The purpose of a Planned Development zoning district (PD district) is to provide for the development of land as an integral unit for single or mixed uses in accordance with special conditions or a Concept Plan that may include uses, regulations and other requirements that vary from the provisions of other zoning districts. PD districts are generally intended to encourage flexible and creative planning, to ensure the compatibility of land uses, to allow for the adjustment of changing demands to meet the current needs of the community, and to result in a higher quality development for the community than would result from the use of standard zoning districts.
A PD district may only be established in one of the following circumstances:
The land is located in proximity to established residential neighborhoods where conventional zoning classifications may not adequately address neighborhood concerns regarding the quality or compatibility of the adjacent development, and therefore it would be desirable to the neighborhood for the developer and the City to develop and implement mutually-agreed upon, enforceable development standards;
The land, or adjacent property that would be affected by the development of the land, has sensitive or unique environmental features requiring a more flexible approach to zoning and clustering of uses, or special design standards, in order to afford the best possible protection of the unique qualities of the site or the adjacent property;
The land is proposed for development as a mixed-use development or a non-traditional development requiring more flexible and innovative design standards or employing new design concepts not regulated by this GDC;
The land serves as transition between different and seemingly incompatible land uses;
The land is proposed for development as a major office, retail, commercial or industrial employment center, and special design standards may be warranted given the size, complexity, mix of uses, or intensity of uses in or of the proposed development;
The land is of such a character that it is in the community’s best interest to encourage high-quality development through flexible development standards to further the goals and objectives of the City’s Comprehensive Plan; or
The land consists of unusually configured parcels that cannot be developed efficiently under the base district standards.
Nature of the District.
Each PD district is based on the standard zoning district(s) that most closely resembles the development anticipated. Development in a PD district must be generally consistent with the Concept or Detail Plan (where required) submitted in the application or approved for a Planned Development.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15; Ordinance 7079, sec. 20, adopted 8/20/19; Ordinance 7524 adopted 4/16/2024)
Base Zoning District Uses.
Any use allowed by right in the Land Use Matrix in Article 5 of this Chapter 2 for the base district(s) of the PD is allowed in the PD district, unless the use is prohibited or otherwise conditioned in the regulations adopted for the PD district.
Uses designated as specific uses in the Land Use Matrix in Article 5 of this Chapter 2 for the base district(s) of the PD may be authorized in the PD district unless such uses are otherwise conditioned in the regulations adopted for the PD district.
Planned Development Zoning District Uses.
The PD district may provide for uses not normally allowed in the base zoning district(s) provided that the uses are compatible with the other uses allowed in the district. The ordinance establishing the PD district shall expressly state any uses that are allowed in the PD district but are not allowed uses in the base zoning district.
Location and Arrangement of Buildings.
The location and arrangement of all buildings in the PD district must be generally consistent with the Detail or Concept Plan, if any, approved with the district.
Consistency Required.
All development applications within a PD district must be generally consistent with the Detail or Concept Plan that is part of the PD. Failure of a subsequent development application to generally conform to the approved Detail or Concept Plan will result in denial of the application, unless the PD district regulations are amended through incorporation of a revised Concept or Detail Plan with which the development application is consistent.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15; Ordinance 7079, sec. 21, adopted 8/20/19; Ordinance 7524 adopted 4/16/2024)
Base District and Supplemental Standards.
In a PD district, development must conform to all development standards in the base zoning district (including, but not limited to, those pertaining to lot area, building size, building and height requirements, and parking), unless expressly stated otherwise in the PD district adopting ordinance.
Planned Development Zoning District Standards.
Special development standards applicable to certain uses in the base zoning district or pursuant to this GDC will apply to the PD district, unless expressly stated otherwise in the PD district adopting ordinance.
Standards that may be modified in the PD ordinance include (but are not limited to) lot area, lot width, lot depth, yard depths and widths, building height and size, building exterior construction, lot coverage, floor area ratio, parking, access, screening, fencing, alternative paving, landscaping, accessory buildings, signage, lighting, and residential density (subject to Section 2.08 in this Chapter 2).
A PD ordinance may increase or decrease the development standards or other requirements otherwise applicable to particular uses.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15; Ordinance 7107, sec. 13, adopted 12/3/19)
Responsible Official.
The Planning Director is the responsible official for processing a PD district application.
Contents of Application for PD Zoning.
Detailed requirements for the format and contents of an application for a PD district must be in accordance with requirements in the Development Application Packet, as may be amended from time to time.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)
Requirement for Concept Plan.
The Planning Director shall determine whether a Concept Plan is required as part of an application for a PD or SUP. If a Concept Plan is determined to be required, such Plan must be included with the PD or SUP change of zoning application and is, if the application is approved, incorporated as part of the PD or SUP ordinance.
Purpose of Concept Plan.
The purpose of a Concept Plan is to provide a general layout of the proposed development. The City's approval of a Concept Plan will allow the applicant to determine whether the City is generally in agreement with the land usage and development proposed, and will provide the City with an overall impression of the development proposed. A Concept Plan shall be construed to be an illustration of the development concepts only and not an exact representation of the specific development proposed.
Contents of Concept Plan.
Requirements for the format and contents of a Concept Plan must be in accordance with requirements in the Development Application Packet, as may be amended from time-to-time.
Planning Director Review.
The planning director is authorized to require the applicant to make additions and corrections to Concept Plans before moving the application forward to the public hearing stage.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15; Ordinance 7079, sec. 22, adopted 8/20/19; Ordinance 7524 adopted 4/16/2024)
Existing PD Containing Requirement for Detail Plan.
When amending an existing PD that contains a requirement for a Detail Plan, a Concept Plan may be used in place of the Detail Plan.
Purpose of Detail Plan.
The purpose of a Detail Plan is to specifically illustrate the proposed location and arrangement of uses and structures, the relationship of such uses to base zoning districts, development phasing, planned public improvements, open space, proposed amenities, and the overall design of the development.
Contents of Detail Plan.
Detailed requirements for the format and contents of a Detail Plan must be in accordance with requirements in the Development Application Packet, as may be amended from time to time. The Detail Plan shall be incorporated into the regulations of the PD ordinance, shall be construed in conjunction with the authorized uses and development standards set forth in such regulations.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15; Ordinance 7079, sec. 23, adopted 8/20/19; Ordinance 7524 adopted 4/16/2024)
The following criteria will be used by the City in deciding whether to approve, approve with modifications, or deny an application for a PD district:
The extent to which the land covered by the proposed PD district fits one or more of the special circumstances in Section 2.07 of this Chapter 2 warranting a PD district classification;
The extent to which the proposed PD district furthers City planning policies and formally adopted planning documents;
The extent to which the proposed PD district will result in a more desirable development than could be achieved through conventional zoning classifications;
The extent to which the proposed PD district will resolve or mitigate any compatibility issues with surrounding development;
The extent to which proposed uses and the configuration of uses depicted in the Concept Plan are compatible with existing and planned adjoining uses; and
The extent to which the proposed open space and recreational amenities within the development provide a more desirable living environment and enhanced recreational opportunities for residents of the district and for the public generally.
Approval Process.
The establishment of a PD district is a change of zoning; therefore, the approval process for a PD district ordinance, including the approval of related applications such as a Concept Plan, must follow the process set forth for a change of zoning in Article 2, Division 1 of this Chapter 2.
The Plan Commission and City Council may impose such conditions to the PD district regulations and Concept Plan (as applicable) as are necessary to assure that the purpose of the PD district is implemented and to safeguard the public health, safety, and welfare.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15; Ordinance 7079, sec. 24, adopted 8/20/19; Ordinance 7524 adopted 4/16/2024)
Items Specific to the Ordinance. The ordinance establishing a PD district shall incorporate an approved Concept Plan as part of the district regulations and shall set forth the following:
The base zoning district(s), together with the boundaries of the PD district;
A statement as to the purpose and intent of the PD district;
The allowed, conditional and accessory uses authorized in the PD district if any such differ from the base zoning district(s);
The development and design standards (such as landscaping, building materials, parking restrictions or arrangements, etc.) applicable to development within the district that differ from those in the base zoning district(s);
Provisions stating that all zoning and development standards not expressly set forth for the PD district in the adopting ordinance are the same as the base zoning district(s), and that the provisions of this GDC, unless expressly modified in the adopting PD ordinance, will be applicable to all subsequent development applications for land within the PD district;
Any special use-related or operational standards (such as hours of operation, access restrictions, etc.) applicable to development and use operations within the district that differ from those in the base zoning district(s);
Anticipated dedications of land or public improvements; and
Any additional conditions established by the City Council.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15; Ordinance 7079, sec. 25, adopted 8/20/19; Ordinance 7107, sec. 14, adopted 12/3/19; Ordinance 7524 adopted 4/16/2024)
Minor Deviations from Approved Planned Development (PD).
In determining whether development applications are consistent with the approved PD, minor deviations from the PD may be approved by the Planning Director. Unless otherwise specified in the PD adopting ordinance, the Planning Director has the discretion to determine whether deviations from the PD are minor deviations, upon a determination that the deviations meet the intent of the PD conditions, and meet or exceed the requirements of the PD.
Major Deviations from Approved Planned Development (PD).
All other deviations from the approved PD that the Planning Director has not determined to be minor, will be considered major and must be submitted for approval as a change of zoning application to amend the PD district to the Plan Commission and City Council.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15; Ordinance 7524 adopted 4/16/2024)
Planned Development Ordinances Approved Prior to the Adoption of the GDC.
Prior to adoption of this GDC, the City Council previously established certain Planned Development districts which may have full or partially vested rights under the zoning and land use regulations in effect at the time of the original development permit application, unless the project is determined to be dormant (see Section 5.21 of this GDC). The PD ordinances or parts thereof approved prior to this GDC are depicted on the Zoning Map. Each prior PD ordinance is identified with a unique number with a PD prefix, and subsequent PD ordinances adopted after the effective date of this GDC shall be similarly and sequentially numbered for identification purposes.
Planned Development Ordinances Approved After Adoption of the GDC.
All Planned Development zoning districts approved after adoption of this GDC, as may be amended, are prefixed by a “PD” designation and assigned a unique identification number and are referenced on the Zoning Map.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15; Ordinance 7107, sec. 15, adopted 12/3/19)