Regular city elections shall be held annually on the uniform Election Day designated by the State of Texas as designated by resolution of the City Council.
Special elections:
The city council by resolution may order a special election to fill vacancies on the city council and for bond issues, ordinances, charter amendments, recall, initiative or referendum, or other purposes deemed appropriate by the council.
Conduct and regulation of elections:
All city elections shall be governed by the State constitution, the Election Code, this charter, and city ordinances and resolutions. The city council by resolution shall fix the time and polling places for all elections, provide the means for conducting them, and appoint election officials.
A candidate for elective city office shall be a registered voter of the city who for at least twelve months prior to the election has resided within the corporate limits of the city, including territory annexed prior to the filing deadline.
No candidate may file for more than one office or council place at the same election.
(November 2, 2021, measure M)
Ballots in all city elections shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 52, Election Code.
The city council shall canvass the returns and declare the results in accordance with state election law. The returns of every municipal election shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting at which the vote is canvassed by totals for each candidate or “for” and “against” each issue submitted.
To be elected, a candidate must receive a number of votes greater than one-half the total number of valid ballots cast for the office. If no candidate receives a majority vote or if there is a tie vote, the council shall call a run-off election between the two candidates who received the greatest number of votes to be held according to the requirements of the Election Code.
The term of a candidate who is elected shall begin when he takes the oath of office, as required by the Texas Constitution. Unless unforeseen circumstances prevent it, the oath of office shall be taken within fourteen days following the date of canvassing and declaring results or following the meeting at which the appointment was made. Before taking the oath of office, a candidate who is elected shall verify via signature that he or she has read this Charter or been made aware of its provisions and promises to abide by them. The oath shall be administered by the city secretary or other person authorized by law to administer oaths. If a city board or commission member is elected or appointed to city office, the member is deemed to have resigned from the board or commission immediately upon being elected or appointed to city office.
(November 2, 2021, measure M)