The purpose of this division is to implement a resident parking only program for residential streets in specified zones within portions of the city for the following reasons:
To reduce hazardous traffic conditions caused by the use of residential streets for parking by persons using adjacent educational, commercial, industrial, or commuter facilities, but who do not reside in the neighborhood;
To protect the residents of such neighborhoods from polluted air, excessive noise, trash and refuse;
To protect the residents from unreasonable burdens in gaining access to their residences;
To preserve the character of such residential districts;
To promote efficiency in maintenance of the streets in a clean and safe condition;
To protect the safety of children in such residential areas.
The allowable locations for the resident parking only program shall be limited to eight (8) residential zones defined as follows:
Zone Number
Zone Name
Boundary Area
Zone 1
Tech Terrace Neighborhood
North: Alley between 19th Street (US 62/SH 114) and 20th Street
South: 34th Street
East: University Avenue
West: Indiana Avenue
Zone 2
Heart of Lubbock
North: 19th Street (US 62/SH 114)
South: 34th Street
East: Avenue Q (US 84)
West: University Avenue
Zone 3
South Overton
North: Broadway
South: 19th Street (US 62/SH 114)
East: Avenue Q (US 84)
West: University Avenue
Zone 4
North Overton
North: Marsha Sharp Freeway (US 82)/4th Street
South: Broadway
East: Avenue Q (US 84)
West: University Avenue
Zone 5
Arnett Benson
North: Clovis Road (US 84)
South: Marsha Sharp Freeway (US 82)/4th Street (FM 2255)
East: University Avenue
West: Indiana Avenue
Zone 6
North: 42nd Street
South: 50th Street
East: Elgin Avenue
West: Indiana Avenue
Zone 7
19th Street
North: 19th Street (US 62/SH 114) - South side of 19th
South: Alley between 19th Street (US 62/SH 114) and 20th Street
East: Boston Avenue
West: Indiana Avenue
Zone 8
North: Marsha Sharp Freeway (US 62/82)
South: 34th Street
East: Quaker Avenue
West: 29th Drive
(1983 Code, sec. 16-194; Ordinance 10075, sec. 1, adopted 6/11/1998; Ordinance 2008-O0014, sec. 1, adopted 2/28/2008; Ordinance 2012-O0032, sec. 1, adopted 4/10/2012; Ordinance 2017-O0066 adopted 6/8/2017)
The traffic engineer may designate a number of resident parking only zones determined necessary to provide for the parking needs of the residents of that neighborhood based upon the following criteria:
A petition must be obtained and filed in the traffic engineering department signed by the residents who own or occupy sixty (60) percent of the linear footage of the street block requesting the installation of the resident parking only signage.
The block(s) proposed for the program shall consist of low-density residential uses.
Payment of an application fee, sign fabrication and installation costs by the applicant(s) within one hundred-eighty (180) days of filing a petition.
Marked service, delivery, city and state vehicles while parked for the purpose of providing service, delivery or conducting official business in the resident parking only zone are exempt from application of this division.
Following approval of an application, the traffic engineer shall conspicuously post signs within each zone indicating the locations and times for which parking is by permit only and indicating that unauthorized vehicles may be towed at the expense of the owner or operator in accordance with section 684.053 of the [Texas] Transportation Code. A resident parking only zone becomes effective for enforcement five (5) working days after signs are posted in the zone.
The costs to the applicant for the establishment of a resident parking only zone shall be set annually in the city’s budget ordinance. If no fee is established by budget ordinance, the following minimum fees are established for these costs:
Fifty dollars ($50.00) application fee;
Two hundred dollars ($200.00) for the installation of each resident parking only sign required to meet uniform traffic code requirements;
Five dollars ($5.00) annual fee for each resident parking only permit; and
Five dollars ($5.00) annual fee for each guest pass.
Editor’s note–Section 684.053 of the [Texas] Transportation Code referred to in subsection (c) of the section above was renumbered as Texas Occupations Code section 2308.353 and amended by Acts 2007, 80th Legislature, Regular Session, ch. 1046, sec. 2.05, effective September 1, 2007.
(1983 Code, sec. 16-196; Ordinance 10075, sec. 1, adopted 6/11/1998; Ordinance 2000-O0026, sec. 1, adopted 6/8/2000; Ordinance 2012-O0032, sec. 1, adopted 4/10/2012)
The traffic engineer shall, after application and payment of the permit fee, issue resident parking only permits to any person who resides in the resident parking zone sufficient for that person’s vehicles, including any vehicles owned by other family members residing at the same address.
The application for a permit must contain the name, home address, and license plate number of the resident or property owner applying for the permit(s) and the number of permits needed.
To prove residency within the residential parking only zone and to verify the contents of the application, the applicant shall present one of the following at the time of application:
A valid Texas driver’s license showing the applicant’s current home address;
A valid Texas motor registration for the motor vehicle to be parked in the resident parking only zone, showing the applicant’s current home address; or
A residential utility bill showing the applicant’s current home address.
A residential lease or deed showing the applicant’s current home address.
When a vehicle other than a service, delivery, city or state vehicle making a delivery or conducting official business is parked in a resident parking only zone, the permit must be conspicuously displayed on the driver’s side front windshield above the state inspection sticker. On motorcycles and trailers, such permit may be placed at a convenient location at or near the vehicle’s license plate.
A permit authorizes the holder to stop, stand, and park a vehicle at any time in a resident parking only zone, unless such stopping, standing, or parking is prohibited or restricted by regulations other than those established under this division.
A permit is not transferable or assignable.
A permit is valid for one year beginning August 1 and ending July 31 of the following year. Permits may be renewed by applying in accordance with provisions of this division.
A lost, stolen or destroyed permit may be replaced for a five dollar ($5.00) fee. The permit holder must submit a signed affidavit stating that the permit was lost or stolen or provide physical verification that the permit has been destroyed. If a vehicle is sold, the permit holder may remove the permit and use it in lieu of the aforementioned signed affidavit.
One permanent guest pass may be issued for each vehicle permit purchased, up to a limit of three (3) guest passes per residence.
Temporary passes are available to accommodate large gatherings within the residential parking only zone. Temporary passes shall be valid for one day only and will be provided on an individual basis. The number of temporary passes issued shall not exceed the available curb space within one block of the location of the large gathering.
Issuance of a resident parking only permit does not limit either the city’s or the state’s ability to perform emergency repairs, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of the roadway, and performing emergency repairs, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of the roadway does not create a cause of action against either the city or the state.
(1983 Code, sec. 16-197; Ordinance 10075, sec. 1, adopted 6/11/1998; Ordinance 2000-O0026, secs. 2, 3, adopted 6/8/2000; Ordinance 2012-O0032, sec. 1, adopted 4/10/2012)
A residential parking permit zone may be removed by either of the following methods:
A petition must be filed in the traffic engineering department signed by the residents who own or occupy sixty (60) percent of the linear footage of the numerical street block requesting the removal of the resident parking only signage. Such a petition shall not be considered within two (2) years of implementation of the zone.
If the resident-only parking is located on a state-maintained roadway, the state may, at its sole discretion upon a finding that traffic conditions have so changed that the existence of the roadway facility under the resident parking only program is impeding maintenance, damaging the highway facility, impairing safety or that the roadway facility is not being properly operated, or if for any other reason it is the state’s judgment that such use is not in the public interest, approval for the resident parking only program on state-maintained roadways may be:
Modified, if corrective measures acceptable to both parties can be applied to eliminate the objectionable uses of the roadway facility; or
Terminated and use of the area for resident parking only discontinued.
(1983 Code, sec. 16-198; Ordinance 10075, sec. 1, adopted 6/11/1998; Ordinance 2000-O0026, sec. 4, adopted 6/8/2000; Ordinance 2012-O0032, sec. 1, adopted 4/10/2012)
A person commits an offense if he:
Stops, stands, or parks a motor vehicle in a resident parking only zone without displaying a valid permit, guest pass or temporary pass on the vehicle as required by this division; or
Falsely represents himself as being eligible for a resident parking only permit, submits false documents, or otherwise makes a false statement of a material fact on an application for a permit.
In addition to the above, the traffic engineer after an administrative hearing may revoke the resident parking only permit, guest pass or temporary pass of any person who:
Violates subsection (a) of this section; or
Has one or more outstanding delinquent parking citations issued by the city.
Further, the city, acting through its police department, may tow or cause to be towed any unauthorized vehicles parked in designated residential parking only zones during the hours of enforcement of such zone as permitted by chapter 684 of the Texas Transportation Code.
Permit revocations, towing and any other final administrative actions taken pursuant to this division by the city officials may be appealed in writing within ten (10) days of the date of the action to the permit and license appeal board of the city in accordance with the provisions of article 2.03, division 3, of this Code of Ordinances.
Editor’s note–Chapter 684 of the Texas Transportation Code referred to in subsection (c) of the section above was recodified as Texas Occupations Code chapter 684 by Acts 2007, 80th Legislature, Regular Session, ch. 1046, effective September 1, 2007.
(1983 Code, sec. 16-199; Ordinance 10075, sec. 1, adopted 6/11/1998; Ordinance 2012-O0032, sec. 1, adopted 4/10/2012)