[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Seymour as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 11-9-2017 as Ch. 12 of the 2017 Code]
The Town of Seymour will be purchasing and installing new flag-style address plates and posts that are larger in size, will be visible from both directions of travel, and will be made from reflective materials.
The sign shall be a two-sided flag-style sign, eight inches by 18 inches, with HIP (high-intensity prismatic) sheeting overlaid with a protective film (Dura-Sign), or a process equivalent to this if in the future this process is no longer available. Signs will be blue with white letters/numbers and border. Address will have four-inch-high letters/numbers, and the "Town of Seymour" letters will be one inch high.
The sign shall be mounted on a green painted/powder-coated post sufficient in strength and length to properly support the address sign. The sign will be visible from both directions of travel and will be a minimum of two feet and a maximum of five feet, whenever possible, above the level of the road surface. Signs are to be placed approximately five feet to 15 feet before the property's main entrance when considering the normal route that an emergency vehicle would be coming from. Installing the sign on the opposite side of the driveway may be used if there is a conflict with foliage, lot line boundaries, or other obstructions that would compromise the effectiveness of the sign if installed in the primary location. Sign must be placed on the back slope of the road right-of-way at least five feet from the bottom of the ditch (whenever possible) and not beyond the right-of-way edge.
All newly assigned addresses after the date of this article will also utilize the flag-style sign in lieu of the former tile sign. It will be required that all new or replacement signs and posts must be purchased from the Town of Seymour in order to maintain regularity of the signage throughout the Town.
Once the sign is installed it is the property owner's or occupant's responsibility to keep the sign in readable condition, clean and free from vegetation. If the owner or occupant should move or remove said sign without the approval of the Town Board that person would be considered in violation of this article. Notice will be given by the Town Board to the property owner or occupant to correct any violations or deficiencies. Property owner or occupant will have 10 days to correct said violation or deficiency. Any person who violates this article shall be subject to a forfeiture of not less than $75 nor more than $200 together with the costs of prosecution. Each day will be considered a separate violation. The owner or occupant shall also be responsible for any labor and material costs incurred by the Town of Seymour to correct the violation or deficiency if the property owner or occupant is unwilling or unable to do so.