The Director of Engineering or his authorized representative shall inspect the construction of improvements (all phases) while in progress, as well as upon completion. The applicant, or contractor, shall maintain regular contact with the Director of Engineering during construction of improvements.
Construction must conform to the approved Site Engineering Drawings. The City reserves the right to require corrections to the Drawings, at the applicant’s sole expense, to accommodate actual site conditions differing from that shown on the approved plans; for details not consistent or equivalent to the latest revision to the City’s Technical Standards; and, to accommodate omissions on the approved plans. Any significant change in design required during construction shall be made by the applicant’s engineer, and shall be subject to approval by the Director of Engineering.
If the Director of Engineering finds upon inspection that any of the required public improvements have not been constructed properly and in accordance with the approved Site Engineering Drawings, the applicant shall be responsible for correcting and completing the public improvements. The applicant or contractor shall maintain daily contact with the City inspector during construction of improvements. No public wastewater, water or storm sewer pipe shall be covered without approval of the City inspector. No subgrade material, stabilization or paving shall be applied in public right-of-way without approval of the City inspector. The inspector may at any time cause any construction, installation or maintenance of improvements to cease when, in his judgment the City’s Technical Standards have been violated and may require reconstruction or other work, as may be necessary, to correct the violation.
A fee as set forth in section 50.33 of the City Code, shall be paid by the builder for the setting of a water meter for each lot in a subdivision. Such fee shall be paid at the time of the application for the Building Permit for each lot.
Temporary water service for house construction shall be provided after a water meter is set (direct connection to the water tap is not allowed). A fee as set forth in Section 30.301 of Chapter 30, “Building Inspection,” of the City Code, shall be paid for each temporary service. Temporary water service shall not continue for more than one hundred twenty calendar days following the date of its initial installation. Temporary water service shall be discontinued when final inspection is made on the house.
Maintenance During Construction.
The applicant shall be responsible for maintaining all required public improvements during construction of the development.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)
Submission of As-Built Plans or Record Drawings.
As-Built Plan Submission.
The City shall not accept dedication of required public improvements until the applicant’s engineer has certified to the Director of Engineering, through submission of a detailed as-built/record drawings of the property and any off-site easements, the location, dimensions, materials, and other information establishing that the public improvements have been built in accordance with the approved Site Engineering Drawings. Each as-built or record drawing sheet shall show all changes made in the plans during construction, and on each sheet, there shall be an “as-built” or “record” stamp bearing the signature of the engineer of record and date. Detailed requirements for such drawings shall be in accordance with the requirements set forth in the City’s Technical Standards Manual.
Public Utility Survey & Easement Adjustments.
The City shall not accept dedication of required public improvements until the applicant’s surveyor has certified to the Director of Engineering, through a certification letter and submission of a Public Utility Survey establishing that the visible public utility improvements have been installed within the Final Plat dedicated easements. See the Technical Standards Manual for requirements for the Public Utility Survey and certification letter.
If improvements are installed outside of the dedicated easements, at the discretion of the Director of Engineering, the improvements shall be reconstructed within the utility easements or additional easement(s) by separate instrument shall be provided and recorded along with a subsequent Amending Plat or Replat of the property at the developer’s expense. A letter of acceptance shall not be issued until the approved recorded separate instrument is received by the Director of Engineering.
Acceptance or Rejection of Improvements by Director of Engineering.
Responsible Official.
The Director of Engineering shall be responsible for certifying acceptance of completed subdivision improvements intended for dedication to the City.
Final Inspection.
After completion of all improvements, franchise utilities, grading, and erosion control, the Director of Engineering will perform a final inspection before recommending acceptance of the improvements.
Letter of Final Acceptance.
Upon a recommendation of acceptance, and a maintenance bond being executed in conformance with Subsection (F), the Director of Engineering shall issue a Letter of Final Acceptance to the applicant, thereby notifying the applicant of the acceptance.
Meaning of Acceptance.
If the Director of Engineering accepts such improvements, the City shall execute all the necessary documents to release the full amount of security, including any retainage (when applicable). Acceptance of the improvements shall mean that the applicant has transferred all rights to all the public improvements to the City for title, use and maintenance.
The Director of Engineering shall reject such improvements if they fail to comply with standards and specifications of the City.
Approval of a Preliminary Plat or Final Plat by the Plan Commission, or approval of the Site Engineering Drawings by the Director of Engineering, shall not constitute acceptance of any of the public improvements required to serve the subdivision or development. No public improvements shall be accepted for dedication by the City except in accordance with this Section.
Acceptance of Improvements for Land in Extraterritorial Jurisdiction.
Where the facilities to be constructed under the Subdivision Improvement Agreement are located within the City’s extraterritorial jurisdiction, and are to be dedicated to the applicable county, the Director of Engineering shall inform a county representative that the public improvements have been constructed in accordance with the approved Site Engineering Drawings, and are ready for acceptance by the applicable county.
Maintenance Bond Following Acceptance.
The owner shall covenant to warranty the required public improvements for two years (that is, 730 calendar days) following acceptance by the City of all required public improvements and shall provide a maintenance bond for that period of time in an amount equal to 100% of the actual cost of construction. All improvements located within an easement or right-of-way shall be bonded. A Letter of Final Acceptance (Subsection (C)(3) above) shall be conditioned upon execution of the maintenance bond.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15; Ordinance 7055, sec. 34, adopted 5/7/19)