This chapter is enacted in accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory, Enforcement Assistance, and Marketplace Modernization Act (the "Act" or "CREAMMA"), N.J.S.A. 24:61-32 et seq., and the regulations promulgated by the Cannabis Regulatory Commission ("CRC"). The purpose of this chapter is to regulate the establishment and operation of cannabis businesses in the Borough of Metuchen ("Borough") and to specify the conditions and limitations applicable thereto.
For the purpose of this chapter and all other applicable chapters of this Code, words and phrases herein shall have the meanings set forth in CREAMMA.[1]
Editor's Note: New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory, Enforcement Assistance, and Marketplace Modernization Act, N.J.S.A. 24-6I-31 et seq.
All applications for licenses, all licenses issued and all proceedings under this chapter shall be in accordance with the Act, rules and regulations referred to in § 72-1 above, and all other applicable laws of the State of New Jersey. The regulations set forth herein are subject to the enabling authority of the State of New Jersey, by and through the Cannabis Regulatory Commission, and are subject to compliance with all statutes and/or regulations promulgated and adopted by the State of New Jersey or its instrumentalities. If any provision of this chapter is inconsistent with the statutes and/or regulations of the State of New Jersey, the State statutes and/or regulations shall prevail.
No cannabis facility may lawfully operate in the Borough without the issuance of a State permit or license and full regulatory oversight of the cannabis business by the Cannabis Regulatory Commission or other state licensing authority as well as the oversight and issuance of a license by the Borough in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
Only the following marketplace classes of cannabis facilities shall be conditionally allowed to operate in the Borough, subject to the limitations and requirements set forth herein and elsewhere in this Code and all other classes shall be prohibited:
Class 3 Wholesaler.
Class 5 Cannabis Retailer.
Only a Borough conditional license issued pursuant to this chapter shall constitute "written municipal approval" pursuant to CREAMMA, N.J.S.A. 24:6I-36(b)(1)(c)(i) and 24:6I-45(c). Other written statements, letters, resolutions, or other documents issued by the Borough or any official, employee, or other representative shall not constitute annual or renewed "written municipal approval" for purposes of the CRC.
Cannabis wholesale and retail services ("facility") shall be permitted, pursuant to this chapter, only if in addition to all applicable land use regulations, the following requirements are met:
Land development regulations: The facility shall obtain all approvals required pursuant to the Borough's land development regulations set forth in Chapter 110 of this Code, which approval(s) shall be evidenced by the issuance of conditional use approval by the Planning Board or, where applicable, use variance approval by the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
Hours of operation: The operating hours of the licensed facility shall be between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. daily. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or dispense cannabis or cannabis products or for the operation of any licensed facility at any time other than between these hours.
The licensed facility shall be accessible directly from a right-of-way through a separate entrance independent from any other retail ingress.
Queuing. Queuing of customers outside a cannabis facility is prohibited. The cannabis establishment shall have a sufficient waiting area inside the facility to accommodate customers, or shall provide a reservation service, phone/text notification service or other alternatives to waiting on the exterior of the premises and/or the public right-of-way. Loitering is prohibited and shall be managed by the facility.
Location. No cannabis establishment shall be permitted within 200 feet of a Kindergarten through 12th grade school.
No cannabis product or paraphernailia shall be visible from a public sidewalk, public street or right-of-way or any other public place.
All cannabis products and paraphernailia shall be stored securely indoors and onsite.
Consumption of cannabis products, by any means of ingestion, or smoking, shall not be permitted in the licensed facility or adjacent grounds.
Noise. Outside generators and other mechanical equipment used for any kind of power supply, cooling or ventilation shall be enclosed and have appropriate baffles, mufflers, and/or other noise reduction systems to mitigate noise pollution.
Odor. All cannabis facilities shall have equipment to mitigate cannabis- related odor. The building/premises shall be equipped with a ventilation system sufficient in type and capacity to eliminate cannabis odors emanating from the interior of the premises. The ventilation system must be approved by the Construction Code Official and/or appropriate inspector and may be subject to periodic inspection.
All cannabis facilities shall be secured in accordance with State of New Jersey statutes and regulations. All cannabis facilities shall be secured and shall have full-time security protocols. Security protocols shall be submitted to the Metuchen Police Department for compliance review with all safety and security standards established by the State of New Jersey for cannabis establishments. The Metuchen Police Department may, at its discretion and upon review of the proposed location, recommend or require additional safety and security measures. At a minimum, the following shall be required: (a) A video recording security system shall be employed covering all areas of the cannabis facility and the adjacent exterior of the building/premises with an around the clock 365 days per year, 24/7 recording system that records for a minimum thirty-day archive; (b) Trained security personnel shall be on-site at all times during operating hours; (c) The Metuchen Police Department and Zoning Officer shall be provided the name and twenty-four-hour phone number of the responsible staff person to notify during suspicious activity or emergency; (d) Outside areas of the premises shall be well illuminated for safety and security, but not in a way that is counter to Code requirements for outdoor lighting and screening or obtrusive to pedestrians, drivers or other users of the public right-of-way; (e) The premises and right-of-way adjacent to the cannabis facilities shall be monitored by staff of the cannabis establishment and kept free of loitering, litter and other debris, and the sidewalks shall be swept and cleaned on a regular basis; and (f) To the maximum extent possible, wholesale cannabis facilities shall have security fencing and gates around the perimeter of the premises.
Signage design shall comply with the regulations of the State and the Borough's sign regulations contained in Chapter 110 of the Code.
No cannabis facility shall be housed in a vehicle or any movable or mobile structure.
Comply with all rules and regulations adopted by the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission.