[Adopted 11-9-2017 as Ch. 47 of the 2017 Code]
It shall be unlawful for any person, corporation, partnership, or other type of organization to deposit waste on lands in the Town of Seymour, Outagamie County, Wisconsin, unless there is first obtained from the Clerk of the Town of Seymour a permit authorizing such disposition. A separate permit must be obtained by each property owner upon whose land such disposal of waste shall take place, and such permit shall be valid for one year after date of issuance. The Town Board reserves the right to revoke any permit with due cause. A permit shall not be required for deposit of waste on a duly licensed landfill site.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings given in this section:
Any person, partnership, corporation, or other type of organization owning, renting, or otherwise using or controlling the use of lands within the boundaries of the Town of Seymour, Outagamie County, Wisconsin, and upon whose land waste is disposed of or distributed, requiring a permit under the terms of this article.
Any person, partnership, corporation, or other type of organization which, by truck or other conveyance, hauls waste subject to the provision of this article within the boundaries of the Town of Seymour, Outagamie County, Wisconsin.
Garbage, sludge from wastewater treatment plants, and other organic wastes, but excluding from this definition animal manure commonly used by farmers for fertilizer.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
The permit shall be obtained by applying to the Clerk of the Town of Seymour, and such application shall be in writing and shall state the date that the disposal shall take place and adequate description of the lands upon which such disposal shall take place and the source from which the waste material is acquired and the name and address of the party transporting or delivering such waste material to the property owner in the event the property owner is not such transporting party. A fee as set forth in the Town's fee schedule shall be charged for each permit. No permit shall be issued until the fee has been first paid to the Clerk. Applications for permit shall be made by the property owner upon whose land the disposal is to take place. A permit so acquired shall be displayed publicly on the premises upon which the waste disposal is being made.
It shall be unlawful for the property owner upon whose land such disposal of waste occurs to store or stockpile such waste delivered to the property. The application of the waste upon the property shall be not over three inches in depth in any one place, and waste may not be applied on the same property more often than once every four years. The property owner must work such waste into the soil within the time limits as may be prescribed by any regulations by the Department of Natural Resources of the State of Wisconsin, but in no event shall said waste be on the property without being worked into the soil for a period of longer than 48 hours after the same has been applied.
The Town of Seymour may require any transporter of waste materials in the Town of Seymour, for disposition on lands in the Town of Seymour pursuant to this article, to present an adequate analysis of the waste material so being transported for disposition so as to enable the determination as to whether bacteria harmful or injurious to the general public exists in such wastes. Failure on the part of a transporter to produce an adequate analysis upon request of the Town Clerk of the Town of Seymour shall constitute a violation of this article. The Town of Seymour reserves the right to take random samples of waste disposed of on lands in the Town of Seymour, pursuant to this article, at any time, and if such samples disclose bacteria harmful or injurious to the health of the general public, then the transporter of said waste material shall be in violation of this article and subject to prosecution hereunder.
The storage and disposition of solid animal manure commonly used by farmers for fertilizer shall not be regulated by this article. However, the application of liquid animal manure commonly used by farmers for fertilizers, when applied to lands, shall not be over three inches in depth in any one place, and the property owner must work such manure into the soil within the time limits as may be prescribed by any regulations by the Department of Natural Resources of the State of Wisconsin, but in no event shall said liquid manure be on the property longer than 48 hours without being worked into the soil after the same has been applied.
It is hereby declared to be the intention of the Town Board of the Town of Seymour that the several provisions of this article are separable in accordance with the following:
If any court of competent jurisdiction shall adjudge any provision of this article to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect any other provision of this article not specifically included in this judgment.
If any court of competent jurisdiction shall adjudge invalid the application of any provision of this article to a particular property, such judgment shall not affect the application of said provision to any other property not specifically included in said judgment.
Any person, partnership, corporation, or other entity convicted of a violation of any section of this article shall be fined not less than $50 nor more than $500 together with the costs of prosecution for each offense and, when in default of the payment of such forfeiture and costs of prosecution, shall be confined in the county jail until said forfeiture and costs are paid but for a period not exceeding 30 days. Every calendar day of violation shall be deemed to be a separate offense.