Statement of intent. In addition to the general goals listed in § 290-4, it is the purpose of this section to provide industrial locations for plants which require a large area for their operations, and which are normally undesirable adjacent to residential and commercial areas. Residential uses are not permitted in industrial zone areas.
Use regulations.
Uses by right, conditional uses and special exceptions for the I-1 Industrial District are included in § 290-9 of this chapter.
Accessory uses. Only the following accessory uses shall be permitted:
Restaurant, cafeteria or recreational facilities for employees.
Customary accessory uses in manufacturing or industrial districts.
Uses in the I-1 District shall observe the area and bulk standards in § 290-11 of this chapter.
Tower and chimney location: 100 feet minimum from any lot line.
Off-street parking standards and requirements: as required by § 290-29A of this chapter.
Off-street loading requirements: as required by § 290-29B of this chapter.
Design and performance standards: as required by §§ 290-30 and 290-31 of this chapter.
General provisions. All permitted uses (except parking areas and used car sales) shall be conducted wholly within enclosed buildings.
Specific intent. In addition to the general goals listed in § 290-4, it is the purpose of this section to encourage light industrial development which is free from offensive noise, vibration, smoke, odors, glare, hazards of fire or other objectionable effects. Industries which can meet the standards imposed in this section shall be permitted to locate in districts adjacent to or near commercial and residential adjoining districts, provided that adequate landscaping and screening are provided.
Use regulations.
Uses by right, conditional uses and special exceptions for the I-2 Restricted Industrial District are included in § 290-9 of this chapter.
Accessory uses. Only the following accessory uses shall be permitted:
Restaurant, cafeteria or recreational facilities for employees.
Customary accessory uses in research-and-development-type districts.
Uses in the I-2 District shall observe the area and bulk standards in § 290-11 of this chapter.
Off-street parking standards and requirements: as required by § 290-29A of this chapter.
Off-street loading regulations: as required by § 290-29B of this chapter.
Design and performance standards: as required by §§ 290-30 and 290-31 of this chapter.
Site plan review: as required by § 290-65 of this chapter.
General provisions. All permitted uses (except parking areas and used car sales) shall be conducted wholly within enclosed buildings.
Specific intent. The WD Waterfront Development District is intended to facilitate the development of underutilized or vacant land including any former industrial sites along the Monongahela River for various uses, provided that the arrangement and design are carefully planned and implemented. It is the intent of these provisions to assure that:
Uses within the WD District are either compatible in scale, intensity, visual and operational characteristics or, if different, are so arranged that adverse impacts on adjacent properties are minimized.
All necessary utilities, facilities, and site improvements are provided in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 250, Subdivision and Land Development.
Negative impacts on the natural environment are to be avoided.
Provision is made for the safe movement of people, goods and vehicles without increasing congestion and/or creating hazards within the WD District or within the area of impact in the larger community.
The improvement of land and land uses within the WD District does not adversely affect existing development in adjacent areas.
Community development objectives. The WD District should be physically integrated with the larger community of which it is a part in the following ways:
A system of public and private streets should be designed and constructed in a way so as to ensure coordination with streets outside of the WD District.
All utilities should be designated and installed in a manner which ensures coordination with the infrastructure systems serving the Borough.
Physical access should be provided through the district in order to connect the larger community with the riverfront, and land at the riverfront should be developed for uses which are public or open to the public.
Land uses along the riverfront which permit public access to the river should be encouraged.
Conflict between provisions. Unless specifically modified, the provisions of Article VI, General Regulations, and Article VIII, Nonconforming Uses, Premises, Structures and Lots, and uses by special exception, shall apply to lots contained and uses occurring in the WD District.
Use regulations.
Uses by right, conditional uses and special exceptions for the WD Waterfront District are included in § 290-9 of this chapter.
Accessory uses:
Garage, carport, shed or building for storage of a boat, trailer, camper or similar recreational vehicle.
Uses in the WD shall adhere to the area and bulk standards found in § 290-11 of this chapter.
Off-street parking standards and requirements: as required by § 290-29A of this chapter.
Off-street loading regulations: as required by § 290-29B of this chapter.
Development plan requirements.
Application and intent. No building, structure or land within the WD District shall be constructed, reconstructed, converted or used except in accordance with an approved final land development plan. The intent of this requirement is to regulate the applicant in the selection of uses within the WD District, while assuring the protection of the general public health, safety and welfare.
Coordination of zoning regulations and subdivision and land development regulations.
Zoning provisions. The provisions of this section establish the uses that are permitted in the WD District, the size of structures and the scope of land use or development, requirements for off-street parking and loading, open spaces, landscaping, standards for operations, signs and other specific standards required of permitted uses.
Subdivision and land development provisions. Chapter 250, Subdivision and Land Development, establishes standards for determining that the land is suitable for the use(s) proposed; for the arrangement of uses, structures and open spaces within the WD District; for the design and improvement of public streets, private streets and other public facilities and improvements; requirements for drainage, utilities, community facilities and site improvements; and requirements for the reservation and dedication of recreational and open space area.
Preliminary land development plan. A preliminary plan for land development within the WD District shall include all contiguous real property within the Borough which is either currently under common ownership or control or proposed to be under common ownership or control and shall be submitted and processed in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 250, Subdivision and Land Development (procedure for a preliminary land development plan approval).
Final land development plan. Applications for final land development plan approval shall be submitted and processed in accordance with Chapter 250, Subdivision and Land Development.
If land is to be subdivided for transfer of ownership or if land is to be developed by an entity other than the applicant submitting the preliminary land development plan, the new owner or developer shall be entitled to file the final land development plan.
A preliminary land development plan approval may include only those portions of the total area encompassed by the preliminary land development plan for that portion. A change in the sequence of the proposed phasing of that portion intended for present development shall nonetheless be considered to be in accordance with the preliminary land development plan so long as the overall phasing shall remain in the final plan.
General provisions. All permitted uses (except parking areas and used car sales) shall be conducted wholly within enclosed buildings.