The Mayor, who shall be the Chief Executive Officer as well as the Chief Administrative Officer of the Town, shall be directly responsible to the Council for the administration of all departments, agencies and offices in charge of persons or boards appointed by the Mayor, and he or she shall supervise and direct the same except as provided in this Charter. He or she shall see that all laws and ordinances governing the Town are faithfully executed. He or she shall make periodic reports to the Council and attend its meetings with full right of participation in its discussion but without a right to vote.
However, this shall not be construed to preclude an executive session of the Council wherein all are excluded but the Council members and their staff. Executive sessions shall not exclude the Mayor unless he or she is given in writing reasons which are personal to him or her for his or her exclusion.
He or she shall prepare and cause to be printed an annual fiscal report, including a description of the performances of the Municipal offices, agencies, department, boards, and commissions which shall be submitted within fifty (50) days from the close of the fiscal year to the Town Clerk and the Town Council.
He or she shall recommend to the Council such measures as he or she may deem necessary or expedient.
He or she shall keep the Council fully advised as to the financial condition of the Town.
He or she shall prepare and submit to the Council an Annual Budget.
He or she shall exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be required of him by this Charter.
The Mayor shall appoint, or remove, all department heads and other officers and employees of the town, except as otherwise specifically provided by this Charter and except employees in the offices of elected officers or boards and officers and boards appointed by the Council. Notwithstanding the foregoing, employment contracts with the Deputy Chief of Police, Superintendent of Public Works, Chief Accountant, and Senior Center Activities Coordinator, shall require Council approval as shall the removal of any such department head from office. In lieu of any appointment by the Mayor of any of his or her appointees to any office under his or her jurisdiction, subject to approval of the Council, the Mayor may perform the duties of such office. On any Board, Commission, or Agency in which the Mayor has appointing authority, per this Charter, the Mayor shall fill any subsequent vacancy.
In the event of the Mayor's absence or disability for a period of three (3) or more days, but less than thirty (30) days, the Chairman of the Town Council shall be temporary Mayor, notwithstanding section 301 herein, unless the Mayor has designated such a person. If the Mayor designates other than an elected Town official, his or her designee must be approved by the Council. The temporary Mayor shall conduct such business as is necessary to the daily management of Town affairs. After more than thirty (30) consecutive days of his or her disability, the Office of Mayor shall be filled by the Chairman of the Town Council on an interim basis as temporary mayor until such time as an Acting Mayor is appointed. Within an additional thirty (30) consecutive days of his or her disability the Office of Mayor shall be filled by an Acting Mayor appointed by the party from which the Mayor was elected. If the Mayor was elected as an Unaffiliated Candidate, that being a candidate not elected from a "Major Party" or a "Minor Party" or as a candidate not having a "Party Designation Committee," all as defined in Section 9-372 of the Connecticut General Statutes, then a Town Meeting shall be scheduled by the Town Council to be held within thirty (30) days after the next meeting of the Town Council to select an Acting Mayor. Any resident eligible to hold public office may file a verified petition with the Town Clerk signed by at least the equivalent of 1% of the total number of votes cast in the last regular election for the Office of Mayor of the Town of Wolcott, to become a candidate at the Town meeting. The Town Committee of each party may designate a candidate for Acting Mayor at said Town Meeting. The Chairman of the Council shall serve until the Town Committee or Town meeting certifies the appointment of Acting Mayor, in accordance with this provision. Nothing herein shall be construed to preclude the elected Mayor from resuming his or her office during the term of said office. If the absence of the Mayor is due to disability during his or her term of office, the Council shall make provision to pay him or her his or her full salary for a period of six weeks. Compensation for the Acting Mayor shall be at the same rate as that of the elected Mayor. The Acting Mayor shall have all the powers and duties of the Mayor.
In the event that the Mayor resigns, dies, or is declared legally incompetent, the vacancy shall be filled by such person designated by the enrolled members of the previous Mayor's political party at a duly noticed caucus to be held within thirty (30) days of said vacancy. If the Mayor was elected as an Unaffiliated Candidate as defined in section (h) hereof, a special Town election may be convened either by the Town Council or upon application of twenty (20) electors of the Town filed with the Town Clerk. Any resident eligible to hold public office may file a verified petition with the Town Clerk signed by at least the equivalent of 1% of the total number of votes cast in the last regular election for the Office of Mayor of the Town of Wolcott, to become a candidate for Mayor at said special election. The Town Committee of each party may designate a candidate for Mayor for said Special Election. The Chairman of the Council shall serve until the Town Committee certifies the appointment of Mayor or until a Mayor is elected at the Special Election as provided for herein. The date of such election shall be determined by the Town Council and notice of such date shall be filed with the Town Clerk. In determining the date of such election, the Town Council shall allow the time specified for holding primaries for municipal office in Section 9-423 and the time specified for the selection of party-endorsed candidates for municipal office in Section 9-391. On application of twenty (20) electors of the Town, the date of such election as determined by the Town Council, shall not be later than the one hundred fiftieth (150) day following the filing of such application. Except as otherwise provided by general statute, the provisions of the general statutes pertaining to elections shall apply to the special election. No such election may be held unless the Town Clerk first files notice of the office to be filled at the special election with the town chairman of the town committee of each major and minor party within the Town, with the Secretary of State and posts a notice in a newspaper having a general circulation in the Town at least three weeks in advance of the final time specified for the re-election of party endorsed candidates for municipal office in Section 9-391 of the Connecticut General Statutes. The Town Clerk shall also warn such election in the same manner as the warning of municipal elections pursuant to Section 9-226 of the Connecticut General Statutes.
In addition to specific powers and duties enumerated in this Charter or by ordinance, the Mayor shall carry out all the powers and duties conferred, or which shall be conferred on the office of the Mayor by General Statutes of the State of Connecticut.
Incumbent Mayor, who has not been re-elected, shall make no contracts, verbal or written, from the date of the election until his successor shall have qualified. If the Mayor shall knowingly incur, make any such contract, or shall authorize any such contract, he or she shall be personally liable for the contracted amount.
The Mayor shall be sworn in on the second Wednesday following the election.