. II, Tax Exemption for Businesses, adopted 10-21-1991 by L.L. No. 11-1991.
This article, using § 485-b of the Real Property Tax Law, authorizes a partial exemption from real property taxation for commercial, business or industrial property constructed, altered, installed or improved on or after the effective date of this article. The cost of such construction, alteration, installation or improvement must exceed $10,000. Ordinary maintenance and repairs do not qualify for exemption. The property must not be receiving or have received any other exemption authorized by the Real Property Tax Law with respect to the same improvements, unless, during the period of the prior exemption, payments in lieu of taxes were made in amounts that were at least equal to the taxes that would have been paid had the property been receiving the § 485-b exemption. This article does not limit the exemption by specific geographic areas and to sectors and subsectors of businesses as defined in the North American Industry Classification System.
The colloquial name of this article, which is a Town of Hamburg adoption and implementation of § 485-b of the Real Property Tax Law, shall be the "Business Improvement Exemption Law."
The exemption in the first year is 50% of the increase in the assessed value attributable to the improvement. The exemption amount then decreases by 5% in each of the next nine years. This declining percentage continues to be applied to the increase in assessed value determined in the first year of the exemption, unless there is a change in level of assessment for an assessment roll of 15% or more, as certified by the State Board of Real Property Services, in which case an adjustment is required.
The exemption applies to charges imposed upon real property by or on behalf of the Town of Hamburg for municipal purposes and to special ad valorem levies except those levied for fire district, fire protection district or fire alarm district purposes. The exemption does not apply to costs incurred for ordinary maintenance and repairs or to property used primarily for residential purposes other than hotels or motels.
Application for exemption from Town of Hamburg taxes must be filed, using form RP-485-b, with the Town Assessor, not the State Board of Real Property Services.
The RP-485-b application must be filed in the Assessor's Office on or before the taxable status date of March 1, and within one year from the date of completion of the improvements.
Once the exemption has been granted, the exemption may continue for the authorized period, provided that the eligibility requirements continue to be satisfied. It is not necessary to reapply for exemption after the initial year in order for the exemption to continue.
Should any part of this article be adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such adjudication shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder thereof, but shall be restricted in its operation in effect to the part of this article specifically determined to be invalid.
This article shall take effect immediately upon filing thereof in the Office of the Secretary of State of the State of New York.