These rules and regulations are adopted by the Glocester Historic District Commission ("HDC") in fulfillment of the requirements of § 350-71C of the Historic District Zoning Ordinance of Glocester, Rhode Island.
The purpose of these rules and regulations is to protect Glocester's historic assets and guide new growth in ways which enrich and maintain its unique sense of place and historic character, for present and future generations.
The HDC shall be governed by the terms of R.I.G.L. § 45-24.1, Historical Area Zoning, and by the Historic District Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Glocester.
Within any historic district in the Town of Glocester as designated in accordance with Chapter 350, Zoning, and shown on the Historic District Designation Map, the HDC shall have the authority to review new construction on any existing lot or lots, including window replacements, paint color changes and any construction, alteration, removal or demolition of a structure affecting the exterior appearance of any structure, including appurtenances within the Historic District. The Historic District Commission shall have the authority to review and approve such plans before a building or demolition permit is issued.