There is hereby established a Parks and Recreation Board for the City. Such board shall consist of nine (9) members appointed by the City Council. The Parks and Recreation Board shall also constitute the Tree Board for the City and, unless the context otherwise requires, a reference in this article to the “board” shall include the Tree Board. The Managing Director of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services, shall be an ex officio member of the board.
(Ordinance 6140, sec. 1, adopted 7/3/07)
All appointments to the board shall be for terms of two (2) years.
Vacancies on the board, occurring other than through expiration, shall be filled by the City Council for that portion of the unexpired term remaining.
(Ordinance 6140, sec. 1, adopted 7/3/07)
Members of the board shall serve without pay.
(Ordinance 6140, sec. 1, adopted 7/3/07)
The board shall annually elect a chairman and vice-chairman. The Managing Director of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services shall serve as secretary to the board.
(Ordinance 6140, sec. 1, adopted 7/3/07)
The place, time and dates of the general monthly meetings of the board shall be established by the board. In its capacity as the Tree Board, the board shall meet annually, or as needed, as determined by and in conjunction with the meeting of the Park and Recreation Board.
(Ordinance 6140, sec. 1, adopted 7/3/07)
Five (5) members of the board, exclusive of the Managing Director of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services, shall constitute a quorum.
(Ordinance 6140, sec. 1, adopted 7/3/07)
It shall be the duty of the board to:
Adopt a set of bylaws and establish policies and procedures for the proper administration of the Parks and Recreation Program of the City, subject to the approval of the City Council;
Encourage and facilitate the establishment and maintenance of parks, playgrounds, centers, aquatic facilities and other park and recreation facilities, on park properties owned or controlled by the City;
Encourage and facilitate landscape improvements for the beautification and maintenance of medians and rights-of-way within the City;
Encourage the establishment of a supervised recreation program for all ages, on properties owned and controlled by the City or on private or public properties, with the consent of the owners and authorities thereof;
Recommend for acquisition by the City Council certain lands and buildings deemed necessary for the use of the City Parks and Recreation Program;
Study and submit recommendations for the improvement and expansion of parks and recreation facilities and program;
Cooperate with all agencies, groups, and clubs concerned with recreation in the City;
Recommend for consideration by the City Council, upon approval of the City Manager, the utilization of any and all authority granted to municipalities under state enabling legislation which affects parks or recreation;
Submit monthly or annual reports and such other reports as from time to time may be requested;
Study and recommend to the City Council, through the City Manager, ways and means of financing the parks and recreation facilities and programs of the City;
Recommend the establishment of standing committees and other such committees as from time to time may be deemed necessary;
Establish rules and regulations governing the use and operation of parks and recreation facilities, subject to the approval of the City Council; and
In its capacity as the tree board, study, advise, and recommend to the City Council, through the City Manager, a tree planting and forestry program to be undertaken by the City on properties owned and controlled by the City (or on private or public properties, with the consent of the owners and authorities thereof), and assist in the promotion and implementation of the tree program.
(Ordinance 6027, sec. 1, adopted 7/11/06; Ordinance 6140, sec. 1, adopted 7/3/07)
No ordinance pertaining to the Parks and Recreation Department shall be considered by the City Council without first referring the same to the board and receiving its recommendations with reference thereto, provided, however, that, if no recommendation is received within a reasonable length of time as determined by the City Council after the matter is referred to the board, then the City Council may take action without the recommendation of the board.
(Ordinance 6140, sec. 1, adopted 7/3/07)
The secretary of the board shall keep the minutes of each of its meeting and report, in writing, the recommendations of the board to the City Manager.
(Ordinance 6140, sec. 1, adopted 7/3/07)
It shall be unlawful to knowingly violate a rule or regulation established by the Parks and Recreation Board pursuant to section 25.26(12) of this Code. It shall be rebuttably presumed that a violation was committed knowingly if signs listing the prohibited conduct are displayed at the park or recreational facility.
(Ordinance 6027, sec. 2, adopted 7/11/06; Ordinance 6140, sec. 1, adopted 7/3/07)