Adequate Service for Areas Proposed for Development.
Land proposed for development in the City and in the City’s ETJ must be adequately served by essential public facilities and services, including water facilities, wastewater facilities, roadway and pedestrian facilities, drainage facilities and park facilities. Land shall not be approved for platting or development unless and until adequate public facilities necessary to serve the development exist or until provision has been made for the facilities, whether the facilities are to be located within the property being developed or off-site.
Street Access.
A Plat will not be approved unless:
All of the proposed lots have street access that complies with the City’s Technical Standards Manual; and
All of the proposed lots have direct access to a public or private street that is improved to the City’s minimum design and paving standards (or to a public street that will be improved to the City’s standards during construction of the proposed development), or to an approved public access easement, improved to public street standards and that is connected to an improved public street. The Planning Director may waive or amend the street access requirements where improved street access is not practical due to the physical characteristics of the land.
A Plat will not be approved unless all of the proposed lots have direct access to a public water system in a manner capable of providing adequate water for health and emergency purposes to the development and all lots within the development.
All lots shall be provided with the ability to directly connect to a looped water main providing water flow from at least two directions or sources.
Water service shall be sufficient to meet the fire flow requirements for all lots within the proposed development, except where a suitable alternative means of fire protection is approved by the Fire Department.
A Plat will not be approved unless all of the proposed lots are served by, or have direct access to, an approved means of wastewater collection and treatment. The projected wastewater discharge of a proposed development shall not exceed the proposed capacity of the wastewater system as provided in the Technical Standards.
Storm Drainage.
Increased stormwater runoff attributable to new development may not be allowed to cause impacts to adjoining, upstream or downstream properties and shall not exceed the existing capacity of the downstream drainage system. Impacts include an increase in runoff - in volume and velocity - between pre- and post-development conditions, and erosion on another property. Where the projected runoff from a new development exceeds runoff from pre-development conditions, the City may require the phasing of development, the use of control methods such as retention or detention, or may require the developer to obtain off-site drainage easements or to construct off-site drainage improvements as means of mitigation.
Developer Responsibility for Adequate Facilities.
The developer shall be responsible for the following:
Phasing of development or improvements in order to ensure the provision of adequate public facilities; each phase must be capable of existing as an independent unit each of which separately conform to the requirements in the City’s Technical Standards.
Extensions of public facilities and roadways (including any necessary on-site and off-site facilities) to connect to existing public facilities;
Providing and procuring all necessary property interests, including rights-of-way and easements, for the facilities (whether on-site or off-site);
Providing proof to the City of adequate public facilities through a capacity analysis for water, wastewater and drainage facilities;
Making reasonable provisions for future expansion of the public facilities that serve the development in order to accommodate future developments by extending water, wastewater and drainage lines to the limits of the development which may include complying with the City’s oversize and pro rata participation program requirements, if applicable;
Providing for the future operation and maintenance of facilities that serve a public purpose but that will not be dedicated to the public;
Providing monetary or other form of approved security to ensure full performance for the completion of construction of public facilities for the development;
Obtaining approvals from utility providers (other than the City) that will provide utility services to the development; and
Complying with the requirements, which may include obtaining permits and other approvals, of authorities and non-City utility providers that may have jurisdiction over or which will serve the project or an aspect of the project. A non-exclusive example is the necessity of obtaining approvals from a railroad or the Dallas Area Rapid Transit Authority for a railroad crossing that will serve the project. The City is not responsible for ensuring compliance with such requirements or for obtaining or issuing such permits and approvals unless otherwise provided by law. Proof of compliance with such requirements (including copies of permit and other authorizations) shall be submitted by the developer to the City.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15; Ordinance 7055, sec. 11, adopted 5/7/19)
Capital Improvements Generally.
Proposed capital improvements serving new development shall conform to and be properly related to the public facilities elements of the City’s adopted Comprehensive Plan, other adopted master plans for public facilities and services, and applicable capital improvements plans, and shall meet the service levels specified in such plans.
Major Thoroughfare Plan.
No Final Plat shall be approved for any subdivision within the City or its ETJ until there is adequate provision for thoroughfares as shown on the Major Thoroughfare Plan, as approved by the City.
No Amendment Necessary.
Subject to approval of the Director of Transportation, whenever a street connection or alignment is made, whether or not it is similar to the exact alignment shown on the Major Thoroughfare Plan, no other Major Thoroughfare Plan amendment shall be necessary. The design and construction of the proposed thoroughfare shall be in conformance with the City’s master plans for thoroughfares and with the Technical Standards, and shall be subject to approval by the Directors of Transportation and Engineering. Such approvals shall be required prior to Final Plat approval.
Amendment Necessary.
If a different roadway type is proposed or if the connection is not proposed to be made, then the Major Thoroughfare Plan shall be amended prior to Final Plat approval, and upon provision of a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) of the proposed amendment in accordance with Article 5, Division 5 of this Chapter 3.
Water and Wastewater Plans.
Construction Requirements.
All public water and wastewater mains shall be located in the frontage along streets, or in easements adjacent to the development, in order to provide service to adjacent property.
Water and wastewater lines shall be extended along the entire frontage of the development adjacent to a street. If the development is not adjacent to a street, water and wastewater lines shall be extended in such a manner as to allow convenient future connections to new developments. If new developments will never be constructed beyond the development under construction due to physical constraints, the Director of Engineering may waive this requirement.
Public water and wastewater mains shall not be located within a private street, drive or access easement unless a city utility easement is provided for the mains.
No portion of a building or structure shall encroach over or into any public easement.
A utility easement for water or wastewater between two lots must be entirely contained within a single lot.
When it is necessary to relocate or replace an existing water or wastewater facility to accommodate a proposed subdivision, the developer is responsible for all costs associated with the relocation including the acquisition of necessary easements, except for oversize participation.
Construction Plans.
Plans for construction of all water and wastewater facilities required by this GDC shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements and specifications contained in the City’s Technical Standards, the regulations of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) or its successor agency, and the City’s current adopted Fire Code. Plans for the improvements shall be prepared by an engineer licensed in the State of Texas, and shall be in a form and format acceptable to the Director of Engineering.
Acquisition of Easements.
The developer shall be responsible for the acquisition of all required off-site easements.
No Warranty of Availability.
The City makes no representations or warranties that water supply or wastewater capacity will be available at any particular time or place.
Lines Generally.
Water or wastewater service lines shall not cross any adjacent lot. The public main shall be extended so as not to require the service to extend across another lot. Public water and wastewater mains adjacent to a roadway owned by a governmental entity other than the City shall be constructed outside the right-of-way in a separate easement unless otherwise agreed by those entities and the City.”
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15; Ordinance 7055, sec. 12, adopted 5/7/19)