Editor’s note–Former section 33.01 pertaining to the city credit card and deriving from Ord. 399-94-04-12, passed 4-12-94, was repealed and deleted in its entirety by Ord. 1418-19-1126, passed 11/26/19.
All of the property described in the Texas Constitution, Article VIII, Section 1-j, shall be exempt from ad valorem taxation in the city beginning August 7, 2007.
(Ordinance 309-89-11-28, passed 11-28-89; Ordinance 898-07-08-07, passed 8-7-07)
The City of Pflugerville, by the majority vote of its governing body, hereby votes to continue the taxes authorized by the Municipal Sales and Use Tax Act (TEX. TAX CODE, §§321.001 et seq.) on the receipts from the sale, production, distribution, lease, or rental of, and the use, storage, or other consumption of gas and electricity for residential use, as authorized by Section 6 of House Bill No. 1, Acts 1978, 65th Legislature, Second Called Session.
(Ordinance 104-78-10-9, passed 10-9-78)
The City Manager or the City Manager’s designee(s) may accept payment for any fee, fine, or court-charged cost by credit card.
(Ordinance 829-06-05-09, passed 5-9-06)
There is hereby created and established a credit card handling fee pursuant to Chapter 132 of the Local Government Code.
The credit card handling fee will be charged for all fines, fees, special expenses, and charges paid via credit card to the Municipal Court. The credit card handling fee will not be charged for any fee, fine, or charge that is not associated with the Municipal Court.
The credit card handling fee is five percent of the amount of the fee, fine, court cost or other charge paid to the city for Municipal Court costs.
(Ordinance 104-78-10-9, passed 10-9-78; Am. Ordinance 829-06-05-09, passed 5-9-06)
The city hereby levies and assesses and shall collect an annual occupation tax on any coin-operated amusement machines in the city in the amount of one-fourth of the amount of the fee payable to the state, pursuant to V.T.C.A., Occupations Code §§2153.401 and 2153.451. Upon payment of the annual occupation taxes levied by the owner, the city shall issue the proper machine permits. The machine permits shall be prepared in a form approved by the city and made suitable for placement on the coin-operated amusement machine for which the permit was issued. It shall be the duty of the operator to attach such permit to the coin-operated amusement machine for which the permit was issued.
The Chief of Police, or his or her duly designated representative, shall seal any coin-operated machine on which the tax has been levied and not been paid. A fee of $15.00 shall be charged for the release of any machine sealed as provided herein for nonpayment of tax.
Before any machine permit shall be issued by the city, the applicant shall furnish appropriate evidence to show that the applicant has been issued a registration certificate (if required) by the State Comptroller of Public Accounts. Before any occupation tax permit shall be issued by the city, the applicant shall furnish appropriate evidence to show that the applicant has been issued a license (if required) by the State Comptroller of Public Accounts. All state licenses and city occupation tax permits shall terminate at the same times and in the same manner as all state certificates and licenses issued pursuant to V.T.C.A., Occupations Code ch. 2153. In addition all of the provisions of V.T.C.A., Occupations Code ch. 2153, as presently enacted or as hereinafter amended, are hereby adopted and made a part of this section.
It shall be a violation of this section to:
Allow the operation of a coin-operated amusement machine governed by this section without the required permit;
Break the seal affixed in the name of the city or exhibit, display or remove from location any machine on which the seal has been broken; or
Attach a tax permit to a coin-operated amusement machine that is exhibited or displayed if the machine is not registered with the city under this section.
A person in violation of this section shall be guilty of a Class C misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than $1.00 nor more than $500.00. This offense is hereby declared to be a strict liability offense and the culpable mental state required by Chapter 6.02 of the Texas Penal Code is hereby specifically negated and clearly dispensed with.
(Ordinance 870-07-04-10, passed 4-10-07)
Authorization of tax.
A tax is hereby authorized pursuant to section 321.203(g) (consummation of sale) of the Texas Tax Code on all telecommunications services sold within the city. For purposes of this section, the sale of telecommunications service is consummated at the location of the telephone or other telecommunications device from which the call or other communication originates. If the point of origin cannot be determined, the sale is consummated at the address to which the call or other communication is billed.
Repeal of exemption.
The application of the exemption provided for in section 321.210 (telecommunications exception) of the Texas Tax Code is hereby repealed by the city, effective on the date permitted by law.
Rate of tax.
The rate of tax imposed by this section is the same as the rate imposed by the city for all other local sales and use taxes as authorized by state law.
(Ordinance 1498-21-06-05, passed 6-8-21)
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this subchapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
The price of, or value received for, the right to use a sleeping room, bed, or dormitory space or other sleeping facility in a hotel, and includes the price of conveniences customarily provided in connection with sleeping accommodations, including mattress, sheets, bedspreads, pillows, pillow cases, bed frames, air conditioning, electricity, lighting, water, soap, towels, washcloths, toilet tissue, shower or bath facilities, lavatory, chairs, trash receptacles, plus any other goods or services which are not ordinarily subject to sales tax. The consideration paid for a sleeping room or facility shall not include the price of food served, nor the price of personal services rendered to the occupant which are unrelated to cleaning and readying a room for occupancy, nor any sales tax, nor occupancy tax assessed by other governmental agencies, provided that these charges are stated separately on the folio or invoice of the occupant. Charges not stated separately shall be presumed to be part of the consideration paid for occupancy of a sleeping room or sleeping facility, and shall be taxed under this subchapter.
The director of finance or the director’s designated representative.
Has the meaning assigned by § 156.001 of the Tax Code, as may be amended.
Has the meaning assigned by § 61.003 Education Code, V.T.C.A.
The use or possession, or the right to the use or possession of any room or rooms, sleeping space, bed or other facility in a hotel for any purpose.
Anyone who, for a consideration, uses, possesses, or has a right to use or possess any room in a hotel under any lease, concession, permit, right of access, license, contract or agreement, other than a permanent resident as hereinafter defined.
Any occupant who has or shall have the right to occupancy of any room in a hotel for at least 30 consecutive days, so long as there is no interruption of payment for the period.
Any individual, company, corporation, or association owning, operating, managing, or controlling any hotel.
The regular calendar quarters of the year, the first quarter being composed of the months of January, February and March; the second quarter being the months of April, May and June; the third quarter being the months of July, August and September; and the fourth quarter being the months of October, November and December. The municipal fiscal quarters are composed of the same months, but the first quarter is composed of the months of October, November and December.
(Ordinance 1178-14-05-27, passed 5-27-14)
There is hereby levied a tax upon the price of occupancy of any room or space furnished by any hotel located within the city limits, where such cost of occupancy is at the rate of two dollars ($2.00) or more per day, such tax to be equal to seven (7) percent of the price for occupancy.
No tax shall be imposed hereunder upon a permanent resident.
No tax shall be imposed under this subchapter upon foreign diplomatic personnel.
This article does not impose a tax on the United States, this state, or an agency, institution, board, or commission of this state other than an institution of higher education.
This article does not impose a tax on an officer or employee of a governmental entity described by subsection (D) of this section when traveling on or otherwise engaged in the course of official duties for the governmental entity.
(Ordinance 1178-14-05-27, passed 5-27-14)
Every person engaging or about to engage in business as a lodging provider in the city shall immediately register with the director on a form provided by said official. Persons engaged in such business must so register not later than thirty (30) days after the date that this subchapter becomes effective. Such registration shall set forth that name under which such person transacts business or intends to transact business, the location of his/her place(s) of business and such other information which would facilitate the administration of the tax as prescribed by the finance director. The registration shall be signed by the owner if a natural person; in case of ownership by an association or partnership, by a member or partner; in case of ownership by a corporation, by an officer. The director shall, after such registration, issue without charge a certificate of authority to each lodging provider to collect the tax from the occupant. A separate registration shall be required for each place of business of a lodging provider. Each certificate shall state the name and location of the business to which it is applicable.
(Ordinance 1178-14-05-27, passed 5-27-14)
Every person owning, operating, managing or controlling any hotel located within the city limits shall collect the tax imposed under this subchapter and pay same to the director with the returns required hereinafter.
The lodging provider shall provide a receipt to each guest, which receipt shall reflect both the amount of rent and the amounts of this and other tax applicable.
This tax shall be due from the guest, and shall be collected by the lodging provider at the same time that the rent is collected.
The lodging provider shall be liable for any amount of tax that he/she fails to collect appropriately; and must remit to the city any amount of tax collected in excess of that which should have been collected.
(Ordinance 1178-14-05-27, passed 5-27-14)
On the last day of the month following each quarterly period, every person required hereby to collect the tax imposed by this subchapter shall file a report with the director showing the consideration paid for all room occupancies in the preceding quarter, the amount of tax collected on the city’s behalf on such occupancies, and any other information as the director may reasonably require. Such persons shall pay over the tax due on such occupancies at the time of filing such report. There shall also be furnished to the director of the city at the time of payment of such tax, a copy of the quarterly tax report filed with the state comptroller in connection with the state hotel occupancy tax.
(Ordinance 1178-14-05-27, passed 5-27-14)
The director shall adopt such procedures, rules and regulations as are reasonably necessary to effectively collect the tax levied herein, and shall, upon request of any person owning, operating, managing or controlling any hotel, furnish a copy of such procedures, rules and regulations for the guidance of such person and facilitate the collection of such tax as such collection is required herein. The director shall be permitted to have access to books and records during reasonable business hours as shall be necessary to enable the director to determine the correctness of the amount due under the provisions of this subchapter, or to determine whether or not a report should have been filed and the amount, if necessary, of taxes due.
(Ordinance 1178-14-05-27, passed 5-27-14)
The proceeds of the hotel occupancy tax levied by this subchapter shall be used for the purpose of advertising and encouraging the growth of tourist and convention activity in the city and those purposes set forth in Texas Tax Code, section 351.101, as amended.
(Ordinance 1178-14-05-27, passed 5-27-14; Ordinance 1410-19-10-22, passed 10-22-19)
If any person required by the provisions of this subchapter to collect the tax, make reports as required herein, and pay to the tax collector the tax imposed herein shall fail to collect such tax, shall fail to file such reports, or shall fail to pay such tax, or if any such person shall file a false report, such person shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction be punished by fine not to exceed two hundred dollars ($200.00). [sic] basis of exemption, or such other information as the finance director may prescribe.
(Ordinance 1178-14-05-27, passed 5-27-14)
If any person shall fail to file a report as required herein or shall fail to pay to the tax collector the tax as imposed herein when such report or payment is due, he shall forfeit five (5) percent of the amount due as a penalty, and after the first thirty (30) days he shall forfeit an additional five (5) percent of such tax. Provided, however, that the penalty shall never be less than one dollar ($1.00). Delinquent taxes shall draw interest at the rate of six (6) percent per annum beginning sixty (60) days from the date due.
(Ordinance 1178-14-05-27, passed 5-27-14)
The director shall refer any hotel occupancy tax account that has a delinquent balance older than sixty (60) days to the city attorney for the purpose of filing a suit to enjoin the hotel owner, operator, manager, and other persons in control from operating any hotel in the city until the tax is paid and/or the report filed. This remedy shall be in addition to the remedy of a collection suit and in addition to the municipal court criminal complaint that may be filed for each violation of this subchapter.
(Ordinance 1178-14-05-27, passed 5-27-14)
The director shall not refer a delinquent account to the city attorney for the purpose of enjoining the hotel operators from doing business in the city if the owner, manager, operator, or other persons in control provides an acceptable surety bond in an amount equal to the city hotel occupancy tax collected by the subject hotel in the six (6) best net revenue months of the twelve (12) full calendar months immediately prior to the acquisition of the bond, said bond to ensure payment for a one-year period, and be updated and approved by the director annually if said hotel operators desire to continue such protection from business-closing during a period of delinquency.
(Ordinance 1178-14-05-27, passed 5-27-14)