Establishment of Zoning.
As soon as practical following annexation, but in no event more than one hundred and eighty calendar days thereafter, the Planning Director must initiate proceedings to establish appropriate zoning on the newly annexed territory. The Planning Director must give public notification and must comply with all other standard procedures for a change of zoning as set forth in Article 2, Division 1 of this Chapter 2, and in Chapter 1 of this GDC.
Timing of Zoning.
The proceedings to establish zoning may be undertaken concurrently with annexation procedures (that is, notices and public hearings). However, the final zoning approval and formal adoption of the ordinance establishing zoning may only occur after annexation takes effect and as a separate and distinct action by the City Council.
Initial Zoning.
From the time an annexation takes effect until action is completed to zone the land, the land is zoned as Agricultural (AG) district, and all zoning and development regulations of the Agricultural zoning district must be adhered to with respect to development and use of the land.
Proper Notification.
The initial zoning of annexed land must meet the requirements for notification and public hearings as set forth in Chapter 1 of this GDC and all applicable state laws.
Simultaneous Petition for Annexation & Zoning by a Landowner.
The owner of land to be annexed may submit an application for zoning the property simultaneously with submission of a petition for annexation, but an annexation petition may not be conditioned upon the approval of any particular zoning classification.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)