For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
A passenger car or truck that is at least 35 years old.
A vehicle that is self propelled and is:
Wrecked, dismantled or partially dismantled, or discarded; or
Inoperable and has remained inoperable for more than:
48 consecutive hours, if the vehicle is on public property; or
14 consecutive days, if the vehicle is on private property.
A person who:
Owns one or more antique or special interest vehicles; and
Acquires, collects, or disposes of an antique or special interest vehicle or part of an antique or special interest vehicle for personal use to restore and preserve an antique or special interest vehicle for historic interest.
A motor vehicle of any age that has not been changed from original manufacturer’s specifications and, because of its historic interest, is being preserved by a hobbyist.
(Ordinance 46-73-11-19, passed 11-19-73; Am. Ordinance 848-06-11-14, passed 11-14-06)
Junked vehicles which are located in any place where they are visible from a public place or public right-of-way are detrimental to the safety and welfare of the general public, tending to reduce the value of private property, to invite vandalism, to create fire hazards, to constitute an attractive nuisance creating a hazard to the health and safety of minors, and are detrimental to the economic welfare of the city, by producing urban blight, and such vehicles are therefore declared to be a public nuisance.
(Ordinance 46-73-11-19, passed 11-19-73; Am. Ordinance 848-06-11-14, passed 11-14-06)
Junked vehicles declared to be public nuisances may be abated, removed, and disposed of by following the procedures stated herein.
Nuisance on Private Property.
For a nuisance on private property, not less than ten days notice stating the nature of the public nuisance on private property shall be given. Notice shall state that it must be removed and abated within ten days and that a request for a hearing must be made before expiration of the ten-day period. The notice must be mailed by certified mail, with a five-day return requested, to the last known registered owner of the junked motor vehicle, to any lienholder of record, and to the owner or occupant of the private premises on which the public nuisance exists. If the post office address of the last known registered owner of the motor vehicle is unknown, notice to the last known registered owner may be placed on the motor vehicle, or, if the last known registered owner is physically located, the notice may be hand delivered. If any notice is returned undelivered by the United States Post Office, official action to abate the nuisance shall be continued to a date not less than ten days after the date of the return.
Nuisance on Public Property.
For a nuisance on public property, not less than ten days notice stating the nature of the public nuisance on public property or on a public right-of-way shall be given. Notice shall state that the nuisance must be removed and abated within ten days and that a request for a hearing must be made before expiration of the ten-day period. The notice must be mailed by certified mail, with a five-day return requested, to the last known registered owner of the junked motor vehicle, to any lienholder of record, and to the owner or occupant of the public premises, or to the owner or occupant of the premises adjacent to the public right-of-way on which the public nuisance exists. If the post office address of the last known registered owner of the motor vehicle is unknown, notice to the last known registered owner may be placed on the motor vehicle, or, if the last known registered owner is physically located, the notice may be hand delivered. If any notice is returned undelivered by the United States Post Office, official action to abate the nuisance shall be continued to a date not less than ten days after the date of the return.
Reconstruction Prohibited.
It shall be unlawful for a vehicle to be reconstructed or made operable after it has been removed from property pursuant this chapter.
Public Hearing Required for Public Nuisance.
A public hearing is required before the removal of the vehicle or vehicle part as a public nuisance. The hearing shall be held before the Municipal Court Judge, if a hearing is requested by the owner or occupant of the public or private premises or by the owner or occupant of the premises adjacent to the public right-of-way on which the vehicle is located, within ten days after service of notice to abate the nuisance. The Judge shall make a determination based upon a preponderance of the evidence. At the hearing it is presumed, unless demonstrated otherwise by the owner, that the vehicle is inoperable. An order requiring the removal of a vehicle or vehicle part must include a description of the vehicle and the correct identification number and license number of the vehicle if the information is available at the site.
Notice Required to State Department of Highways.
Notice of removal shall be given to the state Department of Highways and Public Transportation not later than the fifth day after the date of removal. The notice must identify the vehicle or vehicle part. The department shall immediately cancel the certificate of title to the vehicle pursuant to the Certificate of Title Act, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT., Art. 6687-1.
(Ordinance 46-73-11-19, passed 11-19-73; Am. Ordinance 848-06-11-14, passed 11-14-06; Ordinance 872-07-04-10, passed 4-10-07 Penalty, see § 10.99)
A lien for all costs incurred in the impounding, storing and advertising for sale of personal property pursuant to this chapter shall exist and inure to the benefit of the person actually impounding such property. Such lien shall be prior and superior to all other liens of every kind, save and except liens for ad valorem taxes, and the impounder may retain possession of such property until all costs are paid and may sell the same as provided in this chapter.
(Ordinance 46-73-11-19, passed 11-19-73)
Before selling any junked vehicle, or part thereof, as provided for in this chapter, the impounder shall post two notices thereof, one at the county courthouse door and one at the city hall, and shall cause a copy thereof to be published in a daily newspaper published in the city once a week for two consecutive weeks, the date of the first publication to be at least 14 days prior to the day of sale. The notice of sale shall describe the impounded property, state the same as unredeemed, state the same will be sold, designate the place of sale, the manner of sale, and state a time and date of sale which shall not be less than 14 days from the date of the first posting of such notice. A copy of such notice shall be mailed to the record owner of such impounded property and to anyone who may have a lien thereon.
When any impounded property is not redeemed by the date and time designated in the notice of sale, the impounder shall sell such property at a public auction.
Disposition of Proceeds of Sale.
After deducting the fee and costs incurred, pursuant to this chapter, the Police Chief shall hold the balance of the proceeds of such sale, if any, to pay the same to the owner or entitled lienholder of the property for 90 days. If such proceeds are not claimed within such period, they shall be deposited in a special fund, and any taxes due thereon, for the payment of auction, towing, preserving, storage, and all notice and publication costs which resulted from placing other abandoned or junked vehicles in custody, whenever the proceeds from a sale of such other abandoned or junked vehicles, are insufficient to meet these expenses and costs.
(Ordinance 46-73-11-19, passed 11-19-73; Am. Ordinance 848-06-11-14, passed 11-14-06)
This chapter does not apply to a vehicle or vehicle part that is:
Completely enclosed within a building in a lawful manner where it is not visible from the street or other public or private property;
Stored or parked in a lawful manner on private property in connection with the business or a licensed vehicle dealer or junkyard, or that is an antique or special interest vehicle stored by a motor vehicle collector on the collector’s property, if the vehicle and the outdoor storage area are:
Maintained in an orderly manner;
Not a health hazard; and
Screened from ordinary public view by appropriate means, including a fence, rapidly growing trees, or shrubbery.
(Ordinance 46-73-11-19, passed 11-19-73)
This chapter shall be administered by regularly salaried, full-time employees of the city, except that removal of a vehicle or parts thereof may be by any duly authorized person.
(Ordinance 46-73-11-19, passed 11-19-73)
The city may enter into a contract with a commercial enterprise, (sometimes herein called “impounder”), capable of picking up and disposing of junked vehicles, and authorizing said enterprise to pick up and dispose of vehicles or parts thereof, found to be public nuisances.
(Ordinance 46-73-11-19, passed 11-19-73)
The net costs of disposing of such vehicle shall be charged against the party given notice by the Police Chief as above stated, or such other person as may be responsible for such vehicle and such person shall be indebted to the city for the net costs. By net costs is meant the cost of pick up, storage, and handling of the vehicles by the commercial operator, less the value of the vehicle as scrap. Should these be a positive value, after deducting such costs, it shall be refunded to the person given notice, or such person as may be found to be the owner. Nothing herein shall prevent the imposition of fine or penalty as herein provided.
(Ordinance 46-73-11-19, passed 11-19-73; Am. Ordinance 848-06-11-14, passed 11-14-06)