Any person who shall dig a hole, drain or ditch in any street, alley or public ground of this city without first having obtained permission from the city council shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined.
(1986 Code, ch. 7, sec. 5:A(1))
Any person who shall, without having first obtained permission from the city council, dig, remove or carry away, or cause or procure the same to be done, any sod, stone, earth, sand, or gravel from any street, alley, or water reserve, creek or public ground in this city shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined.
(1986 Code, ch. 7, sec. 5:A(2))
Any person who shall injure or tear up any pavement, sidewalk or crosswalk, drain or sewer, or any part thereof, in any street, pavement, or sidewalk in this city without due authority, or who shall hinder or obstruct the making or repairing of any sidewalk or crosswalk or pavement which is or may be in the making under any resolution of the city council, or who shall hinder or obstruct any person employed to make or repair any public improvement ordered by the city council, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined.
(1986 Code, ch. 7, sec. 5:A(3))
Any person who shall injure or destroy or assist in injuring or destroying any bridge or its appurtenance, or any culvert, causeway, gutter, or other improvements, or any fire engine house, or any other public building or property belonging to this city, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined.
(1986 Code, ch. 7, sec. 5:A(5))
Any person who shall obstruct or injure, or cause to be obstructed or injured, any street, sidewalk, avenue or alley in this city, with wagon, carriage, cart, hack, buggy, or other vehicle, boxes, lumber, timber, firewood, posts, awnings, signs, or other substances or materials, in any manner whatever, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined.
The preceding provision shall not be construed to prohibit any person engaged in building, repairing or removing any building or other improvement from occupying with stone, brick, lumber, or other material the portion of any street, avenue, or alley adjacent to such improvement; provided that such material shall not occupy more than one-third (1/3) of the width of such street, avenue or alley, nor be placed thereon more than ten (10) days before beginning such improvement, nor allowed to remain thereon more than five (5) days after the completion of such improvement.
Obstructing sidewalk.
Any person who shall erect or cause to be erected any awning post on any sidewalk in this city at a distance less than the width of the sidewalk from the inside thereof, or shall suspend or put up any awning, sign, sample or other article less than eight feet (8') above the sidewalk, or shall place, throw or deposit any article whatever upon any sidewalk in this city so as to obstruct or prevent free passage on the same, or shall sell, expose or offer for show or sale by auction or otherwise any merchandise or other property on any sidewalk, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined; provided that nothing in this provision shall be construed to prevent merchants from placing packages of goods which they may be receiving or shipping on any sidewalk if the same do not occupy more than one-half (1/2) thereof or remain thereon more than six (6) hours.
(1986 Code, ch. 7, sec. 5:A(6)–(8))
Any person who shall ride, drive, lead, stop, or hitch any horse, mule, or team of any description on or across any sidewalk in this city shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined; provided that it shall be lawful for the owner or occupant of any lot in this city to so ride, drive, or lead across the sidewalk in front of his lot if it be necessary and there is no other way of access to said lot, provided further, the curbing and sidewalk be protected from injury.
(1986 Code, ch. 7, sec. 5:A(9))