Case law annotation–Even with the right-of-way, a pedestrian must use due care when crossing a street. Lofland v. Jackson, 237 S.W. 2d 785 (Ct. Civ. App. 1950).
Every pedestrian crossing a roadway at any point other than within a marked crosswalk or within an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles upon the roadway.
Any pedestrian crossing a roadway at a point where a pedestrian tunnel or overhead pedestrian crossing has been provided shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles upon the roadway.
Between any adjacent intersections at which traffic-control signals are in operation, pedestrians shall not cross at any place except in a marked or unmarked crosswalk.
No pedestrian shall cross or use the vehicular traffic lanes of any freeway. This provision shall not apply to an employee of a governmental unit, agency, or subdivision, nor a contractor of such governmental unit, agency, or subdivision, who is engaged in the discharge of official duties. Nor shall this provision apply in emergency situations or to persons lawfully participating in parades, demonstrations, or recreational street uses that are duly permitted under this chapter.
(Ordinance 1367, sec. 1, adopted 4/23/1953; 1959 Code, sec. 18-40; 1983 Code, sec. 16-107; Ordinance 9874, sec. 2, adopted 1/25/1996; Ordinance 2012-O0032, sec. 1, adopted 4/10/2012)
It shall be unlawful for any person to distribute, deposit or place on any vehicle or to sell to the occupant or occupants of any vehicle any handbill, poster, newspaper, food, beverage or other product or merchandise or solicit or collect from such occupant while such vehicle is in a moving lane of traffic upon a public street within the city, whether such vehicle is stopped or moving.
(1959 Code, sec. 21-26; Ordinance 5956, sec. 1, adopted 10/22/1970; 1983 Code, sec. 16-108; Ordinance 2012-O0032, sec. 1, adopted 4/10/2012)
Pedestrians shall observe, in addition to the foregoing provisions of this article, the following rules and regulations:
Pedestrians shall stand on the sidewalk or within a safety zone or island while waiting for a bus.
Pedestrians shall enter or leave a bus or a vehicle of any kind at a safety zone or crosswalk only.
Pedestrians shall, while waiting for a bus, stand on the side of a sidewalk, either in or near the curb or the property line so as not to interfere with other pedestrians.
(Ordinance 890, art. 8, sec. 5, adopted 11/10/1948; 1959 Code, sec. 18-44; 1983 Code, sec. 16-109; Ordinance 2012-O0032, sec. 1, adopted 4/10/2012)