There is hereby created a commission to be known as the urban design and historic preservation commission of the City of Lubbock, hereinafter called the “urban design commission,” composed of eleven (11) members appointed by the city council within ninety (90) days from the effective date of this amendment. This commission shall include at least one representative for each of the following:
Urban planning;
History or political science;
Archeology or paleontology;
Sociology or anthropology;
Building construction;
Landscape architecture.
Each of the seven (7) representatives shall possess special interest, knowledge or expertise in the field which he or she represents on the commission, but does not have to practice in that field as a profession. The fact that one or more representatives from the seven (7) fields of expertise may not at any given point in time be a member of the commission, for whatever reason or reasons, or is absent when a vote is taken by a quorum of the commissioners, shall not affect the validity of any decision or act of the commission.
The other members of the urban design commission shall be appointed from such other individuals and organizations as the city council may in its discretion wish to consult or consider. All members shall have knowledge and experience in the architectural, landscape architectural, archeological, cultural, social, economic, ethnic or political history of the city. No one business or professional interest shall constitute a majority membership of the commission.
All members of the urban design commission shall serve for three (3) years unless appointed to serve the remainder of an unexpired term.
In addition to the eleven (11) members appointed by the city council, the following persons or their designees shall sit on the urban design commission as ex officio members:
The director of planning for the City of Lubbock;
The director of building inspection for the City of Lubbock;
The director of code enforcement for the City of Lubbock.
The following persons or their designees shall be asked to sit on the urban design commission as ex officio members:
The chairperson of the Lubbock County Historical Commission;
The chairperson of the West Texas Museum Association;
The chairperson of the Lubbock Historic Society;
The chairperson of the Lubbock Historic Foundation;
The president of the Lubbock Board of Realtors;
The president of the Lubbock Chamber of Commerce;
The chairperson of the Lubbock Association of Mortgage-Lending Institutions;
The president of the Lubbock Chapter of the A.I.A.;
The judge of the County Commissioner’s Court of Lubbock County;
The president or chairperson of the Ranching Heritage Center.
The city council may draw on the knowledge, experience and expertise of any person or entity by appointing such person or entity to the urban design commission as a special advisor.
(1983 Code, sec. 29-25(f); Ordinance 2019-O0087 adopted 7/9/2019)
The urban design commission shall meet at least once each month, if there are agenda items, with additional meetings upon call by the chairperson or upon petition of a simple majority of the commissioners.
None of the ex officio members or special advisors shall have any voting power, authority to call a meeting by petition pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, or serve to make a quorum. Ex officio members and special advisors shall serve to assist the commission in its other various functions.
The commission shall adopt appropriate rules and regulations for the conduct of its business and the election of its chairperson and other officers.
Minutes shall be taken for each meeting and filed with the city secretary’s office. Each meeting shall also be tape recorded and said recording shall be incorporated by reference into the official minutes. The absence or inaudibility of any recording, however, shall not serve to invalidate any meeting or the minutes of any meeting.
Six (6) commissioners present shall constitute a quorum, and all issues shall be decided by a simple majority vote of the members voting.
(1983 Code, sec. 29-25(g); Ordinance 2019-O0087 adopted 7/9/2019)
The urban design commission shall thoroughly familiarize itself with buildings, structures, sites, districts, areas and lands within the city which may be eligible for designation as historic landmarks and historic landmark districts. Included in this review shall be the historic site survey, architectural survey, and urban image analysis in the comprehensive plan of the City of Lubbock. These shall be updated as needed.
(1983 Code, sec. 29-25(h); Ordinance 2019-O0087 adopted 7/9/2019)