It is in the public’s best interest that all new developments have adequate levels of public facilities and services. It is necessary and desirable to provide for the dedication of rights-of-way and easements for capital improvements to support new development at the earliest stage of the development process. Further, the City desires to assure that development impacts are mitigated through contributions of rights-of-way, easements, and the orderly construction of capital improvements. It is the policy of the City that a development project contribute no more than its fair share of such costs. There is an essential nexus between the demand on public facilities systems created by a new development, and the necessity of dedicating rights-of-way and easements and the construction of capital improvements to offset such impacts. Requirements for dedication and construction of capital improvements to serve a proposed new development will be attached as conditions of approval of any development application that contains a specific layout of the development.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)
General Dedication and Construction Requirements.
The developer of a proposed development has an obligation to dedicate such land and interests in land, and to construct water, wastewater, road, and storm drainage facilities needed to adequately serve the proposed development.
Facilities Impact Studies and Schematic Engineering Drawings.
The City may require that a developer submit one or more public facilities studies and Schematic Engineering Drawings, as defined in the Technical Standards Manual, regarding the proposed development in order to assist the City in determining whether the proposed development will be supported with adequate levels of public facilities and services concurrent with the demand for the facilities created by the development.
The study shall identify, at a minimum, the adequacy of existing facilities, the nature and extent of any deficiencies, and the capital improvements needed to meet the adopted level of service, assuming development at the intensity proposed in the development application.
The City may require, at the time of approval of a subsequent development application (such as a Final Plat), an update of a public facilities study approved in connection with a prior development application (such as a Preliminary Plat).
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15; Ordinance 7055, sec. 13, adopted 5/7/19)
Timing of Dedication & Construction.
Initial Provision for Dedication or Construction.
The developer shall submit for approval Schematic Engineering Drawings that demonstrate a proposed development will be adequately served by public facilities and services at the time for approval of a site permit application for a development, including: a petition for an annexation agreement or an annexation development agreement (if applicable).
As a condition of approval of the development application, the City may require the dedication of rights-of-way or easements for, and construction of, capital improvements to serve the proposed development.
Deferral of Obligation.
The obligation to dedicate rights-of-way for, and to construct, one or more capital improvements to serve a new phased development may be deferred by the Director of Engineering, upon written request by the applicant, until approval of a subsequent development application for a later phase of a phased development. However, each separate phase of a development must be adequately served by all required public facilities such that each phase can exist independently without reliance upon a future phase for such facilities.
As a condition of deferring the obligation, the City may require that the developer enter into a Subdivision Improvement Agreement pursuant to Article 6, Division 3 of this Chapter 3, specifying the time for dedication of rights-of-way for, or construction of, capital improvements serving the development.
Relief from Obligations.
In order to achieve proportionality between the demands created by a proposed development on public facilities and the obligation to provide adequate public facilities, the City may participate in the costs of capital improvements, credit or offset the obligations against payment of impact fees (see Article 3, Division 3 in Chapter 1 of this GDC), or relieve the property owner of some or part of the obligations in response to a petition for relief from a dedication or construction requirement pursuant to Article 1, Division 2 in Chapter 5 of this GDC.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15; Ordinance 7055, sec. 14, adopted 5/7/19; Ordinance 7107, sec. 45, adopted 12/3/19; Ordinance 7524 adopted 4/16/2024)
Improvement of the Proportional Share of an Adjacent Road.
When an area within a proposed development, whether residential or nonresidential:
Abuts on one or both sides of an existing road or City utility facility, or a planned or future road, drainage or City utility facility as shown on the City’s Major Thoroughfare Plan or adopted plans related to water and wastewater; and
Improvements to an adjacent road are necessitated by and attributable to the development, the developer shall bring the following facilities to City standards, or replace them such that they meet City standards, according to the development’s proportional share:
Road facilities, including but not limited to adjacent and appurtenant sidewalks, bike lanes, barrier-free ramps, storm drainage facilities, medians, median openings, left turn lanes, and water quality or erosion controls;
Traffic mitigation facilities, including but not limited to signalization, medians, access and deceleration lanes; and
City utility facilities.
If the developer of a project disputes the City’s proportional share calculation, the Developer shall prepare and submit a proportional share study to the City at the developer’s sole expense (see Article 1, Division 2 in Chapter 5 of this GDC).
Calculation of Minimum Proportional Share.
Subject to Section 3.44 of this Chapter 3, the developer’s share of improvements to a perimeter road is at minimum the equivalent of one-half of any adjacent street, along the entire front footage of the subdivision, depending upon the type of the abutting street as shown on the City’s Major Thoroughfare Plan.
Subject to Section 3.44 of this Chapter 3, the developer’s minimum share of improvements to a roadway when a subdivision is to be located on both sides of a roadway is the full width of a local roadway, including the curbs and other roadway appurtenances. The roadway shall be improved by the developer on each side of the road along the entire length of the subdivision.
The City may participate in the costs of perimeter roads in excess of the developer’s proportional share obligations, in cases where perimeter road costs are not borne by another public entity, and in cases where the application of the standards in this Section 3.47 result in a disproportional burden on the development, as determined in accordance with Article 1, Division 2 in Chapter 5 of this GDC.
Participation in Construction of Other Necessary Facilities.
Adjustments shall be made to the developer’s proportionate share to the extent that the developer is required to participate in the construction or cost of construction of region-serving public facilities such as highways, major bridges, and drainage projects that serve a drainage basin rather than local drainage.
All streets abutting a development shall be improved, and rights-of-way platted, in accordance with the standards prescribed herein. If the developer widens existing pavement, the existing pavement shall be cut back a distance required by the Director of Engineering to assure adequate sub-base and pavement joint before additional paving material is placed.
Existing Boundary Streets.
For boundary streets existing to some degree, for example, by previous partial dedication or prescriptive easement, the following standards apply.
For all classifications of such streets, the developer shall dedicate, to the extent of whatever interest the developer may have in the area to be dedicated, one-half of the additional right-of-way necessary to comprise the full street width required. Dedication of more than half of this additional increment may be required, in some instances, to maximize use of existing roadway and to ensure a consistent street alignment with a minimum of undesirable curvature.
For all streets classified as A, B, C, D, E, F, or G, except highways to be completed by others, the developer is required to pave one-half the additional portion of street right-of-way remaining to be paved, according to the adopted Major Thoroughfare Plan. If the Director of Engineering determines that unusual circumstances exist such that the present construction of required improvements should be deferred, in lieu of constructing the required improvements at the time of developing the project, the developer may request one of the following options:
The developer may contribute to the City its proportional share of an amount of money necessary to complete all paving, curbing, storm drainage facilities, traffic improvements, and associated City utilities required but not installed as part of the development project. These funds shall be held, and eventually disposed of, in the manner described within Article 4, Division 3 of this Chapter 3 (Escrow Policies and Procedures) for the City to construct at a later date;
The developer may, by written request to the Director of Engineering, defer the obligation to a later date until approval of a subsequent application for a later phase of a phased development. If approved, the developer’s obligations shall be set forth in a Subdivision Improvement Agreement per Article 6, Division 3 of this Chapter 3;
The developer may, with City Council approval, execute a Development Agreement, prior to development, that runs with the ownership of the land and that obligates the person who owns the land to place into a City cash escrow fund (see Article 4, Division 3 of this Chapter 3) the amount of money necessary to cover the developer’s proportional share of the cost of all required public street improvements. The Development Agreement shall be in a City-approved form, signed by the property owner, notarized, and filed with the official property records of the applicable county;
If the adjacent street is not part of a pending capital improvement project, in lieu of construction the developer must pay the additional roadway impact fees as provided on Schedule 1 in Section 1.88 of this GDC. Any previously paid roadway impact fees or other offset or credits under Section 1.78 of this GDC will be credited to the developer. The remaining balance must be paid prior to issuance of a Site Permit and will be collected as additional roadway impact fees.
New Boundary Streets.
For new boundary streets forming part of the subdivision boundary, the following standards apply:
Local Streets.
Where a local street forms part of the subdivision boundary, the developer shall dedicate right-of-way sufficient to make such street conform to requirements of Article 5, Division 4 of this Chapter 3. The developer shall also improve such street in conformance with all standards and specifications of the City, including installation of curbs on both sides of the street. Local street sections and specifications can be found in the Technical Standards.
Other Streets.
Where a proposed thoroughfare (other than a local street) forms part of a subdivision boundary, the developer shall dedicate one-half of the additional right-of-way necessary to comprise the full street width required by Article 5, Division 4 of this Chapter 3. Dedication of more than half of this additional increment may be required, in some instances, to maximize the use of existing streets and to ensure a consistent street alignment with a minimum of undesirable curvature in accordance with the Technical Standards. The developer shall also improve such street in conformance with all standards and specifications of the City, including installation of curbs on both sides of the street (minimum width allowable is that of a local street section).
If the right-of-way for a highway lies adjacent to or forms part of the subdivision boundary and the highway will be completed by authorities other than the City, no paving improvements for such shall be required of the developer.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15; Ordinance 7055, sec. 15, adopted 5/7/19)