For the purpose of this chapter, the words and phrases listed below shall have the following meanings:
An emergency medical services vehicle staffed and equipped under state law to provide basic life support or advanced life support emergency ambulance transportation services or non-emergency ambulance transfer services.
Authorized ambulance provider.
The entity under a contract with the city and holding a franchise granted by the city to provide described ambulance services to the city’s residents and persons found within the city.
Emergency ambulance service.
The operation of an emergency medical services vehicle to transport patients to an emergency room at a hospital or a facility providing emergency medical care in response to an unscheduled emergency call whose location is within the city limits.
Emergency medical services (EMS).
The services used to respond to an individual’s perceived need for immediate medical care and to prevent death or aggravation of physiological or psychological illness or injury.
Emergency pre-hospital care.
The care provided, including but not limited to basic and advanced life support care, to the sick and injured either on the scene of an emergency or during transport to an emergency room at a hospital or a facility providing emergency medical care.
First responder.
The provision of immediate on-scene care to ill or injured persons excluding the furnishing of ambulance services to those persons located within the city limits unless requested as mutual-aid or for a disaster related response.
Non-emergency ambulance transfer service.
The operation of an emergency medical services vehicle to transfer patients for non-emergency, previously scheduled, medical treatment from a point originating within the city limits. The transport of a patient for unscheduled medical treatment or evaluation at an emergency room at a hospital or a facility providing emergency medical care is not a non-emergency ambulance transfer service, but rather a provision of emergency ambulance services.
For the purposes of this chapter, a call for EMS “originates” within city limits if the person in need of EMS (emergency prehospital care or ambulance service) is physically located at an address or location within the city limits.
Standby and special event coverage.
Any situation where a previously announced event places a group or gathering of people in a general locale sufficient in number, or subject to activity that creates the need to have non-ambulance emergency pre-hospital care capability on site.
(Ordinance 1520-21-10-12, passed 11-12-21; Ordinance 1526-21-12-14, passed 12-14-21)
All calls for EMS that originate within the city limits shall be responded to solely by the city’s authorized ambulance provider, except as provided herein.
(Ordinance 1520-21-10-12, passed 11-12-21; Ordinance 1526-21-12-14, passed 12-14-21)
It shall be unlawful for any person or service, other than the city’s authorized ambulance provider, to furnish, operate, advertise or otherwise engage or profess to be engaged in the service or operation of an emergency ambulance service or non-emergency ambulance transfer service that originates at an address or location within the city unless said person or entity is:
Rendering assistance upon request to patients in case of a major catastrophe or emergency with which the authorized ambulance providers of the city are unable to cope;
Transporting or transferring a patient who is picked up from a location beyond the limits of the city and taken to a location within the city;
Transporting or transferring a patient who is picked up from a location beyond the limits of the city and taken to a location beyond the limits of the city and only incidentally passing through the city;
Operated by an agent or employee of the federal or state government if such service is done in performance of his official duties.
(Ordinance 1520-21-10-12, passed 11-12-21; Ordinance 1526-21-12-14, passed 12-14-21)
Emergency ambulance service or non-emergency ambulance transfer service shall not include any stand-by or special events coverage within the limits of the city, but only if said stand-by or special events coverage does not result in any ambulance transport originating within the limits of the city. If any stand-by or special events coverage results in an ambulance transport originating within the limits of the city, it is considered an emergency ambulance service transport for purposes of this chapter and regulated herein.
Upon request by law enforcement and fire department officers, the authorized ambulance provider shall furnish ambulance stand-by coverage at emergency incidents involving a potential danger to the personnel of the requesting agency or the general public.
(Ordinance 1520-21-10-12, passed 11-12-21; Ordinance 1526-21-12-14, passed 12-14-21)
First responders are not required to obtain a franchise.
(Ordinance 1526-21-12-14, passed 12-14-21)
Applications for an emergency ambulance service and non-emergency ambulance transfer service franchise may be solicited by the city through a request for proposals from time to time as deemed necessary by the city to ensure appropriate emergency services are being provided within its jurisdictional limits. The requirements and selection criteria will be included in any request for proposals initiated by the city.
(Ordinance 1520-21-10-12, passed 11-12-21; Ordinance 1526-21-12-14, passed 12-14-21)
Any person who uses the ambulance services of the city’s franchise holder shall be charged for such services. The franchise holder may from time to time adjust certain rates as authorized by the contract or by filing an application with the city secretary for consideration of the city council.
The city council hereby expressly reserves the right, power, and authority under any franchise granted, to review the charges for the services of the franchise holder to its customers, fully reserving to the city council all the rights, powers, privileges, and immunities, subject to the duties, limitations and responsibilities which the Constitution, the laws of the state, and the charter confer upon the city.
(Ordinance 1520-21-10-12, passed 11-12-21; Ordinance 1526-21-12-14, passed 12-14-21)
A franchise granted under this shall not exceed a period of twenty-five (25) years.
(Ordinance 1520-21-10-12, passed 11-12-21; Ordinance 1526-21-12-14, passed 12-14-21)