This chapter shall be known, and may be sited, as the Building Ordinance of the City of Pflugerville, Texas.
(Ordinance 295-89-01-10, passed 1-10-89; Ordinance 1064-10-12-14, passed 12-14-10; Ordinance 1544-22-03-22, passed 3-22-22)
The following codes, copies of which are on file in the office of the building official, are hereby adopted as the city construction code, which is adopted by reference and made a part of this code as if set forth in full herein. The city construction code will apply to all construction within the city, except as otherwise specifically provided in this code.
The following codes published by the International Code Council:
International Building Code, with appendices G, H, and I, 2021 edition.
International Residential Code, with amendments, with appendices H and J, 2021 edition.
International Plumbing Code, 2021 edition.
International Mechanical Code, 2021 edition.
International Code Council Electrical Code, 2021 edition.
International Fuel Gas Code, 2021 edition.
International Energy Conservation Code, 2021 edition.
International Fire Code, 2021 edition, with appendices.
International Existing Building Code, 2021 edition.
International Property Maintenance Code, 2021 edition.
National Electrical Code, 2020 edition, published by the National Fire Protection Association.
(Ordinance 295-89-01-10, passed 1-10-89; Am. Ordinance 320-90-07-10, passed 7-10-90; Ordinance 386-93-10-12, passed 10-12-93; Ordinance 453-97-02-25, passed 2-25-97; Ordinance 531-99-02-23, passed 2-23-99; Ordinance 571-99-12-14, passed 12-14-99; Ordinance 659-02-01-08, passed 1-8-02; Ordinance 742-04-03-09, passed 3-9-04; Ordinance 876-07-04-24, § 1, passed 4-27-07; Ordinance 936-8-02-26, passed 2-26-08; Ordinance 964-08-09-09, passed 9-9-08; Am. Ordinance 1064-10-12-14, passed 12-14-10; Am. Ordinance 1093-11-11-08, § 1, passed 11-8-11; Ordinance 1120-12-11-13, § 1, passed 11-13-12; Ordinance 1270-16-07-12, § 2, passed 7-12-16; Ordinance 1544-22-03-22, passed 3-22-22)
The regulations of this chapter and the City Construction Code shall be applicable to the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, moving, removal, demolition, conversion, occupancy, equipment, and maintenance of all buildings or structures within the corporate limits of the city, except to the extent a provision hereof is specifically made applicable to the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the city.
(Ordinance 295-89-01-10, passed 1-10-89; Ordinance 1064-10-12-14, passed 12-14-10; Ordinance 1544-22-03-22, passed 3-22-22)
For the purpose of this chapter, the term NEW CONSTRUCTION means the construction of a new primary use building on the lot.
(Ordinance 295-89-01-10, passed 1-10-89; Ordinance 1064-10-12-14, passed 12-14-10; Ordinance 1544-22-03-22, passed 3-22-22)
Unless otherwise specifically provided, the City Construction Code shall be construed to supplement this chapter and all other ordinances of the city and shall not be construed to rescind or repeal any part or portion of said ordinances. In the event of irreconcilable conflict between the codes adopted in section 150.02 above, the most restrictive of the conflicting provisions will prevail.
The building official shall coordinate the requirements of the city construction code and the ordinances set out in subsection (A), above, toward preventing duplication of efforts where the city construction code and such other ordinances call for substantially the same procedures or standards.
(Ordinance 295-89-01-10, passed 1-10-89; Am. Ordinance 571-99-12-14, passed 12-14-99; Ordinance 742-04-03-09, passed 3-9-04; Ordinance 1064-10-12-14, passed 12-14-10; Ordinance 1120-12-11-13, § 2, passed 11-13-12; Ordinance 1270-16-07-12, § 3, passed 7-12-16; Ordinance 1544-22-03-22, passed 3-22-22)
Posting Notice.
All builders who sell homes on lots and who receive some type of permit from the city (“builders”) shall post notice of the city planning department’s contact information in an area of the builder’s sales office that is readily accessible by the public, in the form designated by the city planning department. A copy of the required notice shall be provided by the city planning department at 100 W Main Street, Pflugerville, Texas 78660.
Distributing Notice.
All builders shall provide the city planning department’s contact information to all prospective purchasers at the same time the builder provides any other written information to the purchaser. This written information includes but is not limited to any promotional materials distributed to the purchaser at the builder’s sales offices within the city.
Fines for Failure to Comply.
Failure to comply with this section may result in a fine as authorized by title 1, chapter 10, § 10.99 of the city code.
(Ordinance 712-03-07-22, passed 7-22-03; Ordinance 1064-10-12-14, passed 12-14-10; Ordinance 1120-12-11-13, § 3, passed 11-13-12; Ordinance 1270-16-07-12, § 4, passed 7-12-16; Ordinance 1544-22-03-22, passed 3-22-22)