This chapter is adopted by virtue of the authority granted to the Borough by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, Act 247 of 1968, as amended by Act 170 of 1988 (53 P.S. § 10101 et seq., as may be amended from time to time).
"A chapter to establish zoning regulations for the use of land and structures, area of lots, bulk of buildings and other structures, the density of population, the provision of off-street parking and loading spaces and similar accessory regulations for the Borough of West Mifflin, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, and for such purposes to divide the Borough into zoning districts; and further, to provide for administrative enforcement and amendment thereof, in accordance with the provisions of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, and to repeal all ordinances or portions thereof in conflict therewith."
This chapter shall be known as the "West Mifflin Borough Zoning Ordinance." The map, showing the division of the Borough into the designated zoning districts, shall be known as the "West Mifflin Borough Zoning District Map." The said map shall be an integral part of this chapter.[1]
Editor's Note: The Zoning Map is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The zoning regulations and districts set forth in this chapter are made in accordance with the Twin Rivers Council of Governments Comprehensive Plan, dated December 2003, as amended, and are intended to achieve, among others, the following purposes:
Benefit the Twin Rivers COG in a real way.
Preserve, protect, or enhance the physical environment; specifically, farmlands, steep slopes, and riverfront areas deserve special attention.
Promote and improve the economic well-being of the area.
Enhance the TRCOG quality of life.
Make every effort to promote economic equity to all TRCOG communities.
Capitalize on existing resources, governmental and private.
This chapter is adopted to promote an orderly plan of development according to the Twin Rivers Council of Governments Comprehensive Plan, dated December 2003, including data on existing conditions, statements concerning the proposed plan and evaluations of implementation techniques. Such material shall be utilized, when necessary, to establish policy in the interpretation of this chapter.
Minimum and uniform regulations. The regulations set by this chapter within each district shall be minimum regulations and shall apply uniformly to each class or kind of structure or land.
For new uses and structures. In all districts, after the effective date of this chapter, any new building or other structure on any tract of land shall be constructed, developed and used only in accordance with the regulations specified for each district.
For existing uses and structures. In all districts after the effective date of this chapter, any existing building or other structure, or any tract of land which is not in conformity with the regulations for the district in which it is located, shall be deemed as nonconforming and subject to the regulations of Article VIII.
Type of control. The following minimum and uniform regulations shall apply in the respective districts: use regulations, including uses by right, conditional uses, accessory uses and uses by special exception; area and bulk regulations, including required front, side and rear yards; maximum permitted height and allowable lot coverage, and floor area ratio requirements in those districts in which they apply; off-street parking and loading regulations; sign regulations; and special regulations dealing with landscaping, storage, access and traffic control, lighting and slope areas, where applicable.
Municipal exemption. The Borough of West Mifflin is hereby exempt from the provisions of this chapter.
Types of districts. For the purpose of this chapter, the Borough of West Mifflin is hereby divided, or may be divided in the future, into the following districts:
General Purpose of District
R-1 Low-Density Residence District
For low-density single- and two-family uses
R-2 Medium-Density Residence District
For medium-density single- and multifamily uses
R-3 High-Density Residence District
For medium- and high-density multifamily uses
R-4 Mobile Home Park District
For mobile home parks
PRD Planned Residential Development
For low- to high-density single- and two-family and certain multifamily uses proposed according to a unit plan for not less than five acres
C-1 General Commercial District
For general service commercial functions in moderate commercial area concentrations
C-2 Shopping Center District
For planned commercial functions related to high-density commercial areas and shopping centers
I-1 Industrial District
For typical heavy industrial uses and all heavy manufacturing
I-2 Restricted Industrial District
For planned industrial parks, light industrial uses, distribution centers and research parks
WD Waterfront District
For carefully planned nonresidential uses along the Monongahela River
Adoption of Zoning Map.[1] The areas within the West Mifflin Borough limits as assigned to each district and the location of boundaries of the districts established by this chapter are shown on the Zoning Map, which is declared to be part of this chapter and shall be kept on file with the Borough Secretary. If, and whenever, changes are made in boundaries or other matter included on said Zoning Map, such changes in the map shall be made within five days after each amendment has been approved by the Borough Council.
Editor's Note: The Zoning Map is included as an attachment to this chapter.
District boundary lines. The district boundary lines shall be as shown on the Zoning Map. District boundary lines are intended to coincide with lot lines, center lines of streets, the limits of the Borough, or as dimensioned on the map. In case of doubt or disagreement concerning the exact location of the boundary line, the determination of the Zoning Hearing Board, as provided in Article IX, shall prevail.
Boundary tolerances. Where a district boundary line divides a lot held in single and separate ownership at the effective date of this chapter, the use regulations applicable to the more restrictive district shall apply.
Interpretations. In applying the provisions of this chapter, they shall be interpreted to the minimum requirements for the promotion of the public health, safety, and general welfare. It is not intended to interfere with, abrogate, or annul ordinances, rules, regulations, or permits previously adopted or issued, except as amended hereby, or which shall be adopted or issued pursuant to law relating to the use of buildings or land. Where this chapter imposes greater restrictions upon the use of a building or land or upon the height and bulk of a building, or prescribes larger open spaces than are required by such ordinances, rules, regulations or permits, this chapter shall control. The provisions of this chapter, the several kinds of regulations, and the prescribed requirements, in detail, applicable within the boundaries of the zoning districts as designated on the Zoning Map are designed to encourage equity as between owners of abutting or closely related lots or properties; to protect each so far as possible in the securing and retaining of adequate light and air; and to establish and maintain throughout neighborhoods a reasonable community standard of physical environments.
All land annexed to, or otherwise acquired for, the Borough after the effective date of this chapter shall be automatically classified as an R-1 Low-Density Residence District and shall remain so classified until a zoning plan for the annexed or acquired area has been adopted by the Borough Council. The Borough Planning Commission shall recommend to the Borough Council appropriate zoning for the annexed area within 90 days of the effective date of such annexation or acquisition.
The Tables of Dimension, Area and Bulk Standards are included at the end of this chapter.