Editor’s note–See corresponding note located in Appendix A of this code.
For the purpose of this division the following definitions shall apply:
Commercial traveler
is defined to mean a person who is employed by or who represents a manufacturer, wholesaler, or importer who sells or exhibits goods to parties who engage in the business of purchasing such goods for the purpose of resale to the general public.
is defined to mean and include tangible chattels of every kind and character.
Itinerant merchant
shall mean a person or the agent, consignee, or employee of a person, engaged in the temporary business of moving stocks of goods or samples of goods into the city for the purpose of selling or offering for sale or taking orders for the sale of such goods with the intention of removing such samples or the unsold portion of such goods away from the city before the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date such goods were first moved into the city.
is defined to mean and include a person, or the agent, consignee, or employee of a person, who carries goods upon a truck or other vehicle on the streets of the city for the purpose of exhibiting, selling, or offering for sale such goods from such truck or other vehicle or who within the city goes from door to door of residences, offices or places of business to display, sell, offer for sale, or take orders for the sale of goods or to exhibit brochures, sales literature or price lists for the purpose of taking orders for the sale of goods.
is defined to mean an individual natural person, whether residing within or without the city limits, and does not include any corporation, firm, association, partnership or joint venture.
Temporary business
shall mean any business activity which has not been conducted for a period of not less than thirty (30) consecutive days within the City of Lubbock.
Transient vendor
is defined to mean and include a person, or the agent, consignee or employee of a person, who within the city engages in the temporary business of exhibiting, delivering, selling or offering for sale any goods or exhibiting brochures, sales literature, or price lists for the purpose of taking orders for the sale of goods.
(1983 Code, sec. 20-16(b); Ordinance 8639, sec. 1, adopted 7/26/1984)
Before any person, whether residing within or without the city limits, engages in the activity of a peddler, itinerant merchant, or transient vendor within the City of Lubbock, such person shall first obtain from the city manager or his designated representative a license to engage in such activity. Any such license granted to any person is issued with the express provision that the licensee shall not make any false or fraudulent representation as to the goods to be sold or his authority to sell such goods. A separate license and application shall be required for each person who engages in the activities described in the term “itinerant merchant,” “peddler” or “transient vendor” in section 8.12.031, including each employee, agent or consignee who engages in such activity.
(1983 Code, sec. 20-16(a); Ordinance 8639, sec. 1, adopted 7/26/1984)
This division shall not apply to any of the following:
Commercial travelers;
Sales or exhibits at fairs, rodeos, conventions, or events sponsored by one or more city civic organizations, schools, churches, the Chamber of Commerce or the City of Lubbock;
Charitable solicitation;
Newspaper delivery persons;
Persons offering food or beverage samples in food stores; (6) Garage sales conducted by owners of private residences.
(1983 Code, sec. 20-16(c); Ordinance 8639, sec. 1, adopted 7/26/1984)
The police department of the City of Lubbock shall enforce this division.
(1983 Code, sec. 20-21; Ordinance 8639, sec. 1, adopted 7/26/1984)
It shall be unlawful for any person, required by section 8.12.032 of this division to secure a license, to engage in the activities set forth in section 8.12.031 without a license.
It shall be unlawful for the holder of any license issued under this division to enter upon the land or premises of another after receiving, immediately before such entry, notice from the owner, resident, occupant or adult person acting for such person exercising possession that such entry is forbidden; further, it shall be unlawful for any such license holder to remain on the premises of another after receiving notice from the owner, resident, occupant or adult person acting for such person exercising possession to depart such premises.
A violation shall constitute a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, punishable by a fine not to exceed two hundred dollars ($200.00).
A conviction for the violation of subsection (b) above shall result in the automatic revocation of such convicted person’s peddler’s and solicitor’s license.
(1983 Code, sec. 20-25; Ordinance 8639, sec. 1, adopted 7/26/1984)
Application for a license required hereunder shall be made by the persons requesting such license upon forms available in the office of the city manager or his designated representative. Such application form shall provide a space for the following information which must be furnished by the applicant:
The name, address, and occupation of the applicant;
The social security number and birth date of the applicant;
A valid state driver’s license or other positive identification issued to the applicant by a governmental agency;
A description of the goods to be sold, including brand name if any;
The address of the location from which such goods shall be displayed to the public or offered for sale or a statement that such requirement is inapplicable because applicant is a peddler who proposes either to carry goods upon a truck or other vehicle on the streets of the city for the purpose of exhibiting, selling or offering for sale such goods from such truck or other vehicle or to go from door to door of residences, offices or places of business to conduct his business activities;
The name, address and phone number of the owner of the property at such location or a statement that such requirement is inapplicable;
Such other information as may be required to complete an investigation as to the fitness of the applicant to conduct such business operation.
Each person making application for a license required hereunder shall swear or affirm that the information given on the application form is true and accurate.
If the applicant proposes to display goods to the public or to offer such goods for sale from a designated location, such applicant’s application form hereunder shall be accompanied by a written permit signed by the owner or the duly authorized agent of the owner of the property at the location from which the applicant proposes to display or to offer for sale any goods. Such permit shall state that said owner consents that the applicant may use and occupy such property for the purpose of selling or offering for sale such goods.
Each application form for a license required hereunder shall bear the signature of the zoning and environmental control administrator of the City of Lubbock or his designated representative indicating that the property from which the applicant proposes to display or to offer for sale any goods is situated in a zone wherein such activity is a permitted use or that such requirement is inapplicable.
Each application form for a license required hereunder shall bear the signature of the building official of the City of Lubbock or his designated representative indicating that applicant’s proposed use of property complies with the occupancy requirements of the City of Lubbock building codes or that such requirement is inapplicable.
Each applicant who proposes to sell or offer for sale goods consisting of any raw, cooked, or processed edible substance, ice, beverage, or ingredient used or intended for use or for sale in whole or in part for human consumption shall secure on the application form for a license hereunder the signature of the public health administrator of the City of Lubbock indicating that such goods meet minimum food standards of the city health code.
If state statute requires that sales tax must be paid upon the purchases of such goods as the applicant proposes to offer for sale, the application for a license shall be accompanied by a valid sales tax permit issued by the office of the comptroller of public accounts of the State of Texas.
(1983 Code, sec. 20-16(d)–(j); Ordinance 8639, sec. 1, adopted 7/26/1984)
Each application for a license required hereunder shall be approved by the chief of police or his authorized representative before such license is granted. The chief of police shall have a reasonable time to conduct an investigation of an applicant for such license, but such an investigation shall not be longer than three (3) business days. After inspection or investigation, the chief of police shall either approve or disapprove the application for the license and if disapproved shall give the applicant, upon request, a written statement setting forth the reasons for such disapproval and notifying said applicant of his right to appeal.
Upon approval of the license and prior to issuance, each applicant shall be required to secure photo identification from a designated city representative.
(1983 Code, sec. 20-16(k), (l); Ordinance 8639, sec. 1, adopted 7/26/1984)
A license issued under the provisions of this division shall state the name and residence of the person to whom it is issued and the location from which such person is licensed to conduct the business operation authorized by such license or the fact that the licensee is a peddler who is authorized to carry goods upon a truck or other vehicle on the streets of the city for the purpose of exhibiting, selling or offering for sale such goods from such truck or other vehicle or to go from door to door of residences, offices, or places of business to display, sell, offer for sale or take orders for the sale of goods or to exhibit brochures, sales literature, or price lists of goods. Each such license shall be officially signed by the city manager or by his designated representative with an appropriate seal of office affixed. The city manager or his designated representative shall keep a record of each such license issued and a record of each such license shall be filed with the city secretary.
(1983 Code, sec. 20-17; Ordinance 8639, sec. 1, adopted 7/26/1984)
Any person who is required to obtain a license by the provisions of this division may apply for a thirty-day license. When a thirty-day license is issued to any such person, such licensee shall pay to the city manager or to his designated representative a license fee of fifty dollars ($50.00), which sum shall be used to defray part of the expense of administration and enforcement of this division. No license issued under the provisions of this division shall be issued for a longer period than thirty (30) days. Such license shall not be assignable and shall not authorize more than one (1) person to engage in the activity of peddler, itinerant merchant, or transient vendor within the city.
(1983 Code, sec. 20-18; Ordinance 8639, sec. 1, adopted 7/26/1984)
Each licensee shall wear the photo identification required under the provisions of this division attached to the outer clothing of such licensee so that it is visible to any person to whom such licensee attempts to sell goods. Any licensee must exhibit a license and the photo identification issued under the provisions of this division, upon demand, to the city manager or his designated representative, to any police officer of the city or to any person to whom a sales or solicitation is attempted to be made. In addition to the exhibiting of the license and the photo identification, any licensee must also exhibit upon demand identification of and authorization from the company represented by such licensee.
(1983 Code, sec. 20-19; Ordinance 8639, sec. 1, adopted 7/26/1984)
Any person required to obtain a license under the provisions of this division shall furnish the following information to each customer:
In the case of food or beverage sales, a written statement of the name and address of the manufacturer and distributor of said product, together with a statement of what, if any, warranties are applicable to the product.
In the case of all other products, except food and beverages, a written statement of the name of the manufacturer and distributor of said product, a written statement of where service may be obtained or the product sold and a written statement of what, if any, warranties are applicable to the product.
(1983 Code, sec. 20-20; Ordinance 8639, sec. 1, adopted 7/26/1984)
The chief of police, the city manager or their designated representatives may deny a license required under this division for any of the reasons in subsection (b) set forth below. The city manager or his designated representative may revoke a license issued under this division for any of the reasons in subsection (b) set forth below.
The following reasons shall be grounds for denial or revocation of a license required by this division:
The applicant does not present a valid state driver’s license or other positive identification by a governmental agency;
The applicant does not complete the application form and procedure;
The applicant or the proposed activity of the applicant does not comply with the applicable city ordinances and codes, including the zoning ordinance, building codes and health codes;
The applicant makes false or fraudulent statements on the application form;
The applicant or licensee is found after investigation by the chief of police to be misrepresenting or making false statements in regard to his authority to sell such goods;
The applicant or licensee has been convicted of an offense involving narcotics, dangerous drugs or crimes with dangerous weapons at any time within the preceding five-year period;
The applicant or licensee has been convicted of an offense involving the use of force and violence upon the person of another when the offense is designated as a felony in the State of Texas, at any time within the preceding five-year period;
The applicant or licensee has been convicted of an offense of fraud, misrepresentation, embezzlement, forgery, or theft when such offense is designated as a felony in the State of Texas, at any time within the preceding five-year period;
The applicant or licensee has been convicted in a court of proper jurisdiction of violating this division at any time within the preceding five-year period;
Upon recommendation from the chief of police that the license be revoked because the conduct of the licensee or the manner in which the licensee is conducting his business operation endangers the health or safety of a citizen of the City of Lubbock.
(1983 Code, sec. 20-16(m), (n); Ordinance 8639, sec. 1, adopted 7/26/1984)
The license holder or applicant may appeal such denial or revocation of the license to the permit and license appeal board of the City of Lubbock in accordance with section 2.03.071 et seq. of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock.
(1983 Code, sec. 20-16(o); Ordinance 8639, sec. 1, adopted 7/26/1984)
In all cases where a person seeks to establish a new business activity, which activity is required to be licensed by the terms of this division, and intends to engage in such activity for more than thirty (30) consecutive days within the city, such person shall file with the city manager or his designated representative an application for exemption from the provisions of this division.
(1983 Code, sec. 20-22; Ordinance 8639, sec. 1, adopted 7/26/1984)
The application for exemption provided for in section 8.12.071 of this part shall be made by the person requesting such exemption upon forms available in the office of the city manager. Such application shall provide the following information which must be furnished by each applicant:
The name, address and proposed occupation of the applicant;
The social security number and birth date of the applicant;
A valid state driver’s license or other positive identification issued to the applicant by a governmental agency;
A brief description of the type of business activity the applicant intends to engage in;
Any other relevant information which tends to show that the applicant will be engaged in such business activity for a period in excess of thirty (30) consecutive days within the city. By way of illustration only and not by way of exclusion, the following matters may be submitted for consideration by the city manager in determining whether the exemption should be granted:
Whether application has been made to have the applicant’s permanent phone number listed in the Lubbock telephone directory;
Whether the applicant has policies of liability insurance which cover the applicant’s activities within the City of Lubbock for a period of time in excess of thirty (30) consecutive days from the date of this application;
Whether the applicant has placed advertising with any of the following media:
Other media;
which advertising evidences an intent that the applicant will engage in business covered by this division for a period in excess of thirty (30) consecutive days from the date of their application;
Whether the applicant has policies of property insurance which policies insure the goods or wares offered to the public by the applicant within the City of Lubbock for a period of time in excess of thirty (30) consecutive days from the date of this application.
Each person making application for exemption from the provisions of this division shall swear or affirm that the information given on the application for exemption is true and correct.
(1983 Code, sec. 20-23; Ordinance 8639, sec. 1, adopted 7/26/1984)
The city manager shall review each application for exemption from this division filed in his office and shall within fifteen (15) days of such filing either approve the application or deny same.
In each case where the city manager has approved the application, he shall mark “approved” upon the face of the application, date and sign said approval and keep the original of such application in his office returning an approved copy to the applicant.
In each case where the city manager disapproves the application, he shall mark “disapproved” upon the face of the application, date and sign said disapproval, keeping the original in his office and returning a copy marked “disapproved” to the applicant.
In each case where an application has been disapproved by the city manager, the applicant may appeal such decision to the permit and license appeal board of the City of Lubbock in accordance with section 2.03.071 et seq. of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock. The appeal taken under this provision must be filed with the board within ten (10) days of the date of disapproval by the city manager.
In each case where the permit and license appeal board upholds the decision of the city manager in disapproving an application, the applicant shall within three (3) days of the date of such decision apply for a license as required by this division or be subject to the penalty set forth.
(1983 Code, sec. 20-24; Ordinance 8639, sec. 1, adopted 7/26/1984)