Lighting Plan.
All types of nonresidential and multifamily developments that are within or adjacent to a residential zoning district or adjacent to a residential use must submit a Lighting Plan, in accordance with Division 2 below, to show how the proposed development will comply with the regulations of this Article 7. The Planning Director may waive the requirement for submission and approval of a Lighting Plan upon a finding that the proposed development and its lighting will not negatively affect neighboring properties.
Application Submittal.
An application for a Lighting Plan (if required) must be submitted to the Planning Director as part of the initial development application. The Lighting Plan must include the following information:
The type and description (such as, catalog cuts by manufacturers and drawings) of illuminating devices, fixtures, lamps, supports, reflectors, and other devices, and their respective location on the site; and
Any photometric data, where provided by manufacturers, or similar data showing the angle of cut-off or light emissions.
The above required Lighting Plan must show enough information in sufficient detail to enable the Planning Director to determine whether the Plan is in compliance with the requirements of this Article 7. If the Planning Director is unable to make a determination based on insufficient information, the applicant may also be required to submit reports of tests performed and certified by a recognized testing laboratory. The reports must provide sufficient evidence to demonstrate compliance with the applicable provisions of this Article 7.
(Ordinance 6773 adopted 5/19/15)