Acceptance Prior to Approval of Final Plat with Prior Approved Preliminary Plat.
Installation and acceptance of all required public improvements, in accordance with the approved Preliminary Plat and the approved Site Engineering Drawings, shall occur prior to recordation of the Final Plat at the applicable county, reference Section 3.111 of this Article 6 for Acceptance Requirements, and Section 3.19 of Article 2, Division 3 of this Chapter 3 for Recordation requirements. A Final Plat shall not be accepted for recordation prior to completion of public improvements except as provided in Section 3.102 below.
Improvements Installed After Approval of Final Plat with no Prior Approved Preliminary Plat.
Installation of all required public improvements shall occur, in accordance with the approved Final Plat and the approved Site Engineering Drawings, reference Section 3.19 of Article 2, Division 3 of this Chapter 3 for Recordation, and Section 3.111 of this Article 6 for Acceptance Requirements. All public improvements shall be complete and accepted in compliance with Section 3.111 prior to obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy except as provided in Section 3.102 below.
Phased Development.
If the development is being constructed in phases, and is platted in phases, improvements shall be completed as platted areas are approved and phases are constructed. Each phase shall be able to exist as an independent unit and conform to all requirements of the City’s Technical Standards.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)
Sole Discretion of City.
It shall be at the City’s sole discretion to determine whether the deferral of construction of public improvements until after Final Plat approval and recordation or prior to a Certificate of Occupancy is appropriate, and therefore, whether financial guarantee is acceptable through a Subdivision Improvement Agreement.
Recommendation & Decision.
The Director of Engineering shall make the final decision; refer to Article 6, Division 3 of this Chapter 3, Subdivision Improvement Agreement.
The Director of Engineering, upon request of the applicant, may defer the obligation to install one or more public improvements to serve the development until after Final Plat recordation upon execution of a Subdivision Improvement Agreement in accordance with Article 6, Division 3 of this Chapter 3, and that is approved by the City. The request shall be submitted with the application for approval of Site Engineering Drawings.
Subdivision Improvement Agreement.
Deferral of the obligation to install public improvements shall be conditioned on execution of a Subdivision Improvement Agreement, in accordance with Article 6, Division 3 of this Chapter 3.
Completion of all required public improvements shall be as specified in the Subdivision Improvement Agreement.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)