A driver may not drive a vehicle for a transportation network company without a physical or digital driver identification card issued to the driver by the transportation network company for which the driver provides services for the transportation network company.
The physical or digital driver identification card shall contain, at a minimum, the driver’s full name, the driver’s photograph, the transportation network company’s name, and a means to contact the transportation network company.
While the driver is providing services for the transportation network company, the driver shall ensure that the physical or digital driver identification card is displayable to every passenger in the driver’s transportation network company vehicle.
A transportation network company shall not allow a driver to provide services for that transportation network company if the transportation network company knows or should know that the driver does not have a physical or digital driver identification card.
(Ordinance 2016-O0077, sec. 3, adopted 5/12/2016)
Every transportation network company must certify that each of its drivers:
Holds a driver’s license that meets the requirements of chapter 521, Texas Transportation Code;
Has undergone an annual local, state, and national criminal background check by a nationally accredited third-party background check provider to ensure that the driver has not been convicted of more than three (3) moving traffic violations arising out of separate incidents, or involved in more than one (1) automobile accident in which it could be reasonably determined that the driver was more than fifty percent (50%) at fault, within any twelve (12) month period during the preceding twenty-four (24) months.
Has undergone an annual local, state, and national criminal background check by a nationally accredited third-party background check provider to ensure that the driver has not been convicted of a crime:
Criminal homicide as described in chapter 19 of the Texas Penal Code;
Kidnapping as described in chapter 20 of the Texas Penal Code;
A sexual offense as described in chapter 21 of the Texas Penal Code;
An assaultive offense as described in chapter 22 of the Texas Penal Code;
Robbery as described in chapter 29 of the Texas Penal Code;
Any offense under the Texas Penal Code committed against a person with whom the driver came in contact while engaged in transportation network company service;
The transfer, carrying, or possession of a weapon in violation of chapter 46 of the Texas Penal Code, but only if the violation is punishable as a felony;
A violation of the Dangerous Drugs Act (chapter 483 of the Texas Health and Safety Code) that is punishable as a felony; or
A violation of the Controlled Substances Act (chapter 481 of the Texas Health and Safety Code) that is punishable as a felony;
For which:
Less than two (2) years have elapsed since the date of conviction or the date of release from confinement imposed for the conviction, whichever is the later date, if the driver was convicted of a misdemeanor offense;
Less than five (5) years have elapsed since the date of conviction or the date of release from confinement for the conviction, whichever is the later date, if the driver was convicted of a felony offense; or
Less than five (5) years have elapsed since the date of the last conviction or the date of release from confinement for the last conviction, whichever is the later date, if, within any 24-month period, the driver has two (2) or more convictions of any misdemeanor offense or combination of misdemeanor offenses; and
Has not been convicted of, or discharged by probation or deferred adjudication for, driving while intoxicated:
Within the preceding twelve (12) months; or
More than one (1) time within the preceding five (5) years.
(Ordinance 2016-O0077, sec. 3, adopted 5/12/2016)
No transportation network company shall issue a physical or digital driver identification card to a driver until the driver produces to the transportation network company a valid state class C driver’s license, a copy of the driver’s driving record from the state, and a copy of the driver’s complete criminal history from a nationally accredited third-party background check provider.
(Ordinance 2016-O0077, sec. 3, adopted 5/12/2016)
The chief of police may revoke a physical or digital driver’s identification card if:
The chief of police determines that the driver is not qualified to operate a vehicle for a transportation network company under this chapter; or
The driver has knowingly violated any city, state, or federal law or regulation.
The chief of police may revoke an transportation network company’s permit if:
The chief of police determines that any driver for the transportation network company is not qualified to operate a vehicle for a transportation network company under this chapter and the operating authority has failed to fulfill the requirements of a correction order issued pursuant to subsection (c) of this section;
The transportation network company knowingly makes a false statement in its application statement; or
The transportation network company has knowingly violated any city, state, or federal law or regulation.
If the chief of police determines that a driver has failed to comply with this chapter, then the chief of police shall notify the city secretary to issue a correction order to the transportation network company notifying it that its driver is not in compliance with this chapter, the timeframe within which the transportation network company shall work to correct the driver’s noncompliance, and a statement informing the transportation network company of its right of appeal.
(Ordinance 2016-O0077, sec. 3, adopted 5/12/2016)
A transportation network company shall require each of its drivers to maintain possession of and allow access to their drivers’ physical or digital identification cards for inspection by the chief of police. The driver’s physical or digital identification card shall contain the driver’s full name, the driver’s photograph, the name of the transportation network company, and the means to contact the transportation network company.
While a driver is engaged in the provision of services for a transportation network company, the driver shall ensure that its physical or digital identification card is displayable to every passenger riding in the driver’s vehicle.
(Ordinance 2016-O0077, sec. 3, adopted 5/12/2016)
A transportation network company shall certify that its drivers:
Comply with this chapter and all other local, state, and federal laws applicable to the operation of a motor vehicle in this state;
Comply with all of the rules and regulations of the airport;
Treat members of the public and passengers with the utmost courtesy;
Do not solicit patronage from or unreasonably interfere with any person.
(Ordinance 2016-O0077, sec. 3, adopted 5/12/2016)