In addition to the general goals listed in § 290-4, the districts established in this section are intended to achieve the following:
To provide sufficient space in appropriate locations for the various types of commercial and service establishments suggested in the Comprehensive Plan for West Mifflin Borough;
To provide appropriate space for the requirements of present-day merchandising, including the provisions of off-street parking spaces, safe circulation of pedestrian and motor traffic in the zone districts and in nearby areas; and
To promote the most desirable use of land and a pattern of building development in accord with a well-considered land use plan, to promote stable commercial development, to strengthen the economic base of the Borough, to protect the character of the commercial areas and nearby residential districts, to conserve the value of land and buildings, and to protect municipal tax revenues.
Specific intent. In addition to the general goals listed in the preamble and statement of intent, it is the purpose of this section to provide for the orderly commercial development commonly associated with the linear business areas of West Mifflin by concentrating the more intensive nonresidential uses in areas which are oriented to vehicular traffic.
Use regulations.
Uses by right, conditional uses and special exceptions for the C-1 General Commercial District are included in § 290-9 of this chapter.
Accessory uses. Only the following accessory uses shall be permitted: those accessory uses customarily incidental to the principal uses and including customary services are for the patrons of the building, and there is not external evidence of such services or signs advertising the same.
Uses in the C-1 District shall observe the area and bulk standards in § 290-11 of this chapter.
General provisions.
No merchandise shall be displayed, sold or otherwise made available between the street right-of-way lines.
All permitted uses (except parking areas and used car sales) shall be conducted wholly within enclosed buildings.
Off-street parking standards and requirements: as required by § 290-29A of this chapter.
Off-street loading regulations: as required by § 290-29B of this chapter.
Design and performance standards: as required by §§ 290-30 and 290-31 of this chapter.
Specific intent. In addition to the general goals listed in § 290-4 of this chapter, it is the purpose of this section to provide for a cohesive unit of commercial stores arranged and constructed according to a plan which will serve both the neighborhood and the regional needs of the Borough of West Mifflin. It is also necessary to provide for the regulations requiring landscaping as well as provisions covering submission of plans so that such areas may be made to blend with adjoining areas.
Use regulations.
Uses by right, conditional uses and special exceptions for the C-2 Shopping Center District are included in § 290-9 of this chapter.
Accessory uses. Only the following accessory uses shall be permitted: accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to the above uses.
Uses in the C-2 District shall observe the area and bulk standards in § 290-11 of this chapter.
Off-street parking regulations: same as § 290-29A of this chapter.
Off-street loading regulations: same as § 290-29B of this chapter.
Design and performance standards: as required by §§ 290-30 and 290-31 of this chapter.
General provisions. All permitted uses (except parking areas and used car sales) shall be conducted wholly within enclosed buildings.
The procedure for the consideration of shopping center development in any C-2 District or in any area to be rezoned to the C-2 District, together with the site improvements relating thereto, shall be in accordance with the provisions of this section.
It is the purpose of this section to benefit the applicant by providing such information and guidance as might be required before the applicant shall have entered into any building commitments or incurred any substantial expense in the preparation of plans, surveys and other data.
Establishment of ownership of land and buildings. The parcel, or parcels, shall be in full ownership or proof of option shall be furnished at the time of application, and the parcel shall be capable of supporting an integrated design of a complete shopping center within the boundary.
Application. The applicant shall be the owner of the site, or, if more than one owner, all owners shall act jointly. The applicant shall confer with the Planning Commission in connection with the preparation of the application and prior to the submission of the application. The applicant shall furnish the following:
A feasibility study, which should demonstrate the need and feasibility for the shopping facility, is required if requested by the Planning Commission and Council if such shopping facility will be in direct competition with other nearby established shopping centers or districts.
Facts concerning the proposed facilities and the provisions made for maintenance of the land and premises.
Overall development plans showing the kind, location, height, bulk, and use of all structures.
A site plan showing and identifying streets and all other means of vehicular and pedestrian circulation, provisions for parking and loading and the amount thereof, a general landscape plan, the position of all utilities, the provision for storage and screening of waste materials.
Phasing and timing of construction.
Other such data that the Planning Commission and/or Borough Council shall prescribe.
Submission to Council. The Planning Commission shall forward the application to Council, together with the written comments pertaining thereto, for action by Council. The application shall be submitted to Council not later than 60 days after final action by the Planning Commission.
Final approval. No building permits shall be issued until after the site plan and other required elements of the application shall have been formally approved by Council, including rezoning to the C-2 District, if required.
Establishment of development phasing. The applicant shall furnish the Planning Commission and the Building Inspector with a sequence of construction and development phasing. All construction and site development improvements shall be completed in any phase before permission and building permits are issued for the subsequent phase or phases.