Site plan review shall be required for all new construction as specified in §§ 640-7D, 640-8D, 640-9D, 640-10, 640-11D, 640-12, 640-14, 640-15B, 640-16B, 640-17B, 640-18, 640-19B, 640-20 and 640-21.
Prior to making a formal application for a site plan review, the applicant may request a presubmission sketch plan conference with the Planning Commission at a regular monthly meeting to discuss the concepts and regulations involved with a proposed plan. At that meeting, the applicant shall present a sketch plan showing the major features of the proposed development such as:
Proposed location of the development showing adjacent street.
Description of the intended use of the property.
Proposed ingress and egress for the property.
Proposed parking.
The Planning Commission shall advise the applicant as to what information will be required relevant to submitting a formal application for a site plan review and whether any submission requirements can be waived. Although the sketch plan conference is optional, the waiver of any required submissions will be considered only if the applicant takes advantage of this option. The applicant shall have 180 days after the sketch plan conference to formally submit the site plan with recommendations as discussed at the Planning Commission meeting. After 180 days, any waivers approved at the sketch plan conference will become null and void.
Submission of application for site plan review.
It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to contact the Zoning Enforcement Officer to schedule a meeting to make application for a site plan review. At that time, the applicant shall be required to supply all information necessary to complete the application, pay the appropriate application fee and submit required drawings for the site plan review process.
In accordance with General Municipal Law §§ 239-l and 239-m, any site plan which is located within 500 feet of any of the following must be referred for review by the Oswego County Planning Board:
The boundary of any city, village or town;
County or state park or recreation area;
Right-of-way of any existing or proposed county or state parkway, thruway, expressway, road or highway;
The existing or proposed right-of-way of any stream or drainage channel owned by the county or for which the county has established channel lines;
The existing or proposed boundary of any county or state-owned land on which a public building or institution is situated;
The boundary of a farm operation within an agricultural district as defined by Article 25-AA of the Agriculture and Markets Law.
The application for a site plan review shall consist of the following information:
Date of application.
Application number.
Name, address and telephone number of applicant.
Name, address and telephone number of owner, if different than the applicant.
Name, address and telephone number of professional or firm preparing the plan drawing.
Property Tax Map ID number.
Current zoning classification of property.
Ward number.
Zoning Officer's name and signature.
Record of receipt of fees for application.
Is property in a floodplain or designated wetland.
Notation that environmental impact statement (SEQRA) has been prepared.
Site plan drawings.
The applicant shall be required to submit site plan drawings prepared and stamped by a New York State registered architect, landscape architect or professional civil engineer. The site plan drawings shall be to a scale of one inch to 20 feet for parcels of one acre or less and, for larger parcels, of sufficient size to provide adequate details necessary to conduct a site plan review.
Once the Zoning Enforcement Officer has reviewed the application for its completeness and forwarded necessary submittals to other agencies as required by law, he or she shall schedule a site plan review for the next regular scheduled monthly meeting. The deadline for submittal of the application to the Zoning Enforcement Officer shall be 10 days prior to the next scheduled meeting so that the Zoning Enforcement Officer can submit copies to the Planning Commission at least five days' prior to the Planning Commission meeting.
Site plan drawings shall contain the following information:
Property boundary lines, setbacks, rights-of-way, easements and adjacent road plotted to scale showing all dimensions.
Location and dimensions, including length, width and height, of all existing and proposed buildings or structures and distance from adjacent property line.
Location and dimensions of all ingress and egress to property with directional arrows showing internal traffic flow on the premises.
Location, dimensions and number of parking spaces, including provisions for handicapped parking and loading area(s), where required.
Location and dimension of all proposed signage to be placed on buildings, structures and premises.
Location and dimensions of all potable water and sewer lines showing proposed connections in the street.
Grading and storm drainage plan showing proposed topography at appropriate contour intervals.
General landscaping plan and planting schedule, including the treatment of buffer areas and the location, size and type of trees to be planted or fencing to be erected.
Location, size and design of all outdoor lighting facilities and public address systems.
Location and size of any dumpsters on premises and proposed screening of the same.
After approval of a site plan by the Planning Commission, the applicant has 12 months from the approved site plan date to apply for and obtain a building permit from the Code Enforcement Department. If a permit is not obtained within 12 months from the date of the approved site plan, the site plan approval is null and void, and the applicant must work with the Code Enforcement Department to submit a new site plan for approval.
The Planning Commission is hereby vested with the authority to review and approve, approve with modifications or disapprove site plans. The Planning Commission may require such changes in plans as are found to be necessary to meet the requirements of this chapter. The Commission may make such additional requirements as are deemed reasonably necessary to protect the established or permitted uses in the vicinity and to promote and protect the orderly growth and sound development of the municipality. The Planning Commission shall review and discuss the site plan with the Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer at said meeting. No more than 15 calendar days after the meeting, the Chairman of the Planning Commission shall issue a written letter to the applicant. Said letter shall constitute one of the following:
An approval of the site plan as submitted.
A disapproval of the site plan as submitted, with the reasons for disapproval.
An approval of the site plan with stated modifications.
Although a public hearing shall not be a condition precedent to the approval of a site plan review, the Planning Commission by a majority vote of members present at a regular meeting shall have the right to conduct a public hearing when they see fit. Such public hearing shall be conducted at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission. The Chairman or his designee shall conduct the public hearing. A notice of the public hearing shall be published in the official City newspaper at least seven calendar days' prior to the public hearing, and written notices shall be mailed by the Zoning Inspector to the assessed owner(s) of all real property within 200 feet of the outside boundaries of the parcel(s) affected by the site plan. A court stenographer or verbatim minutes shall not be required at the public hearing, but the Secretary of the Planning Commission shall generally transcribe the contents of the hearing. The decision of the Planning Commission as a result of the public hearing may be made at the close of the public hearing, or such decision may, by a majority vote of members present, be extended to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Commission. During that period, the public hearing shall be considered open for the receipt of additional information in written form up to 10 days' prior to the next monthly meeting of the Commission. A final decision relevant to the site plan review shall be made by a majority vote of the Planning Commission members within 62 days of the close of the public hearing. Approved site plans shall be stamped "Approved by Resolution of the City of Fulton Planning Commission on __________" and signed by the Chairman. Any conditions, limitations, restrictions or contingencies with respect to the approval shall be set forth in their entirety in the official meeting minutes. The special conditions shall be so noted on any general building permit issued by the Bureau of Code Enforcement. No certificate of occupancy shall be issued until all special conditions of the plan review have been met.
Compliance with State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA). The Planning Commission and all applicant(s) shall comply with the provisions of the State Environmental Quality Review Act under Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law and its implementing regulations. All applications shall contain an environmental impact statement as determined necessary by the Planning Commission.
County Planning Board. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to waive the requirements of referral to the County Planning Board pursuant to § 239-m of the General Municipal Law.
Court review. Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Planning Commission may apply to the Supreme Court of the State of New York for review by a proceeding under Article 78 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules. Such proceedings shall be within 30 days after the filing of a decision by such Planning Commission in the office of the Clerk/Chamberlain. The court may take evidence or appoint a referee to such evidence, as it may direct, and report the same with findings of fact and conclusions of law. If it shall appear that testimony is necessary for the proper disposition of the matter, the court shall itself dispose of the matter on the merits, determining all questions which may be presented for determination.