Except as otherwise provided by law, no salary or compensation of any kind shall be paid to the members of any board, commission or committee appointed by the city council for their services as board, commission or committee members.
Each committee, subcommittee or executive committee acting under the direction of any commission, committee or board, now or hereafter created, commissioned or appointed, either by resolution or ordinance of the city council, shall keep minutes of each meeting. Such minutes shall accurately reflect the actions and recommendations of such committee, subcommittee or executive committee. After approval, the minutes shall be filed with the chairman of the respective commission, committee or board to be thereafter upon the minutes of the whole commission, committee or board at its next regular meeting, to be subject to examination by any member thereof.
The secretary of the respective commissions, committees and boards now or hereafter created by the city council shall file or cause to be filed a copy of the official action taken by the respective bodies with the city secretary.
(1959 Code, sec. 2-11; Ordinance 4922, sec. 1, adopted 2/24/1966; 1983 Code, sec. 2-14; Ordinance 2000-O0043, sec. 1, adopted 9/13/2000)